Agenda and minutes

Supporting People Commissioning Body - Friday, 11 December 2009 10.30 am

Venue: County Hall, Oxford, OX1 1ND

Contact: Sue Whitehead Tel: (01865) 810262  E-mail:

No. Item


Governance of Supporting People in the Light of New Oxfordshire Partnership Arrangements


Minutes pdf icon PDF 96 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 4 September 2009 (SP3) and to receive for information any matters arising therefrom.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 4 September 2009 were approved and signed subject to the correction of ‘them self’ on page 3 to read ‘themselves’.


Review of Partnerships: Amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Members met informally on 17 June prior to meetings of the Health and Well Being Partnership Board and the Public Service Board.


Members decided for the first time to ask officers to send a formal communication to the Public service Board on the partnership’s behalf setting out their shared belief that the Supporting people Commissioning Body should continue with its current responsibilities.


Members will be aware this is indeed the final outcome of the long discussions about the future governance of Supporting People.


The Core Strategy Group discussed at its meetings in May and November how the partnership could best address issues raised during the Review of Partnership about:


·               Lack of involvement of service users in decision making

·               Inadequate arrangements for conflict resolution


A paper is attached (SP4) setting out the Core Strategy Group’s proposals for how members might address these issues in relation to the Commissioning Body. A copy of the memorandum is attached as an Annex.


This paper shows that officers were unable to produce a set of recommendations which may meet unanimous approval by the members of the Commissioning Body. The Core Strategy Group has now amended its own terms of reference to include two representatives of service users within its membership, and also officers connected with the Children’s trust and the Safer Communities thematic partnerships.


The Core Strategy Group RECOMMENDS that the Commissioning Body consider whether the Memorandum of Understanding should be amended to:


(a)         include mechanisms to facilitate meaningful involvement of representatives of service users in the work of the Commissioning Body.

(b)         Provide that in the event of the Commissioning Body failing to reach a unanimous decision at one meeting, it may make a majority decision on the same matter at the next meeting.

Additional documents:


The Commissioning Body considered a report (SP4) setting out the Core Strategy Group’s proposals for how members might address the following issues in relation to the Commissioning Body.


·              Lack of involvement of service users in decision making

·              Inadequate arrangements for conflict resolution


The Commissioni9ng Body noted that officers were unable to produce a set of recommendations which may meet unanimous approval by the members of the Commissioning Body. The Core Strategy Group had now amended its own terms of reference to include two representatives of service users within its membership, and also officers connected with the Children’s Trust and the Safer Communities thematic partnerships.


During discussion members of the Commissioning Body expressed themselves satisfied with the existing decision making mechanism feeling that unanimity was preferable to a majority decision. It was felt that existing mechanisms for resolving conflict were sufficient. Fennella Trevillion in supporting this view highlighted the possibility of the Commissioning Body coming under criticism if a situation was reached where a consensus could not be found.


With regard to representation by service users it was not felt appropriate for the Commissioning Body. It was open to members of the public to address the Commissioning Body. Service user representatives were included on the Core Strategy Group and this Group fed into the Commission Body meetings. In addition service users were involved via the forum and through involvement in individual programmes. Nick Welch added that user involvement was a very strong element in social care and it was important that the Commissioning Body was able to acknowledge that strong service user involvement existed through the mechanisms mentioned. If service users wished to address the Commissioning Body he would work with them to ensure their voice was effectively and properly heard.


It was agreed that the Memorandum of Understanding remain unchanged.


Supporting People Budget Report 2009-10 pdf icon PDF 43 KB

Copies of the latest figures showing programme spend at 31 October 2009 broken down by client group are attached at SP5. The report also shows movements within the budget during the first six months of the year. A commentary on these movements is attached at Annex 1 and further detail by client group and service at Annex 2.

Additional documents:


The Commissioning Body considered a report (SP5) giving the  latest figures showing programme spend at 31 October 2009 broken down by client group.


In noting the report the Commissioning Body agreed that the budget for offenders reflect the agreed allocation.


Annual Plan 2009-10 - Progress Report pdf icon PDF 19 KB

 A table is attached at SP6a showing progress against the Annual Plan and a report attached at SP6b gives further information about any items in the Annual Plan which the administering authority is not on track to deliver.

Additional documents:


The Commissioning Body noted information showing progress against the Annual Plan and a report giving further information about any items in the Annual Plan which the administering authority was not on track to deliver. The Commissioning Body asked that the report be provided in colour to future meetings.


The Commissioning Body congratulated Natalia Lachkou on her new position as Programme Manager.


There was some discussion of the Wet House project and Graham Stratford indicated that he felt that funding would be secured. There was a timing issue. Nick Welch gave an update on the Alert Project. The Chairman noted that users had been under stress for some time and she hoped that this would be in place as soon as possible with discussions being held with each of the sheltered accommodation units. Nick Welch replied that meetings would be held with the forum in the New Year and other arrangements were in place to hear residents concerns.





Annual Report 2008-09 pdf icon PDF 54 KB

A short, draft Annual Report is attached at SP7, which gives comprehensive information about the programme in respect of 2008-09. A full length version is also attached as an Annex. Printed copies will be made available to members in due course.

Additional documents:


The Commissioning Body noted the draft Annual Report which gave comprehensive information about the programme in respect of 2008-09.


It was noted that a number of presentational issues were being corrected and a colour copy of the report would be re-circulated to members of the Supporting People Commissioning Body.


It was noted that although the national and regional analysis was complete for the Annual Report no figures were available for the current year as up to date information had not been supplied by Government.


Services to People with Mental Health Problems pdf icon PDF 167 KB

The Core Strategy Group at its late November meeting considered the report ‘Update on Mental Health Project: From Supported to Independent Living’.


The county council together with NHS Oxfordshire is now leading a project to develop a joint strategy and joint procurement covering services currently funded by the Supporting people programme as well as by NHS Oxfordshire.


A full-time, dedicated project manager, Angelo Fernandes, has been recruited to carry out this piece of work. The post is funded by Supporting People and will enable the programme to achieve the 15% savings in 2010-11 included in the 2008-11 Strategy.


The Project Initiation Document for this piece of work is attached at SP8. 


The Commissioning Body noted a Project Initiation Document (SP8) for a project to develop a joint strategy and joint procurement covering services currently funded by the Supporting people programme as well as by NHS Oxfordshire.




Dates of Meetings

Following the agreed pattern meeting dates have been arranged on the following Fridays with a start time of 10:30am:




26 March (Meeting Room 3, County Hall)

18 June

17 September

10 December



25 March



The Commissioning Body agreed the following dates for meetings:




26 March (Meeting Room 3, County Hall)

18 June

17 September

10 December




25 March


The Chairman referred to the member of the public in attendance and asked that in future the usual item on ‘Petitions and public address’ be included on the agenda.