Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 13 May 2008


Notice of Meeting                                                                                                               


Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee

Tuesday 13 May 2008 at 10.00 am

at County Hall, Oxford


Chairman – Councillor Sue Haffenden

Deputy Chairman – Councillor Ann Bonner


Lynda Atkins

Marilyn Badcock

Nick Carter


Mrs Anda Fitzgerald-O’Connor

Jean Fooks

Deborah Glass Woodin


Pete Handley

David Nimmo-Smith

Val Smith


David Turner

Carol Viney


Co-opted Members:

Mr Chris Bevan

Mr Ben Jackson

Mrs Sue Matthew


Ms Bernadine Spencer



Notes:            All members of the Committee are asked to note that a DVD produced by the North and West Oxfordshire Young Carers Project  “Good Days, Bad Days” will be shown immediately prior to this meeting at 9.30 am.

Date of next meeting:  8 July 2008


What does this Committee review or scrutinise?

·                     Services for children, young people and families; preventative services; child protection; family support, educational policy; youth service; youth justice

·                     Primary & secondary schools; special education; pupil services; school transport; music service

·                     Conduct of best value reviews as specified in Paragraph 9 of Schedule 2 to the Functions Regulations


How can I have my say?

We welcome the views of the community on any issues in relation to the responsibilities of this Committee.  Members of the public may ask to speak for up to 5 minutes on any item on the agenda or may suggest matters which they would like the Committee to look at.  Requests to speak must be submitted to the Committee Services no later than 9 am on the working day before the date of the meeting.


For more information about this Committee please contact:

Chairman                                         -      Councillor Sue Haffenden


Committee Officer                             -      Deborah Miller Tel: (01865) 815384



Tony Cloke

Assistant Head of Legal & Democratic Services                                                           

May 2008

About the County Council


The Oxfordshire County Council is made up of 74 councillors who are democratically elected every four years. The Council provides a range of services to Oxfordshire’s 630,000 residents. These include:

  • schools
  • social & health care

·        libraries and museums

  • the fire service
  • roads

·        trading standards

  • land use
  • transport planning

·        waste management

Each year the Council manages £0.8 billion of public money in providing these services. Most decisions are taken by a Cabinet of 10 Councillors, which makes decisions about service priorities and spending. Some decisions will now be delegated to individual members of the Cabinet.


About Scrutiny

Scrutiny is about:

·              Providing a challenge to the Cabinet

·              Examining how well the Cabinet and the Authority are performing

·              Influencing the Cabinet on decisions that affect local people

·              Helping the Cabinet to develop Council policies

·              Representing the community in Council decision making

·              Promoting joined up working across the authority’s work

Scrutiny is NOT about:

·              Making day to day service decisions

·              Investigating individual complaints.

Five Scrutiny committees ‘scrutinise’ or review and challenge decisions made by the Cabinet or the appropriate Cabinet Member and help it develop Council policies.  There are Scrutiny Committees for:

·              Corporate Governance

·              Children’s Services

·              Environment & Economy

·              Community Safety

·              Social & Community Services

There is also a Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee which brings together councillors from the County and the five district councils in Oxfordshire to scrutinise health issues.

What does this Committee do?

The Committee meets up to 6 times a year or more. It develops a work programme, which lists the issues it plans to investigate. These investigations can include whole committee investigations undertaken during the meeting, or reviews by a panel of members doing research and talking to lots of people outside of the meeting.  Once an investigation is completed the Committee provides its advice to the Cabinet, the full Council or other scrutiny committees. Meetings are open to the public and all reports are available to the public unless exempt or confidential, when the items would be considered in closed session.




1.                Election of Chairman for the Current Council Year


Co-opted members are reminded that they are only able to exercise their vote when Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee is dealing with education functions which are the responsibility of the Council or the Cabinet.


2.                Election of Deputy Chairman for the Current Council Year


3.                Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


4.                Declarations of Interestsee guidance note


5.                Minutes


To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 26 February 2008 (CH5) and to note for information any matters arising on them.


6.                Speaking to or Petitioning the Committee


7.                North Oxfordshire Academy: Presentation and Question & Answer



Background Information:

This item has been placed on the agenda at the request of Councillor Sue Haffenden.

Councillor Haffenden has requested the opportunity for the Committee to receive a presentation on how the move to an Academy has gone so far in order to inform their understanding of academies and what they have to offer, not least in the light of a second academy on the horizon (Peers Academy).

Why has it been included?

To enable the Committee to receive a presentation on North Oxfordshire Academy and to conduct a question and answer session.

