Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 26 February 2008


Notice of Meeting                                                                                                               




Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 26 February 2008 at 10.00 am

at County Hall, Oxford


Chairman – Councillor Sue Haffenden

Deputy Chairman – Councillor Ann Bonner


Marilyn Badcock

Nick Carter

Mrs Anda Fitzgerald-O’Connor


Jean Fooks

Deborah Glass Woodin

Pete Handley


David Nimmo-Smith

Val Smith

Lawrie Stratford


David Turner

Carol Viney


Co-opted Members:

Mr Chris Bevan

Mr Ben Jackson

Mrs Sue Matthew


Ms Bernadine Spencer




Notes:            Date of next meeting: Tuesday 13 May 2008


What does this Committee review or scrutinise?

·                     Services for children, young people and families; preventative services; child protection; family support, educational policy; youth service; youth justice

·                     Primary & secondary schools; special education; pupil services; school transport; music service

·                     Conduct of best value reviews as specified in Paragraph 9 of Schedule 2 to the Functions Regulations


How can I have my say?

We welcome the views of the community on any issues in relation to the responsibilities of this Committee.  Members of the public may ask to speak for up to 5 minutes on any item on the agenda or may suggest matters which they would like the Committee to look at.  Requests to speak must be submitted to the Committee Services no later than 9 am on the working day before the date of the meeting.


For more information about this Committee please contact:

Chairman                                         -      Councillor Sue Haffenden


Committee Officer                             -      Kath Coldwell, Tel: (01865) 815902



Tony Cloke

Assistant Head of Service (Democratic)                                                February 2008

About the County Council


The Oxfordshire County Council is made up of 74 councillors who are democratically elected every four years. The Council provides a range of services to Oxfordshire’s 630,000 residents. These include:

  • schools
  • social & health care

·        libraries and museums

  • the fire service
  • roads

·        trading standards

  • land use
  • transport planning

·        waste management

Each year the Council manages £0.8 billion of public money in providing these services. Most decisions are taken by a Cabinet of 10 Councillors, which makes decisions about service priorities and spending. Some decisions will now be delegated to individual members of the Cabinet.


About Scrutiny

Scrutiny is about:

·              Providing a challenge to the Cabinet

·              Examining how well the Cabinet and the Authority are performing

·              Influencing the Cabinet on decisions that affect local people

·              Helping the Cabinet to develop Council policies

·              Representing the community in Council decision making

·              Promoting joined up working across the authority’s work

Scrutiny is NOT about:

·              Making day to day service decisions

·              Investigating individual complaints.

Five Scrutiny committees ‘scrutinise’ or review and challenge decisions made by the Cabinet or the appropriate Cabinet Member and help it develop Council policies.  There are Scrutiny Committees for:

·              Corporate Governance

·              Children’s Services

·              Environment & Economy

·              Community Safety

·              Social & Community Services

There is also a Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee which brings together councillors from the County and the five district councils in Oxfordshire to scrutinise health issues.

What does this Committee do?

The Committee meets up to 6 times a year or more. It develops a work programme, which lists the issues it plans to investigate. These investigations can include whole committee investigations undertaken during the meeting, or reviews by a panel of members doing research and talking to lots of people outside of the meeting.  Once an investigation is completed the Committee provides its advice to the Cabinet, the full Council or other scrutiny committees. Meetings are open to the public and all reports are available to the public unless exempt or confidential, when the items would be considered in closed session.




1.                Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


2.                Declarations of Interestsee guidance note


3.                Minutes


To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 2007 (CH3) and to note for information any matters arising on them.


4.                Speaking to or Petitioning the Committee


5.                Tracking Scrutiny Items


Report back on advice by this Committee to the Cabinet or Council.


(a)     Service and Resource Planning 2008/09 – 2012/13


On 11 December 2007 this Committee AGREED to forward the following advice to the Cabinet via the Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee:


This Committee:


(a)              wishes to congratulate the Directorate on:


(i)                its whole service approach to setting the budget this year (as opposed to a service by service approach);


(ii)              the savings achieved on Home to School Transport due to the re-tendering process; and hopes that the savings will continue in future years;


(b)              recommends the Cabinet to consider the proposal for Raising Achievement (£350,000) as set out in Annex 4 subject to all members of this Committee soon receiving a copy of the Summary Review Report of the Educational Effectiveness Service;


(c)               supports the proposal for Breaking the Cycle of Deprivation (£450,000) as set out in Annex 4; and


(d)              should any funding be available this Committee wishes the Cabinet to look at youth centre provision in both rural and urban areas of the county in order to see where it needs to be improved (this review should include consideration of factors such as opening hours and staffing).


On 15 January the Cabinet proposed in respect to this programme area:


To fund the investment proposals in order to:


    • Raise educational aspiration and achievement (new posts in 3 localities), £350k for each of the years 2008/09 to 2010/11; and 


    • Develop prevention and early intervention work, £300k in 2008/09 rising to £450k in 2009/10 and beyond.


(b)             Oxford Academy – DRAFT Outline Business Case


On 11 December 2007 this Committee conducted a question and answer session and AGREED:


(a)              to urge the Cabinet to ascertain the position of Oxford City Council regarding the Joint Agreement for the future provision of the swimming pool at Peers school;


(b)              to request the Cabinet to open up discussion with the Academy about retaining the present pool at Peers school for use by both pupils and the community; and


(c)               to inform the Cabinet that subject to Health and Safety constraints on the contractors, this Committee is of the view that public access to the pool and possibly the library could be maintained during the rebuilding period by opening up Champion Way.


On 15 January the Cabinet agreed to:


(a)              approve the Outline Project Appraisal & Outline Business Case subject to recommendation (g);


(b)               declare permanently surplus the entire Peers School site at closure on 31 August 2008;


(c)               approve the disposal on a 125 year lease at a peppercorn rent of those parts of the site required for the establishment of the Oxford Academy;


(d)               approve the disposal ‘off market’ to the Oxford Academy Sponsors;



(e)               authorise officers to undertake all necessary steps including affixing the common seal for the grant of a 125 year lease to the Oxford Academy Sponsors;


(f)                 agree to retain the Mabel Pritchard School within the Academy facility; and,


(g)              authorise the Head of Property and the Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Finance Officer to finalise the funding details of the proposed Oxford Academy on the basis that the Authority’s capital contribution to the scheme is no more than £4.730m, and that the funding gap described in this Report is bridged by one of the three options described as A, B or C in the supplementary report.


A paper setting out the latest position with regard to the swimming pool and sports centre is attached at CH5.


6.                Scrutiny Work Programme


·                    Brief oral report from Councillor Haffenden on Bournemouth Conference: Social Services for Adults and children.


·                     To update this Committee’s work programme (CH6) (download as .doc file).


7.                Healthy Schools Champion – Nomination and Job Description


Background Information:

Members of this Committee had previously conducted a Scrutiny Review into Healthy Schools.

Recommendation 9 had asked that a Member Children’s Champion be nominated and that included within his or her remit, should be the promotion of and involvement in celebratory events around “Healthy Schools”.

The Cabinet’s response had stated that nominating a Member Healthy Schools Champion would be a welcome development [on the grounds that the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families was already the Children’s Champion].

A proposed job description has now been drawn up for the Committee’s comment and approval which is listed below:

The Healthy Schools (HS) Champion shall keep in touch with the HS project and visit schools who achieve HS status. S/he should investigate what barriers there are


to schools achieving HS status and bring any recommendations to Scrutiny on how these might be removed. S/he should encourage celebratory events for schools to share their achievements. An annual update on the project should be brought to Scrutiny.


This Committee is invited to nominate one elected member to fulfil the role of Healthy Schools Champion. Councillor Jean Fooks has expressed an interest in undertaking this role.


As this appointment has not been identified as ‘Strategic’ by the Cabinet, it is for the Democracy and Organisation Committee to make the appointment at its next meeting.

Why has it been included?

The Committee is asked to:

(a)   consider, comment on and approve the above job description; and

(b)         nominate one member of the Committee to fulfil the role of Healthy Schools Champion.


8.                Evaluation of Gifted Children Scrutiny Review


Background Information:

[Lead Member Review Group comprises Councillors Deborah Glass-Woodin, Hilary Hibbert-Biles, Val Smith and Melinda Tilley].

The Cabinet considered this Scrutiny Review Report in November 2006.

It is now time to review progress regarding implementation of the review recommendations.

How is the Committee going to deal with it?

The Committee is asked to question Ms Carr in relation to implementation of the review recommendations to date.

Members of the Committee will be asked to consider whether they are satisfied with progress or whether they still wish to monitor progress on this review.


Who is going to take part in this piece of work?

All members of this Committee, together with Ms Voirrey Carr (Service Manager – Educational Inclusion).

Work to be done prior to the meeting:

Information on progress to date, together with a note of the Cabinet’s debate, the Cabinet’s decision and a letter/report from Ms Carr is attached at CH8

(CH8 - Cabinet Members Response to Gifted Children Scrutiny Review 21 November 2006 - download as .doc file)
(CH8 - Scrutiny Tracking Control Sheet – Gifted Children - download as .xls file)
(CH8 - Scrutiny Review of Gifted Children - download as .doc file)


Documents Members should bring to the meeting:

A copy of the full scrutiny review has been sent to all Members of this Committee. A copy of the Review will be available for public inspection and is also available on the County Council’s website or from Kath Coldwell at, tel: 01865 815902.


9.                Young (Child) Carers (and support for them): Progress Update


Background Information:

The Lead Member Review Group comprises Councillors David Turner, Mrs Anda Fitzgerald O’Connor, Carol Viney and Mr Ben Jackson.

Why has it been included?

This item has been included on the agenda to inform the Committee of current progress on the review and to enable members to ask questions on areas of interest.

How is the Committee going to deal with it?

The Committee will receive a verbal update on progress from Members of the Lead Member Review Group and is asked to comment/ask questions on any issues raised.

Work to be done prior to the meeting:

Members’ attention is drawn to the attached progress update at CH9.


10.           Progress update from Task Group: Implementation of the Priorities from the Review of Year One of the Children & Young People’s Plan


Background Information:

One of the items in this Committee’s Scrutiny Work Programme for 2007/08 is an ongoing review of the Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) as it is implemented.

On 17 July 2007 the Cabinet approved the review of the first year of the Children & Young People’s Plan, which had been produced in April 2006.


The Task Group will be reporting back to the Committee periodically and feeding into the review of Year 2 of the Plan.

Task Group members comprise Councillors Fooks, Haffenden, Glass-Woodin and Handley, Mrs Sue Matthew and Ms Bernadine Spencer.

Why has it been included?

This item has been included on the agenda to inform the Committee of current progress on the Task Group exercise.

How is the Committee going to deal with it?

The Committee will receive an oral update from members of the Task Group.


11.           Presentation on Primary Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (PCAMHS)


Background Information:

At its December meeting when receiving the Task Group update on their progress reviewing the implementation of the priorities identified from the review of year one of the Children and Young People's Plan (CYPP), the Task Group had reported that mental health was the most important aspect to focus on.

The Children's Services Scrutiny Committee agreed to invite Mr Paul Sheffield (PCAMHS Service Manager) to this Committee's February meeting to enable the Committee to learn more about the service.

Primary Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services has been awarded the Health Service Journal for Mental Health Innovation award. The service is an integration of health, education and social care services by Oxfordshire County Council, the Primary Care Trust and the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Mental Health Trust.

The multi-professional team includes social workers, counsellors, teachers, psychiatric nurses, psychologists, health visitors and nurses. Their work is now set to be used as a role model elsewhere in the country.

