Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 28 February 2006


Notice of Meeting

Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee Tuesday 28 February 2006 at 10.00 am at County Hall, Oxford


Chairman – Councillor Mrs Anda Fitzgerald O’Connor

Deputy Chairman – Councillor Keith Stone


Jean Fooks

Deborah Glass Woodin

Sue Haffenden


Steve Hayward

Hilary Hibbert-Biles

Zoe Patrick


Bill Service

Val Smith

Lawrie Stratford


Melinda Tilley

David Turner

Carol Viney

Co-opted Members:

Mr Chris Bevan

Mr Ben Jackson

Mrs Sue Matthew


Ms Bernadine Spencer



Notes: Lunch will be served for all Members at 1.00 pm in Committee Room 3.

What does this Committee review or scrutinise?

  • Services for children, young people and families; preventative services; child protection; family support, educational policy
  • Primary & secondary schools; special education; pupil services; school transport; music service
  • Conduct of best value reviews as specified in Paragraph 9 of Schedule 2 to the Functions Regulations

How can I have my say?

We welcome the views of the community on any issues in relation to the responsibilities of this Committee. Members of the public may ask to speak for up to 5 minutes on any item on the agenda or may suggest matters which they would like the Committee to look at.

For more information about this Committee please contact:

Chairman - Councillor Mrs Anda Fitzgerald O’Connor

Committee Officer - Deborah Mitchell, Tel: (01865) 815463

For Scrutiny Review Officers contact - Julia Baird, Tel: (01865) 815029

Derek Bishop
Head of Democratic Services

February 2006

About the County Council

The Oxfordshire County Council is made up of 74 councillors who are democratically elected every four years. The Council provides a range of services to Oxfordshire’s 622,000 people. These include:

  • schools
  • social & health care
  • libraries and museums
  • the fire service
  • roads
  • trading standards
  • land use
  • transport planning
  • waste management
  • The Council employs 18,840 people. Each year the Council manages £0.7 billion of public money in providing these services. Most decisions are taken by a Cabinet of 10 Councillors, which makes decisions about service priorities and spending.

    About Scrutiny

    Scrutiny is about:

    • Providing a challenge to the Cabinet
    • Examining how well the Cabinet and the Authority are performing
    • Influencing the Cabinet on decisions that affect local people
    • Helping the Cabinet to develop Council policies
    • Representing the community in Council decision making
    • Promoting joined up working across the authority’s work

    Scrutiny is NOT about:

    • Making day to day service decisions
    • Investigating individual complaints.

    Five Scrutiny committees ‘scrutinise’ or review and challenge decisions made by the Cabinet and help it develop Council policies. There are Scrutiny Committees for:

    • Corporate Governance
    • Children’s Services
    • Environment & Economy
    • Community Safety
    • Health & Community Services

    There is also a Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee which brings together councillors from the County and the five district councils in Oxfordshire to scrutinise health issues.

    What does this Committee do?

    The Committee meets up to 6 times a year or more. It develops a work programme, which lists the issues it plans to investigate. These investigations can include whole committee investigations undertaken during the meeting, or reviews by a panel of members doing research and talking to lots of people outside of the meeting. Once an investigation is completed the Committee provides its advice to the Cabinet, the full Council or other scrutiny committees. Meetings are open to the public and all reports are available to the public unless exempt or confidential, when the items would be considered in closed session.


    1. Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments

    2. Declarations of Interest see guidance note

    3. Minutes
    4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 13 December 2005 (CH3) and to note for information any matters arising on them.

    5. Speaking to or Petitioning the Committee

    6. Children & Young People’s Plan
    7. 10:10

      Background Information:

      On 22 June 2005 the Cabinet approved a draft outline CYPP for consultation and further development. At that meeting the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People gave an undertaking that the draft would be referred for comment to this Committee before a revised draft of the CYPP is presented to Cabinet in October for approval for wider consultation.

      On 22 September 2005, this Committee considered the Children & Young People’s Plan and forwarded a number of detailed comments on the consultation document to the Cabinet for consideration.

      On 7 March 2006, the Cabinet will be recommended, subject to consideration of any comments on the part of this Committee, to make recommendations to the Council as to the adoption of the Plan.

      Why has it been included?

      To enable this Committee to comment on the report prior to consideration by the Cabinet.

      How and when is the Committee going to deal with it?

      During a one meeting session.

      The Committee is asked to consider what advice, if any, to offer to the Cabinet.


      Who is going to take part in this piece of work?

      All Members of the Committee.

      Ms Gillian Tee, Head of Children’s Services will attend to give a brief presentation on the outcome of the consultation on the draft Plan and to answer any questions which the Committee may wish to ask.

