Issue - decisions

Service & Resource Planning

15/02/2017 - Service & Resource Planning 2017/18 - 2020/21

Before the Council was the schedule of Business, Additional Papers pack, an Erratum Pack and corrected Green Group Amendment.  All papers can be found on the Council’s Website.


With the consent of Council, Councillor Hudspeth moved an Alteration to the Cabinet Budget Proposals (CPR 17.5.1) as set out in the schedule of Business.


The amendment by the Labour Group as set out in the additional papers pack was lost by 47 votes to 17.


The amendment by the Liberal Democrat Group as set out in the additional papers pack was lost by 44 votes to 12 with 3 abstentions.


The amendment by the Green Group as set out in the additional papers pack was lost by 56 votes 2, with 1 abstention.


The substantive motion as set out the Erratum was carried 31 votes to 29.