Summertown library is a valuable community resource, used by young and old alike, which not only encourages reading and learning, by providing books, magazines and newspapers, but also provides computer access and dvd hire. It is also the site of the Turrill Sculpture Garden which is a unique area of art, peace and calm available to the whole community.
This library is an essential amenity; part of our community
heritage, and it should not be closed. We ask the Council to
reconsider its plans and find savings elsewhere.
Started by: Nicholas Hardyman
On reaching 9 signatures An officer will investigate the matter further
This ePetition ran from 15/12/2010 to 13/01/2011 and has now finished.
1541 people signed this ePetition.
This petition is no longer available for signature. Its contents have been forwarded to the relevant Council officers for consideration and are available to Councillors.
The petition was made available to councillors as part of the early comments on the emerging library proposals. These were made available before the Cabinet meeting in January that made recommendations to Council for the budget. The petition will also be considered again alongside responses to any formal consultation process in relation to the library proposals