      Work to be done prior to the meeting:

      Members are asked to consider the report CH5, in preparation of the discussion. A copy of the Plan has been sent to all Members of the Scrutiny Committee under separate cover. A copy of the Plan will be available for public inspection and is also available on the County Council’s website or from Deborah Mitchell on (01865) 815463, or

      Documents Members should bring to the meeting:


    8. Children & Young People’s Board
    9. 10:40

      Background Information:

      By April 2006, most local authorities should have what the government have termed "Children’s Trust" arrangements in place to improve outcomes for all children, young people and families through more integrated services, strategies and processes, including, where appropriate, joint commissioning and pooling of budgets.

      The Best Value Review of Services for Vulnerable Children and Young People, 2004/05, initially proposed the establishment of a Children and Young People’s Commissioning Trust by April 2006.

      Work to develop detailed proposals over the past year has included a review of national guidance, a review of approaches being developed elsewhere in England, seminars with partner agencies and a series of interviews with senior officers.

      In October 2005, the Cabinet, on the recommendation of the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee, agreed broad proposals to take forward the principle of the Commissioning Trust in the form of a Children and Young People’s Board, requesting that officers undertake further detailed work in consultation with partner agencies. This paper reports back on the work programme.

      Why has it been included?

      To enable this Committee to comment on the report prior to consideration by the Cabinet.

      How is the Committee going to deal with it?

      During a one meeting session.

      The Committee is asked to consider what advice, if any, to offer to the Cabinet.

      Who is going to take part in this piece of work?

      All Members of the Committee.

      Ms Sarah Breton, Children’s Trust Project Manager will attend to give a brief presentation outlining proposals to establish a board and answer any questions which the Committee may wish to ask.

      Work to be done prior to the meeting:

      Members are asked to consider the report CH6, in preparation of the discussion.

      Documents Members should bring to the meeting:


    10. Locality Working and Integrated Support Services for Children, Young People & Families
    11. 11:10

      Background Information:

      DfES guidance (2004) indicates that "local areas should move towards service delivery by multi disciplinary teams that bring together relevant professionals in places easily accessible to children, young people and families".

      In October 2005 the Cabinet received a report outlining proposals for the development of local, multi-disciplinary teams across Oxfordshire building on the learning from pilot programmes and other multi agency work, including the Best Value Review of Services for Vulnerable Children and Young People completed by the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee in September 2005. In line with the Scrutiny Committee’s recommendation, the Cabinet approved the proposals for wide consultation, subject to the outcome being reported to the Scrutiny Committee and the Cabinet in the New Year.

      Feedback from children, young people and families highlights the need for more direct support from frontline services working together more effectively. They highlight the need to reduce the number of different assessments which they receive and to have a named professional who can get to know them and develop a relationship with them over time. Professionals themselves report that they can feel frustrated that, while services are all working under pressure, there can be duplication of work and difficulties of communication between agencies.

      It is proposed that children, young people and families in all areas of the county should have access to a local, multi-disciplinary team which is able to provide more direct and co-ordinated support to meet their needs. Children, young people and families will be involved in the development of the local teams to ensure that they are customer-focussed and responsive to needs.

      Officers were asked to consult on the proposed framework for multi-disciplinary teams. The report sets out the outcome of the consultation and next steps.


      Why has it been included?

      To enable this Committee to comment on the report prior to consideration by the Cabinet.

      How is the Committee going to deal with it?

      During a one meeting session.

      The Committee is asked to consider what advice, if any, to offer to the Cabinet.

      Who is going to take part in this piece of work?

      All Members of the Committee.

      Ms Sandra Bingham, Assistant Head of Service (Children & Young People) will attend to give a brief presentation outlining proposals to develop local, multi-disciplinary teams across Oxfordshire and answer any questions which the Committee may wish to ask.

      Work to be done prior to the meeting:

      Members are asked to consider the report CH7, in preparation of the discussion.

      Documents Members should bring to the meeting:


    12. Stability of Placements for Children Looked After Scrutiny Review


    Background Information:

    The former Social & Health Care Scrutiny Committee undertook a Review of the Stability of Foster Care Placements. The purpose of the Review was to:

    • establish the current situation in Oxfordshire and the Council’s policies on placement;
    • establish the statistics concerning the breakdown of placements;
    • establish whether there was any way of improving the likelihood of successful foster care placements;
    • ensure that adequate support was available and given to support foster carers and the children being fostered and to ensure that inappropriate placements were not being made to foster care;
    • make comparisons with best policy and practice in other local authorities and to incorporate these into Oxfordshire’s policy and practice so that "looked after children" had the best chances of stable placements which should improve their life chances.

    The Review was prompted in the knowledge that the service for "Looked after children" was good but that it could be even better. The Review was informed by a range of evidence outlined in the Executive summary to the report.

