

To Members of the Planning & Regulation Committee
Notice of a Meeting of the Planning & Regulation Committee

Monday 26 March 2007 at 2.00 pm

County Hall, Oxford

Derek Bishop
Head of Democratic Services

March 2007

Contact officer:          Graham Warrin Tel: 01865 815321;
E-Mail: graham.warrington@oxfordshire.gov.uk


Chairman – Councillor Steve Hayward

Deputy Chairman – Councillor Tony Crabbe


Alan Armitage

Jean Fooks

Mrs Catherine Fulljames

Timothy Hallchurch MBE

Hilary Hibbert-Biles

Ray Jelf

Terry Joslin

Olive McIntosh-Stedman

David Nimmo-Smith

Chip Sherwood

Lawrie Stratford

David Turner

Nicholas P. Turner



·         Date of next meeting: 21 May 2007

If you have any special requirements (such as a large print version of these papers or special access facilities) please contact the officer named on the front page, but please give as much notice as possible before the meeting.


1.                  Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments

2.                  Declarations of Interest see guidance note

3.                  Minutes

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 19 February 2007 (PN3) and to receive for information any matters arising therefrom.

4.                  Petitions and Public Address

5.                  Erection of a translucent polythene dome  (for use part of the year during adverse weather conditions) over existing tennis courts for a temporary period of five years at King Alfred’s School (West Site), Challow Road Wantage Application No. V.11/06

Report by Head of Sustainable Development (PN5)

This application is for the erection of a translucent polythene dome (known as a Airhall)  to cover the existing tennis court area to the front of the King Alfred School West site.  Permission is sought for a temporary period of five years to allow the school time to investigate the provision of permanent indoor recreational accommodation.  The main issues in this case are the visual impact of the Airhall on the surrounding area and neighbouring residents, and whether there would be any nuisance caused to the residential amenities of neighbouring properties by its operation.  The school have indicated that this indoor provision is needed to meet the school’s physical education curriculum as a Specialist Sports College.  As the structure is of a temporary nature and its installation and use would be restricted by conditions, along with other measures to mitigate the impact of the development, the proposal is considered acceptable.

The Committee is RECOMMENDED to approve Application No. V.11/06 for the erection of a translucent polythene dome (for use during adverse weather conditions) for a temporary period of 5 years, subject to conditions to cover the following matters:

1.      Detailed compliance – that the development must be carried out strictly in accordance with the application and plans accompanying.

2.      Temporary permission – that after five years the Airhall shall be removed from the site and the tennis courts reinstated to their original condition.

3.      That the Airhall be used for school purposes only and shall not be used during out of school hours.

4.      Landscaping/tree planting scheme to be agreed – to include the requirement for evergreen species to be planted as part of the agreed scheme.

5.      Tree protection measures – that all trees to be retained are to be protected during works to install the dome.

6.      That the Airhall shall not be installed before 31 October in any one year and shall be dismantled by Easter in the following year.

7.      That no additional lighting shall be installed.

6.                  Erection of single storey extension to foundation stage building to provide new foundation stage classroom and entrance lobby. Construction of a new 4 classroom block. Erection of an extension to provide improved staff room facilities, erection of an external link corridor plus internal alterations to the entrance, reception and office area at Harriers Ground Primary School, Bloxham Road, Banbury Application No C.11/06

Report by Head of Sustainable Development (PN6)

This application is for a single storey extension to the foundation stage building to provide a new foundation stage classroom and entrance lobby.  It also involves the construction of a new 4 classroom block, the erection of an extension to provide improved staff room facilities, erection of an external link corridor plus internal alterations to the entrance, reception and office area at Harriers Ground Primary School. This proposal is part of a wider strategy for Primary School provision in Banbury as a result of the increasing housing development in the town now and in the immediate future. The issue which has caused concern is whether the additional traffic and significant parking implications that arise as a result of the development would be of significant detriment to local residential amenity.  There are no objections to the principle of extending the school or to the design of the extensions.  Although there are traffic concerns in relation to this particular proposal on balance, provided mitigation measures are incorporated into the scheme by the inclusion of conditions this proposal is acceptable. 

The Committee is RECOMMENDED to grant planning permission for Application No. C.11/06 (Erection of single storey extension to foundation stage building to provide new foundation stage classroom and entrance lobby.  Construction of a new 4 classroom block.  Erection of an extension to provide improved staff room facilities, erection of an external link corridor plus internal alterations to the entrance, reception and office area), subject to conditions to be determined by the Head of Sustainable Development but to include the following matters:

1.                 That the development must be carried out strictly in accordance with the particulars contained in the application and plans accompanying (which includes removal of the car park proposals on the recreation ground).