How is the Committee going to deal with it?

Mrs Ruth Robinson, the Principal of North Oxfordshire Academy, has kindly agreed to attend this meeting to give a short presentation to the Committee and to answer any questions the Committee may wish to ask.

Work to be done prior to the meeting:

Members may wish to read Councillor Keith Mitchell’s findings on his visit to the North Oxfordshire Academy in the attached extract from ‘Councillors Information’ - Issue 23 – March 2008 (CH7) (download as .pdf file).

8.                Draft Scrutiny Review Report: Young (Child) Carers (and support for them)


Background Information:

The Lead Member Review Group comprises Councillors David Turner, Mrs Anda Fitzgerald O’Connor, Carol Viney and Mr Ben Jackson.

Having collected a wide variety of evidence, the review group now presents its findings in this draft report CH8 (download as .doc file) for the Committee’s consideration.

Why has it been included?

To enable the Committee to offer any advice on how to improve the draft Review Report, in order to assist with the production of the final report.

How is the Committee going to deal with it?

Members of the Review Group will talk to the draft Review Report, highlighting the key findings and recommendations in the Report. The Committee will then be asked to evaluate the review, paying particular regard to whether the Review has achieved its objectives and if the findings and conclusions follow from the evidence.

Work to be done prior to the meeting:

Members are asked to consider the draft review report in preparation for the discussion, which is attached at CH8.



9.                The Government’s new Children’s Plan: Building Brighter Futures



Background Information:

This item has been placed on the agenda at the request of Councillor Jean Fooks.

The Government wants to make this country the best place in the world for children and young people to grow up. The Children’s Plan sets out how the Department for Children, Schools and Families intends to achieve that over the next ten years – by putting the needs of families, children and young people at the centre of everything they do.

The Children’s Plan will:

·        strengthen support for all families during the formative early years of their children’s lives;

·        take the next steps in achieving world class schools and an excellent education for every child;




·        involve parents fully in their children’s learning;

·        help to make sure that young people have interesting and exciting things to do outside of school; and

·        provide more places for children to play safely.

It also means a new leadership role for Children’s Trusts in every area, a new role for schools as the centre of their communities, and more effective links between schools, the NHS and other children’s services so that together they can engage parents and tackle all the barriers to the learning, health and happiness of every child.

The government is setting itself ambitious new goals for 2020 and it will report back on the progress it is making on the Plan in a year’s time.


Why has it been included?

To enable the Committee to question the Head of Commissioning, Strategy and Locality Development regarding the Government’s new Plan in order to see what the implications are for the County Council.


How is the Committee going to deal with it?

The Committee will receive a short presentation and will then have the opportunity to conduct a question and answer session.

Work to be done prior to the meeting:

Members’ attention is drawn to the Government’s Summary of the Plan at CH9 (download as .doc file).




10.           Progress update from Task Group: Implementation of the Priorities from the Review of Year One of the Children & Young People’s Plan



Background Information:

One of the items in this Committee’s Scrutiny Work Programme for 2007/08 is an ongoing review of the Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) as it is implemented.

On 17 July 2007 the Cabinet approved the review of the first year of the Children & Young People’s Plan, which had been produced in April 2006.

The Task Group will be reporting back to the Committee periodically and feeding into the review of Year 2 of the Plan.

Task Group members comprise Councillors Fooks, Haffenden, Glass-Woodin and Handley, Mrs Sue Matthew and Ms Bernadine Spencer.


Why has it been included?

This item has been included on the agenda to inform the Committee of current progress on the Task Group exercise.

How is the Committee going to deal with it?

The Committee will receive an oral update from members of the Task Group.


11.           Scrutiny Work Programme



To update this Committee’s work programme (CH11) (download as .doc file).


12.           Tracking Scrutiny Items



Report back on advice by this Committee to the Cabinet or Council.


·      Healthy Schools Champion


The Democracy & Organisation Committee AGREED to appoint Councillor Handley as the Council’s Healthy Schools Champion.


·      Service and Resource Planning 2008/09 – 2012/13


Report back on advice by this Committee on Service and Resource Planning is attached at CH12.


13.           Forward Plan



The Committee is asked to suggest items from the current Forward Plan on which it may wish to have an opportunity to offer advice to the Cabinet before any decision is taken.


(Please bring along to the meeting the latest copy of the Forward Plan which, at the time of writing covers May 2008 to August 2008).


(Members are asked to contact the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and/or the Committee Officer at least 3 days before the meeting should they wish to raise an item on the Forward Plan for possible consideration).


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