Issue - decisions

Section 73 application to continue the operation of Dix Pit Recycled Aggregate Facility permitted by planning permission no. 16/04166/CM (MW.0140/16) without complying with condition 6 thereby allowing an increase in the maximum tonnage of waste mate

10/01/2018 - Section 73 application to continue the operation of Dix Pit Recycled Aggregate Facility permitted by planning permission no. 16/04166/CM (MW.0140/16) without complying with condition 6 thereby allowing an increase in the maximum tonnage of waste mate

There would be an unacceptable adverse impact on the amenity of residents in Sutton village arising from the additional HGV movements proposed by the application, contrary to policy C5 of the adopted Minerals & Waste Core Strategy. The offer of £5,000 for highway improvements could not overcome that concern