Meeting documents

County Council
Tuesday, 13 January 2009


To All Members of the County Council


Notice of a Meeting of the Council


Tuesday 13 January 2009 at 10.00 am


County Hall, Oxford


Joanna Simons

Chief Executive                                                                                                                                  

2 January 2009


Contact officer:          Marion Holyman

                                (Tel: 01865 810177; E-mail:


In order to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, notice is given that Items 3, 7 and 12 will be recorded.  The purpose of recording proceedings is to provide an aide-memoire to assist the clerk of the meeting in the drafting of minutes.

Members are asked to sign the attendance book which will be available in the corridor outside the Council Chamber.  A list of members present at the meeting will be compiled from this book.



(Schedule of Business & Annexes 1 & 2 - download as .doc file)

(Schedule of Business - Annex 3 - download as .pdf file)

1.                 Minutes

To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 27 November 2008 (CC1) and to receive for information any matters arising from them.


2.                 Apologies for Absence


3.                 Declarations of Interest – see guidance note


Members are reminded that they must declare their interests orally at the meeting and specify (a) the nature of the interest and (b) which items on the agenda are the relevant items.  This applies also to items where members have interests by virtue of their membership of a district council in Oxfordshire.


4.                 Official Communications


5.                 Appointments


To make any changes to the membership of the Cabinet, scrutiny and other committees on the nomination of political groups.


6.                 Petitions and Public Address


7.                 Questions with Notice from Members of the Public


8.                 County Council Meeting Dates 2009/10


At its meeting on 17 June 2008 the Council agreed the following dates for its meetings in 2009/10, based on a local election date of 7 May 2009:


2009                                                   2010

13 Jan                                                12 January

10 Feb                                                9 February

7 April

19 May (Annual Meeting)

23 June

8 September

3 November


In November the UK Parliament agreed a Government proposal that the date of the local elections in 2009 be moved to 4 June 2009 to coincide with the elections to the European Parliament.  It is necessary, therefore, to look again at the dates agreed for Council to meet in 2009.


Rule 1 (Annual Meeting of the Council) of the Council Procedure Rules in the Constitution stipulates that the Annual Meeting will take place on the second Tuesday after the day of retirement of Councillors or on such other day within twenty-one days after the day of retirement as the Council shall fix.  The second Tuesday after retirement would be 16 June 2009 and this date would allow for the least delay to the ordinary business of the Council as a whole.  In addition, the May date would no longer be required.


Normally in an election year there are seven meetings not six (six ordinary and one Annual Meeting).  A consequence of the proposal above is that by making the June date the Annual Meeting and deleting the May date it reduces by one the number of meetings where ordinary business can be conducted.


If Council is minded to agree the suggested changes then it will also be necessary to suspend Section (1) of The Full Council (Section D, page D1) that assumes 6 ordinary meetings in a year and Rule (2) of the Council Procedure Rules (Section D, page D4) that states that ‘Meetings of the Council other than the Annual Meeting will take place on the:…third Tuesday in June’


Following consultation with the Leaders of the Political Groups, Council is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)       agree to the suspension of Section (1) of The Full Council and Rule (2) of the Council Procedure Rules in the Constitution insofar as is necessary; and


(b)       agree the following amended dates for meetings of the Council in 2009/10:


2009                                                   2010

13 Jan                                                12 January

10 Feb                                               9 February

7 April

16 June (Annual Meeting)

8 September

3 November


9.                 Oxfordshire 2030 - Sustainable Community Strategy – a Partnership Plan for improving Quality of Life in Oxfordshire


The Cabinet has considered, at its meeting on 16 December 2008, a report (CC9) on Oxfordshire 2030, the Sustainable Community Strategy for the county. It has been developed by the Oxfordshire Partnership and sets out a long-term vision for improving quality of life for all our residents and businesses.


The priorities were developed through a process of analysis of data and consultation, which also fed into the development of the second local area agreement (LAA). It is therefore consistent with the Council’s own Corporate Plan and the Local Area Agreement.


Our strategic objectives are:


(a)               A world class economy

(b)               Healthy and thriving communities

(c)               Environment and climate change

(d)               Reducing inequalities and breaking the cycle of deprivation


The Cabinet RECOMMENDS Council to approve the Oxfordshire 2030: A partnership plan for improving quality of life in Oxfordshire.


10.             Appointment to South East England Councils


The Cabinet has considered, at its meeting on 16 December 2008, a report on the South East England Councils (SEEC). This body has been set up to work with the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA) on developing the Single Integrated Regional Strategy for the South East.


SEEC came into being on Friday, 12 December 2008 following a meeting of the Leaders of the 74 principal councils in the South East region, constituted on the basis that a member is nominated from each of the 74 principal councils in the South East region.


