Issue - decisions

Culham Parochial Primary School

22/03/2011 - Culham Parochial Primary School

Agreed to proceed with the publication of a statutory notice to close Culham Primary Parochial School with effect from 31st August 2011 but that the opportunity remain open for the three conditions previously set by the Cabinet to be fulfilled prior to the production of the report to Cabinet in May; it was further agreed that two Local Authority representatives be included on any interview panel for the Headteacher.



22/02/2011 - Culham Parochial Primary School

The following was agreed:


To defer the decision on whether to publish a statutory notice for the closure of Culham Parochial Primary School to the March Cabinet meeting to allow time for the following conditions to be met:


(a) a suitable Headteacher appointed for 1 September 2011 or earlier, or, a “hard federation” agreed with another primary school offering long term continuity of leadership.

(b) to demonstrate over a 3 year period that they can deliver a sustainable and balance budget.

(c) to demonstrate sustained demand for consistent pupil numbers above 40.

Cabinet further agreed that two Local Authority representatives be included on the interview panel for the Headteacher.