    The main findings were around the need for more and/or better:

    • Recruitment of foster carers.
    • Training & payment for skills of foster carers.
    • Placement choice.
    • Support for foster carers and the children.
    • Involvement & consultation with the children themselves.
    • "Specialised" foster care.
    • Supported lodgings and leaving care housing provision.
    • Financial remuneration for foster carers.

    The recommendations focus on these main findings.

    The Scrutiny Committee was keen that the Review should be completed in sufficient time to have an impact on the implementation plan for the Social & Health Care Directorate’s "Placement Matters" strategy. The timing of this work coming before the Cabinet means that it will be able to do so.

    On 12 July 2005, this Scrutiny Committee agreed the report of the review group as submitted and referred it to the cabinet for consideration.

    On 19 July, the Cabinet resolved to endorse the response of the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People (attached at CH8) (download as .doc file)

    Why has it been included?

    At its Meeting on 3 November 2005, this Committee agreed to ask the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People to report back on the progress thus far in implementing the Review’s recommendations.

    The Committee is asked to question the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families in relation to the progress of implementing the Review recommendations that the (then) Executive endorsed.

    How is the Committee going to deal with it?

    By means of a question and answer session.

    When are they going to do it?

    During this meeting.

    Who is going to take part in this piece of work?

    All Members of this Committee and the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families.

    Work to be done prior to the meeting:

    Members are asked to consider the response attached at CH8 (download as .doc file) in preparation for the discussion.

    A copy of the full Scrutiny Review has been sent out to all Members of this Committee. A copy of this report will be available for public inspection and is also available on the County Council’s website or from Deborah Mitchell on (01865) 815463, or

    Documents Members should bring to the meeting:

    Members may wish to bring their copy of the full Scrutiny Review to the meeting.

    1. Evaluation of Use of School Premises for Community Purposes Scrutiny Review ("Room at School")


    Background Information:

    The former Learning & Culture Scrutiny Committee undertook a scrutiny review into The Use of School Premises for Community Purposes. The Review Group had been appointed to identify local community needs for access to school facilities, assess the degree of non-school usage and report back on key findings.

    The Scrutiny Review Panel comprised of Councillors Andrew Brown, Mrs Anda Fitzgerald-O’Connor and Dr Athene Reiss.

    On 1 June 2004, the Executive considered the review report and resolved to ask the Director for Learning & Culture to arrange for the report to be considered by the Extended Schools Strategy Group and to report back to the Executive at the earliest opportunity with a prioritised action plan.

    On 7 September 2004, the Executive considered a report (EX13) which commented on each of the review's 18 recommendations in the light of consideration by the Extended Schools Strategy Group and set out an overall action plan in response. A second group of actions would be taken forward through the Capital Programme and Asset Management Plan Steering Group.

    The Executive resolved: to:

    • welcome the recommendations of the Scrutiny Review Report "Room at School" and thank the members of the Review Group and the officers supporting them for the work they have done on the Review;
    • endorse the action plan in response to the Review set out in the report and Annex 1 subject to the resources identified in paragraph 8 of the report being forthcoming.

    On 3 November 2005 this Committee AGREED to ask officers to produce a briefing note for the Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement for their meeting in February on the 29 Actions set out in the Action Plan, outlining against each action: the progress in implementing the action; what the action had achieved; and what had improved as a result of implementing the action.

    The Committee further asked officers to comment on how the changes had impacted on the Adult Learning Service.

    Why has it been included?

    It has now been over a year since the (then) Executive agreed the recommendations of this Scrutiny Review.

    The Committee is asked to question the Cabinet Member in relation to the progress of implementing the Review recommendations that the Executive endorsed.

    How is the Committee going to deal with it?

    By means of a question and answer session. A report by the Director for Children, Young People & Families outlining progress against the 29 Actions is attached at CH9.

    When is the Committee going to do this piece of work?

    During this meeting.

    Who is going to take part in this piece of work?

    All Members of this Committee and the Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement.

    Work to be done prior to the meeting:

    A copy of the full scrutiny review has been sent to all members of this Committee. A copy of this report will be available for public inspection and is also available on the County Council’s Web site or from Deborah Mitchell on (01865) 815463,


    Documents Members should bring to the meeting:

    Members may wish to bring their copy of the full scrutiny review to the meeting.

    1. Scrutiny Review : Gifted Children
    2. 12:40

      Background Information:

      On 27 September, this Committee agreed as part of their work programme to undertake a scrutiny review of ‘gifted children’ and appointed Councillors Deborah Glass-Woodin, Hilary Hibbert-Biles, Val Smith and Melinda Tilley to the Lead Member Review Group.

      Why has it been included?

      To inform the Committee of current progress on this review and to enable members to ask questions on areas of interest.

      When are they going to do it?

      During this meeting and at future meetings.

      Who is going to take part in this piece of work?