Under Section H of the Constitution, the Cabinet is responsible for appointments to those outside bodies which have been identified by the Cabinet as "strategic” and “noted as such on a list of all relevant offices and bodies from time to time presented to and endorsed by the Council".   (The Democracy & Organisation Committee has responsibility for appointments to other outside bodies.)


Since SEEC is a new body, it does not currently appear on the Council’s list of Outside Bodies and so no appointment to it has been made.


The Cabinet RECOMMENDS Council to add South East England Councils to the list of ‘strategic’ Outside Bodies to which the Cabinet makes appointments.


11.             Report of the Cabinet


Report of the Cabinet meetings on 18 November and 16 December 2008 (CC11).


12.             Questions with Notice from Members of the Council


Motions with Notice from Members of the Council




13.             Motion from Councillor Armitage


“Council notes that the Government has approved a further six per cent increase in First Great Western's regulated train fares from Oxfordshire stations with effect from January 2009.


Council further notes that rail fares from Oxford and Didcot are already among the highest per mile in the South East of England, and is concerned that the effects of another above-inflation increase will include increased use of private cars, at a time when Oxfordshire's councils and their partners are working to reduce carbon emissions and to improve air quality.  Increases in traffic on the on the local highway network at peak times could have a particularly serious effect on the implementation of the Local Transport Plan, business costs, pollution, serious accidents and quality of life for many in the county.


Council considers that with local residents feeling the effects of the financial crisis, it is unfair and short-sighted to increase the cost of rail fares, which the majority of rail users cannot avoid paying.


Council therefore asks the Leader to write to First Great Western and to the Secretary of State for Transport to protest at these increases, and to ask for an assurance that further above-inflation increases will not be introduced while the recession continues.”


14.             Motion from Councillor Zoé Patrick


Council notes that the worsening financial downturn is likely to hit Oxfordshire along with other parts of the country. This requires the council to use its community leadership role, to be at the forefront of actions to help keep the economy moving and assist those who could lose their jobs, along with young people seeking their first job, as well as other vulnerable people, families and businesses.


Council therefore asks the Cabinet, working with other partners in the Oxfordshire Economic Partnership, to come up with an action plan for how the County Council and the Partnership can offer practical help to local residents and businesses.


Council suggests the full range of issues to be addressed will include:


(a)               A re-evaluation of public spending priorities

(b)               Actions to keep public and private sector capital projects going

(c)               Income maximisation programmes for residents, including take up of benefits

(d)               Implementation of programmes for young people to gain work experience

(e)               Debt advice to residents and businesses

(f)                 Advice and assistance for older people, including on fuel poverty.”


15.             Motion from Councillor Jean Fooks


“Council notes the public concern about possible risks to public health and to the environment from the proposed waste-to-energy plants in Oxfordshire. Although the statutory bodies for assessment of this risk are the Health and Safety Executive and the Environment Agency, rather than the Council itself, Council feels that it would be wise to request an independent assessment of these risks before deciding to proceed with the procurement of either plant.  


Council therefore asks the Cabinet to commission such an assessment so that the public can have confidence that their fears are being taken seriously before any final decision is taken.”


16.             Motion from Councillor Liz Brighouse


"This Council


(a)               expresses deep concern about the possibility that Oxford citizens could be left without a community hospital while community hospitals continue to be provided in areas of lower population density and social need;


(b)               asks the Chairman of the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee to write to the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust and the Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust:


(i)                 expressing the Council’s concern,

(ii)               asking them to advise the Scrutiny Committee whether other hospitals affected by Clostridium Difficile infection have had to be closed down,

(iii)             asking them to advise the Scrutiny Committee whether it is their intention to use the Churchill site primarily for the direct provision of health care or, alternatively, to expand research facilities on the site,

(iv)              requesting an assurance that they will provide a community hospital in Oxford, for example on the Churchill site or (through negotiation with the University) on the Old Infirmary site;


(c)               asks that, if the trusts do not provide the Scrutiny Committee with the information requested in accordance with (b)(ii) and (b)(iii) and the assurance requested in accordance with (b)(iv), it should summon their Chief Executives to its March meeting to explain why.”


17.             Motion from Councillor John Sanders


            "This Council:


(a)               shares the Cabinet’s ambition to make Oxford a more pleasant city for pedestrians;


(b)               notes, however, that Oxford residents living east of The Plain – including older people, people with disabilities and parents with pushchairs – need access to the city centre so that they can work, shop and enjoy their city’s heritage;


(c)               asks the Cabinet to explain how its proposals to transform the city centre can be implemented without forcing people to take two buses rather than one, making people walk long distances to bus stops and turning The Plain into a bus station.”


18.             Motion from Councillor Liz Brighouse


            "This Council asks the Cabinet to review the Fair Funding Formula for schools in the light of the following statement in the Annual Performance Assessment of the council’s children’s services published by Ofsted on 17 December 2008: “Delegated school funding does not fully reflect the council’s priorities for areas of disadvantage.” (p. 7).”


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