2.                 That the development must be begun no later than 3 years from the date of this permission.

3.                 External materials to be agreed – samples of the exterior materials proposed to be used to be submitted and approved before development begins.

4.                 Tree Protection Measures – that no development shall take place until all retained trees on the site which are to be retained and which are adjacent to or within the development area have been protected.

5.                 That the hours of access for construction traffic shall be agreed before the start of works on the site. 

6.                 That the site be landscaped and planted with trees and shrubs in accordance with a comprehensive planting and landscaping scheme first approved by the Head of Sustainable Development.

7.                 That all approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting season following the occupation of the buildings or the completion of development, whichever is sooner.

8.                 That the existing School Travel Plan be updated to take account of the new development.  The updated Travel Plan should be put into operation prior to occupation of the new extensions.

9.                 That a scheme for the provision of adequate, convenient, secure and covered cycle parking shall be submitted and approved and put in place before occupation of the new extensions.

10.             That details of improvements/extensions to the existing pedestrian guard rail on Harriers View to be submitted, approved and implemented before occupation of the new extensions.

11.             That details of alterations to the existing pedestrian access arrangements into the site to be submitted, approved and implemented before occupation of the new extension.

12.             The following informatives:

Fire Precautions Informative – The scheme should accord with the County Council’s policy relating to the appropriate level of fire precautions in accordance with current building regulations legislation.

Highway Informative - The formation of a new pedestrian access to the site from Bloxham Road to be investigated.

Archaeological Informative – If archaeological finds do occur during development, the County Archaeologist shall be notified in order that he may visit the site and advise as necessary.

Bat Informative – If bats are found to be present at any time during the development work shall stop immediately, the County Ecologist shall be notified in order that he may visit the site and advise as necessary.

7.                  Authority for further action in relation to non-compliance With the terms of the Injunction requiring removal of Unauthorised waste deposited at Waterstock Golf Course, Waterstock

Report by Head of Sustainable Development (PN7)

The terms of a High Court Order dated 18 July 2006 require Wyatt Bros (Oxford) Ltd to remove the unauthorised deposit of waste materials at Waterstock Golf Course by 31 March 2007 and to seed the reinstated land by 30 April 2007. The site has been monitored over the period for compliance and there has been no evidence of any waste having been removed.  There is very little prospect of the site having been cleared of the waste by the deadline of 31 March 2007, and it is proposed therefore to collect evidence after that date to support a claim to the High Court to demonstrate that the terms of the injunction have not been complied with. In the face of the continuing flagrant breach of the law authority is sought to approve this proposed course of action.

It is RECOMMENDED that the Director for Environment & Economy be  authorised to instruct the County Solicitor to take such action as is necessary to seek the further sanction of the High Court with regard to non-compliance with the terms of the Court Order dated 18 July 2006 relating to land at Waterstock Golf Course.

8.                  Application to increase waste input of Existing 10,000 sq m composting facility from 15,000 tonnes per year to 24,999 tonnes per year.  Facility to accept green waste and animal bedding at Crowmarsh Battle Farm, Crowmarsh Gifford Application P07/W0148/CM

Report by Head of Sustainable Development (PN8)

This application seeks to increase the capacity of an existing open windrow composting facility currently processing 15,000 tonnes per year of green waste collected via kerbside collections within Oxfordshire to 24,999 tonnes per year and to include some waste animal bedding. The physical size of this site would remain at the existing 10,000m˛. All of the compost produced is, and would continue to be, used on the adjacent farmland. The application site is set in an isolated location in the open countryside. The main issues are its location in the open countryside, the need for the development, the transport impacts and whether local environmental impacts can be adequately managed. Composting can only practically be accommodated in the open countryside and the compost is proposed to be used on adjacent farmland. Transport impacts could be overcome by a routeing agreement and by signage at the site entrance to that effect. There is a need for more composting facilities regionally as well as locally to improve recycling efficiency, and meet recycling targets. Potential local environmental impacts such as smell would not be significant and could be adequately mitigated against and controlled through conditions.

It is RECOMMENDED subject to a routeing agreement to grant planning permission for Application P07/W0148/CM subject to conditions in accordance with the heads of conditions set out below.

1.             Limited period for 7 years.

2.             Compliance condition.

3.             Commencement date.

4.             Operating hours.

5.             Site used for composting only.

6.             Green waste and animal bedding only.

7.             Windrows to not exceed 3 metres.

8.             No floodlighting.

9.             Existing vegetation to be retained.

10.        Planting scheme required.

11.        Sign erected at site showing agreed routes.

12.        Bund specifications (including height, angles and maintenance requirements).

13.        Odour control.

14.        Effective silencers.

15.        Noise control.

Informatives - Annual waste throughput limited to 24,999 tonnes.

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