Agenda item

Reports from Partnership Boards



To receive updates from Partnership Boards. Reports from –

·       Health Improvement Board; and

·       Children’s Trust.



The Chair thanked Councillor Louise Upton for her contribution as Chair of the Health Improvement Board (HIB) as it was noted that she was stepping down from the role.  She would continue to attend Oxfordshire Health & Wellbeing Board meetings as a representative of the City Council.




Councillor Upton presented the report of the 23rd February HIB meeting.  The meeting had specifically focused on the theme of healthy weight and physical activity.  It had reviewed a summary of the Director of Public Health Annual Report which had been presented in Final Draft form before publication later in March.  There had been consideration of the Whole Systems Approach to healthy weight.  There would be a more detailed workshop scheduled in the Spring to look at the role of local authorities in creating environments that are more conducive to healthy weight, including in relation to food and exercise.


Councillor Upton also referred to Active Oxfordshire presenting the new Oxfordshire on the Move physical activity framework that they have developed with the support of a significant number of organisations.  They welcomed the ambitions of Active Oxfordshire and agreed they would receive regular updates from them.


Children’s Trust Board (CTB)


Councillor Liz Brighouse presented the report of the Children’s Trust Board.  Matters she highlighted included the Children’s Services Strapline having now been developed and circulated to all board partners and OSCB, for all to use and reach out more widely with other agencies.  This would involve partners working together to help children, young people and families to thrive.  She also stated that significant training had been put in place for multi-agency staff in the use of Strength & Needs forms and Early Help.   Also, a pilot had been undertaken with health visitors in order to encourage them to engage with Early Help matters / Strengths and Needs Assessments.


The Board NOTED the reports and the presentations at the meeting.

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