Agenda item

Work Programme

11:40 am


Two suggestions have been received from members of the public.  These suggestions have been considered by the Corporate Policy and Review Manager and in accordance with the Constitution are now placed before the Committee to determine whether they should be taken forward as part of its Work Programme .  Attached are two proposal forms (GI7 (documents (A) &  (B)).  Mr Day and Mr Draper have both indicated that they will attend to speak to their suggestions.


The Head of Transport has requested Scrutiny involvement in the evaluation of the County Council’s arrangements for winter maintenance of roads and footways.  The proposal form is attached (GI7 document C).


The Committee considered Scrutiny Proposal Form GI7(A) in relation to a suggestion by Mr. A. R. Day for a review of planning, waste management, sustainable development and energy policies.  (Information from Mr. Day had been made available to members in the Members’ Resource Centre).


Mr. Day addressed the meeting in support of his suggestion.  He circulated a copy of his presentation to members. 


The Chairman thanked Mr. Day who then responded to questions about his suggestion. 


Ms. Bailey then introduced the Proposal Form and drew members’ attention in particular to Note 1 which set out the reasons for the recommendation. 


The Director for Environment & Economy confirmed that the applicants had appealed the decision by the Council’s Planning & Regulation Committee to refuse permission for an incinerator at Ardley.  It was expected that the appeal would be heard in July 2010. 


The Assistant Head of Finance (Procurement) outlined the procurement process and current position.


Following debate it was AGREED (on a motion by Councillor Greene, duly seconded and carried by 6 votes to 3) not to take any further action on this proposal for the reasons outlined in Note 1 attached to the Form.



The Committee then considered Scrutiny Proposal Form GI7(B) in relation to a suggestion by Mr. R. Draper for a review of planning, waste management, sustainable development and energy policies.  (Information from Mr. Draper had been made available to members in the Members’ Resource Centre).


Mr. Draper addressed the meeting in support of his suggestion.  He commented on the consultation process, the legal framework, the proposed financial underpinnings of the proposed incinerator and the Scrutiny Committee’s role.


The Chairman thanked Mr. Draper.  


Ms. Bailey then introduced the Proposal Form and drew members’ attention in particular to Note 1 which set out the reasons for the recommendation. 


The Director for Environment & Economy confirmed that there was a preferred bidder for residual waste treatment but no contract at present.  Mr. Smith outlined the current legal position.  


Following debate Councillor Purse moved and Councillor Tanner seconded a select committee style review of alternative technologies to incineration, including those raised at this meeting but focusing mainly on approved technologies.  The motion was lost by 6 votes to 3.


It was AGREED (on a motion by Councillor Nimmo-Smith, seconded by Councillor Mathew and carried by 6 votes to 3) not to take any further action on this proposal for the reasons outlined in the Form and in Note 1 attached to the report.



The Committee then considered Scrutiny Proposal Form GI7(C) in relation to a request by the Head of Transport  for scrutiny involvement in the evaluation of the Council’s arrangements for winter maintenance of roads and footways. 


Mr. Howell gave the background to the request.  Councillor Rose, Cabinet Member for Transport Implementation expressed his support for the suggestion. 


It was AGREED (on a motion by Councillor Greene, seconded by Councillor Nimmo-Smith and carried by 7 votes to 0, Councillor Mathew having abstained) to set up a working group (comprising Councillors Gibbard, Lindsay-Gale and Purse) to work with officers on this issue. 

Supporting documents: