Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 23 May 2006


Notice of Meeting

Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee Tuesday 23 May 2006 at 10.00 am at County Hall, Oxford


Chairman – Councillor Mrs Anda Fitzgerald O’Connor

Deputy Chairman – Councillor Keith Stone


Mrs Gail Bones

Jean Fooks

Deborah Glass Woodin


Sue Haffenden

Steve Hayward

Bill Service


Val Smith

Lawrie Stratford

Melinda Tilley


David Turner

Nicholas P. Turner

Carol Viney

Co-opted Members:

Mr Chris Bevan

Mr Ben Jackson

Mrs Sue Matthew


Ms Bernadine Spencer



What does this Committee review or scrutinise?

  • Services for children, young people and families; preventative services; child protection; family support, educational policy
  • Primary & secondary schools; special education; pupil services; school transport; music service
  • Conduct of best value reviews as specified in Paragraph 9 of Schedule 2 to the Functions Regulations

How can I have my say?

We welcome the views of the community on any issues in relation to the responsibilities of this Committee. Members of the public may ask to speak for up to 5 minutes on any item on the agenda or may suggest matters which they would like the Committee to look at.

For more information about this Committee please contact:

Chairman - Councillor Mrs Anda Fitzgerald O’Connor

Committee Officer - Deborah Miller, Tel: (01865) 815463

For Scrutiny Review Officers contact - Julia Baird, Tel: (01865) 815029

Derek Bishop
Head of Democratic Services

May 2006

About the County Council

The Oxfordshire County Council is made up of 74 councillors who are democratically elected every four years. The Council provides a range of services to Oxfordshire’s 622,000 people. These include:

  • schools
  • social & health care
  • libraries and museums
  • the fire service
  • roads
  • trading standards
  • land use
  • transport planning
  • waste management
  • The Council employs 18,840 people. Each year the Council manages £0.7 billion of public money in providing these services. Most decisions are taken by a Cabinet of 10 Councillors, which makes decisions about service priorities and spending.

    About Scrutiny

    Scrutiny is about:

    • Providing a challenge to the Cabinet
    • Examining how well the Cabinet and the Authority are performing
    • Influencing the Cabinet on decisions that affect local people
    • Helping the Cabinet to develop Council policies
    • Representing the community in Council decision making
    • Promoting joined up working across the authority’s work

    Scrutiny is NOT about:

    • Making day to day service decisions
    • Investigating individual complaints.

    Five Scrutiny committees ‘scrutinise’ or review and challenge decisions made by the Cabinet and help it develop Council policies. There are Scrutiny Committees for:

    • Corporate Governance
    • Children’s Services
    • Environment & Economy
    • Community Safety
    • Health & Community Services

    There is also a Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee which brings together councillors from the County and the five district councils in Oxfordshire to scrutinise health issues.

    What does this Committee do?

    The Committee meets up to 6 times a year or more. It develops a work programme, which lists the issues it plans to investigate. These investigations can include whole committee investigations undertaken during the meeting, or reviews by a panel of members doing research and talking to lots of people outside of the meeting. Once an investigation is completed the Committee provides its advice to the Cabinet, the full Council or other scrutiny committees. Meetings are open to the public and all reports are available to the public unless exempt or confidential, when the items would be considered in closed session.



    1. Election of Chairman for the Current Council Year

    2. Election of Deputy Chairman for the Current Council Year

    3. Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments

    4. Declarations of Interest see guidance note

    5. Minutes
    6. To approve the minutes of the meetings held on 28 February 2006 (CH5(a)) and 14 March 2006 (CH5(b)) and to note for information any matters arising on them.

    7. Speaking to or Petitioning the Committee

    8. Charging in Schools – to Examine Charging Policies For Activities in Schools

      (See also Addenda)


    Background Information:

    At the September 2005 meeting of the Committee, it was agreed that "Charging in Schools policy" would be included in the Work Programme as a Scrutiny Review with Cllrs Mrs Anda Fitzgerald-O’Connor, Keith Stone, Mrs Sue Matthew and Mrs Carole Thomson comprising the Lead Member Group. In precise terms, it was referred to as "High Charging in Schools policy - ‘Mini’ Scrutiny Review: quick investigation of extent of problem ".  

    Why has it been included?

    It was included on the basis of representations at the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee, by a parent and by a representative on behalf of the Abingdon Citizen’s Advice Bureau.

    Following discussions among the Lead Member Group, it was decided that the best way of undertaking this work would be by a single committee question and answer session.

    How is the Committee going to deal with it?

    It is intended that the meeting will work in "select committee" mode and question invited Members, staff and representatives of parents and the community.

    This should provide the opportunity to scrutinise the extent to which the law and model policy and guidance on charging, is put into practice in schools. This will be preceded by a brief presentation of the pertinent issues and by circulation of the current policy with the agenda.

    The areas of questions or "lines of Inquiry" are likely to focused on:

    • The law, policy, guidance and practice.
    • Ways of sharing and promoting good practice.
    • The Intra/Internet – capacity for business and community suggestions.
    • Actions to highlight problem activities and schools.
    • Resource and monitoring issues.
    • Issues of fairness, equity around charging; "what else can we be doing to ensure the operation of a fair and open charging policy?"
    • Creative thinking and publicity about charging for extra curricular activities.
    • SEN and deprivation index.

    Following questions and replies from the invited "expert witnesses" the Committee may wish to make recommendations to the Cabinet and other agencies.

    When are they going to do it?

    During a one meeting session.

    Who is going to take part in this piece of work?

    All members of the Committee.

    John Mitchell – Education Officer.

    Representatives of Head Teachers in the Primary and Secondary Sector - Vicky Paton (Acting Deputy Headteacher) Rose Hill Primary School, Oxord

    Dominic Ward – (Deputy Headteacher at Gosford Hill, School, Kidlington).

    Councillor Michael Waine – Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement.

    Frank Newhofer – Chairman of a Oxford Community School Governing Body.

    Consultation Officer (James Lawrence) in relation to the recent Citizen’s Panel charging for school trips’ outcomes.

    Simon Adams – Senior Education Officer.

    Representatives of the Oxfordshire Outdoor Learning Trust.

    Mr Hocken on behalf of Abingdon Citizen’s Bureau;

    Ms Karen Thomas (of Abingdon Citizen’s Advice Bureau).

    Work to be done prior to the meeting:

    Members are asked to consider the background information attached at (CH7), in preparation for the discussion.

    Documents Members should bring to the meeting:

    Charging in Schools Circular, Charging Policy Summary for Parents and Model Policy on charging for and remissions for school activities, dated 18 April 2005; Citizen’s Panel survey outcomes – March 2006 – as previously circulated.

    1. Home to School and College Transport
    2. 11.40

      Background Information:

      The County Council provides either free or subsidised transport to over 12,000 young people travelling to school or college. The policy reflects statutory requirements, which are set out in the 1996 Education Act and the 2002 Education Act. On 20 December 2005 a report was submitted to the Cabinet to explain the then projected overspend of £590,000; to provide an analysis of identified budget pressures, set out actions already taken to address the problem and suggestions for possible courses of action for the future. The Cabinet agreed that there should be a consultation on possible changes to the transport policy where the County Council has discretion to provide assistance and that officers should report back to the Cabinet in June 2006 on the proposals for a new transport policy to take effect in 2007/08.

      The draft report attached CH8 sets out the results of the consultations on the various possible policy changes and discusses each in turn, with recommendations as to whether changes should be implemented. The report is due to be submitted to the Cabinet on 21 June.

      Why has it been included?

      To enable this Committee to comment on the report prior to consideration by the Cabinet.

      How is the Committee going to deal with it?

      During a one meeting session.

      The Committee is asked to consider what advice, if any, to offer to the Cabinet.

      Who is going to take part in this piece of work?

      All members of the Committee.

      Mr Simon Adams, Senior Education Officer will attend to give a brief presentation outlining the main proposals in the report and answer any questions which the Committee may wish to ask.

      Work to be done prior to the meeting:

      Members are asked to consider the report CH8, in preparation of the discussion.

      Documents Members should bring to the meeting:


    3. Scrutiny Review : Gifted Children
    4. 12:10

      Background Information:

      On 27 September, this Committee agreed as part of their work programme to undertake a scrutiny review of ‘gifted children’ and appointed Councillors Deborah Glass-Woodin, Hilary Hibbert-Biles, Val Smith and Melinda Tilley to the Lead Member Review Group.

      Why has it been included?

      To inform the Committee of current progress on this review and to enable members to ask questions on areas of interest.

      When are they going to do it?

      During this meeting and at future meetings.

      Who is going to take part in this piece of work?

      All members of this Committee.

      Work to be done prior to the meeting:


      Documents Members should bring to the meeting:


    5. Scrutiny Work Programme 2005/06
    6. 12.15

      The Committee is reminded that its Scrutiny Work programme covers the time period

      July 2005 – June 2006. Therefore Members are asked to suggest any items for possible inclusion in their work programme.

      Members may wish to consult the Scrutiny Information Sheet ‘Choosing Scrutiny Topics’, in the Scrutiny Handbook, when thinking about issues for possible inclusion, to ensure that these topics will be of county-wide significance, will add value and will be timely.

      The Committee is asked to suggest possible topics for inclusion in its Scrutiny Work Programme.

    7. Tracking Scrutiny Items

      (See also Addenda)


    Report back on advice by this Committee to the Cabinet or Council.

      • Children & Young People’s Plan
      • Children & Young People’s Board
      • Locality Working and Integrated Support Services for Children, Young People & Families
      • White Paper: Higher Standards, Better Schools for All

    1. Forward Plan


    The Committee is asked to suggest items from the current Forward Plan on which it may wish to have an opportunity to offer advice to the Cabinet before any decision is taken.

    (Please bring along to the meeting the latest copy of the Forward Plan which, at the time of writing covers June 2006 to September 2006).

    (Members are asked to contact the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and/or the Committee Officer at least 3 days before the meeting should they wish to raise an item on the Forward Plan for possible consideration).

    If you have any special requirements (such as a large print version of these papers or special access facilities) please contact the officer named on the front page, but please give as much notice as possible before the meeting