The service has substantially decreased waiting times – 90% of children are now seen within four weeks. Children and their families have given high customer satisfaction scores and feedback to the service.


The judges stated that this showed excellent integration of health, education and social care and joint use of systems to deliver with real impact.

Why has it been included?

To enable the Committee to learn about the PCAMHS service.

How is the Committee going to deal with it?

The Committee will receive a short presentation and will then have the opportunity to conduct a question and answer session.

Who is going to take part in this piece of work?

All members of this Committee, together with Mr Sheffield and the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families.


12.           Childcare Market Assessment


Background Information

The Childcare Act 2006 expands and clarifies in legislation the vital role the local authority will play in facilitating the childcare market across the county.  Working with providers from the private, voluntary, independent and maintained sectors, officers look to create a strong, sustainable and diverse childcare market that meets the needs of parents.

The aim of this is to offer choice and flexibility to parents, enabling them to have greater choice about balancing family and work life.  In order to be able to do this childcare will need to be high quality, affordable, and flexible to meet their needs.

From April 2007 the local authority has had the duty, under section 11 of the Childcare Act, to undertake a Childcare Market Assessment (a detailed assessment of the supply of, and demand for, childcare in their area).  The assessments will provide the local authority with the evidence it will need to develop strategies for meeting the new duty to secure sufficient childcare, which will commence in April 2008.  This will enable the targeting of resources to those areas that need it most.

The statutory guidance lists a number of groups with whom the consultation must take place. This is children, parents, childcare providers, representatives of children, parents and childcare providers, local employers and representatives, neighbouring top tier local authorities, schools, further education colleges and higher education institutions; and other organisations with an interest in the provision of childcare.


Oxfordshire County Council has now received a draft Childcare Market Assessment from its consultants, Cordis Bright.

The consultation is currently underway and therefore has been brought to this meeting to enable Committee members to respond.

The Local Authority is required to complete the consultation by 31 March 2008, the results of which will be published as part of the Children, Young People and Families Plan (CYPP).

Why has it been included?

To give this Committee the opportunity to comment on the first draft of the results of the Childcare Market Assessment.

How is the Committee going to deal with it?

The Committee will receive a 10 minute presentation from Cordis Bright, conduct a question and answer session and consider any advice that it wishes to put forward to the officers as part of the consultation response.

The presentation will make this Committee aware of the findings and recommendations from the assessment. Members will have the opportunity to compare their local knowledge with the findings presented and to discuss where to go from here.

Who is going to take part in this piece of work?

All Members of this Committee, together with the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families, the Consultants, Ms Amanda Powell (Childcare Development Manager, Early Years and Family Support), Ms Liane Low (Project Manager – Managing the Childcare Market) and Mr Fergus Campbell (Childcare Development Manager).

Work to be done prior to the meeting:

Members’ attention is drawn to the draft report and   executive summary at CH12.

Copies of the full reports can be found at


13.           Unaccompanied Minors (Asylum seeking children) 


Background Information:

Members of this Committee had previously expressed a wish to learn more about Unaccompanied Minors (Asylum seeking children) and had received a short briefing note on this matter.


Why has it been included?

To enable Members of this Committee to conduct a short question and answer session on Unaccompanied Minors.

Who is going to take part in this piece of work?

Mr Andy Couldrick (Head of Early Years & Family Support), together with the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families and all members of the Committee.

Work to be done prior to the meeting:

Members’ attention is drawn to the attached briefing note at CH13 (download as .doc file) – circulated separately as in colour.


14.           Forward Plan



The Committee is asked to suggest items from the current Forward Plan on which it may wish to have an opportunity to offer advice to the Cabinet before any decision is taken.


(Please bring along to the meeting the latest copy of the Forward Plan which, at the time of writing covers February 2008 to May 2008).


(Members are asked to contact the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and/or the Committee Officer at least 3 days before the meeting should they wish to raise an item on the Forward Plan for possible consideration).


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