      All members of this Committee.

      Work to be done prior to the meeting:


      Documents Members should bring to the meeting:


      1.00 – 2.00 Lunch for Members.

    3. White Paper : Higher Standards, Better Schools for All
    4. 2:00

      Background Information:

      The Schools White Paper "Higher Standards, Better Schools for All - more choice for parents and pupils" was published by the DfES on the 25 October 2005. As a White Paper it is not a consultative document although this does not preclude views on the contents being sent to the Secretary of State. Its publication precedes the drawing up of a Bill, the timing of which is at present uncertain.

      The purpose of the report is to provide an overview of the contents of the White Paper and then to focus on those proposals which indicate a change in the role of local authorities. Those proposals are primarily associated with the provision of school places in response to parental wishes; the establishment of Trust Schools; and admissions arrangements. An indication is given as to how these proposals may impact in Oxfordshire.

      The report also provides a basis for the Cabinet to consider how to respond to the three motions relating to the White Paper (reproduced in Annex 1) which the Council on 10 January referred to the Cabinet, via the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee, to advise the Council at its 4 April meeting. A draft of the report is to be considered by the Children’s Services Scrutiny


      Committee on 28 February and their comments will be reported to the Cabinet.

      Why has it been included?

      To enable the Committee to comment on the White Paper : Higher Standards, Better Schools for All and to advise Cabinet on the three motions relating to the White Paper.

      The Committee is asked to determine its advice on the motions set out in Annex 1 to the report CH11.

      How is the Committee going to deal with it?

      During a one meeting session.

      Who is going to take part in this piece of work?

      All Members of this Committee.

      Mr Geoff Jones has been invited to attend in order to answer any questions may wish to ask.

      Work to be done prior to the meeting:

      Members are asked to consider the response attached at CH11 in preparation for the discussion.

      Documents Members should bring to the meeting:

      Members are asked to bring their copy of the White Paper (circulated under separate cover on 24 January 2006 to the meeting.

    5. Scrutiny Work Programme 2005/06
    6. 3:00

      To review and update the Scrutiny Committee’s Work Programme 2005/06.*

      *Members are asked to bring their copy of the Work Programme to the meeting.

    7. Tracking Scrutiny Items


    Report back on advice by this Committee to the Cabinet or Council.

      • ‘Select Committee style’ Investigation for Achieving Education for Children with Learning Disabilities.

    A copy of the report ‘Delegating the Statementing Budget to Schools’ is attached at CH13 (download as. doc file)

    On 20 December 2005 the Cabinet considered the proposal to delegate the Statement to Schools. Councillor Mrs Fitzgerald-O’Connor, speaking as Chairman of the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee, stated that the Committee had questioned a number of witnesses to glean their views on the proposals. The witnesses had expressed reservations about delegation to primary schools but had supported delegation to secondary schools. She drew the Cabinet’s attention to the comments made by the Scrutiny Committee, who had agreed to support the proposals in the report, subject as stated in the schedule of addenda.

    Councillor Waine accepted the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee comments, noting that those which entailed recommendations to schools could not be insisted upon by the Local Education Authority.


        1. to approve the introduction of a scheme of delegation from April 2006 using the SEN Index formula, on the following basis:

          1. all of the statementing budget for secondary schools should be delegated;
          2. for primary schools, funding equivalent to the first 15 hours of provision should be delegated;
          3. introduction should be phased over two years.
          4. exceptional arrangements should be made for the hundred primary schools with the smallest whole school budgets and other exceptional circumstances, on a basis agreed by the Director for Children, Young People & Families;
          5. a contingency fund should be retained for exceptional arrangements, ring-fenced within the school’s block so that any surplus is re-distributed to schools at the end of the year;

        2. that the Director for Children, Young People & Families be asked to:

          1. review the implementation within the first year for consideration by the Schools Forum and Cabinet;
          2. produce a full review of the scheme within the first two years, in time for any changes to be made for April 2008;
          3. report to the Cabinet in Summer 2007 on the use of "additional funding" and any proposals for its redistribution from 2008;
          4. work on extending the scope of ‘School Action Plus’ in the hundred primary schools with the smallest whole school budgets to enable, where appropriate, further centrally agreed funding for specified pupils.

    1. Forward Plan


    The Committee is asked to suggest items from the current Forward Plan on which it may wish to have an opportunity to offer advice to the Cabinet before any decision is taken.

    (Please bring along to the meeting the latest copy of the Forward Plan which, at the time of writing covers February 2006 to May 2006).

    (Members are asked to contact the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and/or the Committee Officer at least 3 days before the meeting should they wish to raise an item on the Forward Plan for possible consideration).

    If you have any special requirements (such as a large print version of these papers or special access facilities) please contact the officer named on the front page, but please give as much notice as possible before the meeting