Agenda item

Questions with Notice from Members of the Council


16 Questions with Notice were asked. Details of the questions and answers and supplementary questions and answers will be set out in the Annex to the minutes.


In relation to question 1, (Question from Cllr Yvonne Constance to Cllr Tim Bearder), Cllr Enright (on behalf of Cllr Bearder who was absent) said that a written response would be provided on how parishes could request the introduction of 20 mph limits via the Council’s website


In relation to question 2 (Cllr Eddie Reeves to Cllr Liz Leffman) Cllr Leffman reiterated that the 4 complaints against the Cabinet member for Highways Management were all on the same issue which had been resolved


In relation to question 3, (Cllr Eddie Reeves to Cllr Liz Leffman) Cllr Leffman said that the future governance arrangements in Oxfordshire would be a matter of discussion between the County, City and district councils and it was not appropriate for her to state her personal preference


In relation to question 4, (Cllr Eddie Reeves to Cllr Liz Leffman) Cllr Leffman said that the Liberal Democrats had proposed a greater number of new homes than the Conservatives but that the priority was to provide more affordable homes and this was to be considered by all authorities and agencies in the County


In relation to question 6 (Cllr Les Sibley to Cllr Duncan Enright) Cllr Enright referred to the need to re-examine methods of transportation in light of the climate emergency and to the significant challenges in reducing carbon emissions.


In relation to question 7 (Cllr Kieron Mallon to Cllr Neil Fawcett), Cllr Fawcett explained the consultation arrangements for members of the Fire and Rescue service and that the zero emissions zone should not prevent these staff from carrying out their jobs.  Cllr Hannaby confirmed that similar assurances would be given to adult care staff.


In relation to question 8, (Cllr Donna Ford to Cllr Duncan Enright), Cllr Enright undertook to provide a further written response to all members following consultation with officers


In relation to question 9 (Cllr Donna Ford to Cllr Neil Fawcett), Cllr Fawcett said that he was not aware of any incidents of harassment but that he would refer to officers to check that was the case and confirm the position in a written response


In relation to question 10 (Cllr Donna Ford to Cllr Glynis Phillips), Cllr Phillips reiterated that it was necessary to balance the competing views received in consultation responses


In relation to question 11(Cllr Nick Field-Johnson to Cllr Tim Bearder), Cllr Enright (in Cllr Bearder’s absence) said the results of the trial of GiPave would be reported to members in due course


In relation to question 12 (Cllr Stefan Gawrysiak to Cllr Calum Miller), Cllr Miller said that officers were in the process of providing a full overview of the assets of the County Council and undertook to provide a further written answer on the plans for the repair of various council properties once this review is completed later this year


In relation to question 14 (Cllr Ian Corkin to Cllr Liz Brighouse), Cllr Brighouse said that the priority of the Council and, in particular, social workers, were to ensure that children were kept as close to their families as possible


In relation to question 15 (Cllr Sally Povolotsky to Cllr Liz Brighouse), Cllr Brighouse reminded members that the Council was not responsible for direct provision of childcare places