Agenda item

Transforming Adult Social Care: Progress Update and Q&A



Contact: Alan Sinclair, Programme Director – Transforming Adult Social Care (01865) 323665


It has been agreed that a report on transforming Adult Social Care will be brought to every meeting of this Committee (AS7) and will include detail on self directed support.


The Cabinet Member for Adult Services and Mr Sinclair will attend to answer any questions the Committee may wish to ask.


The Self Directed Support Task Group is also invited to give its progress update to the Committee as part of this item.


[Task Group comprises Councillors J. Hannaby, S. Hutchinson, L. Sanders and L. Stratford].


The Committee is invited to track progress, conduct a question and answer session and receive the update from the Self Directed Support Task Group.



The Scrutiny Committee considered the latest in a series of reports on transforming Adult Social Care (AS7) that included detail on self directed support.


The Committee also received an update from the Self Directed Support Task Group.


During a question and answer session the following were amongst the matters discussed:


1.         Assurances were sought over the availability and suitability of sufficient brokers to ensure people were properly supported. Mr Sinclair gave details of the current position relating to personal budgets and stressed that the transition period was key. Two new brokerage services were in place and locality teams were involved. Information days were being held, three so far in Oxford, Witney and Didcot. Attendance had been good although there were less members of the public than expected at the Oxford and Witney events. Once completed the Events would be evaluated.

2.         The Committee had not yet had a report on the Internal Home Support Service. It was noted that a report was to go to Cabinet and the matter would be addressed at a future Scrutiny Committee meeting.

3.         Alan Sinclair advised that his role as Programme Director and the work of his Team was coming to a end and he was  focussed on the need to sustain the changes to ensure that they were properly embedded. This would be taken forward by others with reports to the Scrutiny Committee on sustaining the change.

4.         Concern was expressed about the timing of the change where only 10% of a 30% target had been reached and it was suggested that methods other than road shows, such as leaflets should be considered.

5.         There was a query about the engagement of the process with the issue of delayed discharges. Alan Sinclair responded that although delayed discharges were not within his responsibility the work was aligned. The flexibility of personal budgets could have a positive impact on the speed at which people could be released from hospital.

6.         Asked about the impact on people who were unable to get brokerage services Alan Sinclair commented that th4e impact would be felt most by new service users and they would be prioritised. For people already receiving services there would be no major impact.

7.         The Chairman stated that the Task Group would continue but the intention was to bring the three groups into one. The continuation of the Task Group was supported although Councillor Larry Sanders expressed the view that the User Group remain as a separate and independent group.

8.         Councillor Tim Hallchurch asked that consideration be given to holding road shows in village locations.

9.         It was confirmed that new users would be dealt with through the ‘single front door programme’ and referred to the Locality Team as appropriate after that. Anyone receiving services would have a named contact.

10.       There was some discussion on the way in which people with learning disabilities and people with mental health issues would be dealt with as part of the transition to personal budgets.

11.       Responding to a query about ICT issues Alan Sinclair responded that the issues had not changed and that it was difficult to collate information from several different systems.


The Scrutiny Committee considered the latest in a series of reports on transforming Adult Social Care (AS7) that included detail on self directed support.


The Committee also received an update from the Self Directed Support Task Group.


Mr Alan Sinclair (Programme Director – Transforming Adult Social Care) attended

before the Committee, together with the Cabinet Member for Adult Services, in order

to answer any questions which the Committee wished to ask. The following were amongst the matters discussed:


1.         Assurances were sought over the availability and suitability of sufficient brokers to ensure people were properly supported. Mr Sinclair gave details of the current position relating to personal budgets and stressed that the transition period was key. Two new brokerage services were in place and locality teams were involved. Information days were being held, three so far in Oxford, Witney and Didcot. Attendance had been good although there were less members of the public than expected at the Oxford and Witney events. Once completed the Events would be evaluated.

2.         The Committee had not yet had a report on the Internal Home Support Service. It was noted that a report was to go to Cabinet and the matter would be addressed at a future Scrutiny Committee meeting.

3.         Alan Sinclair advised that his role as Programme Director and the work of his Team was coming to a end and he was  focussed on the need to sustain the changes to ensure that they were properly embedded. This would be taken forward by others with reports to the Scrutiny Committee on sustaining the change.

4.         Concern was expressed about the timing of the change where only 10% of a 30% target had been reached and it was suggested that methods other than road shows, such as leaflets should be considered.

5.         There was a query about the engagement of the process with the issue of delayed discharges. Alan Sinclair responded that although delayed discharges were not within his responsibility the work was aligned. The flexibility of personal budgets could have a positive impact on the speed at which people could be released from hospital.

6.         Asked about the impact on people who were unable to get brokerage services Alan Sinclair commented that th4e impact would be felt most by new service users and they would be prioritised. For people already receiving services there would be no major impact.

7.         The Chairman stated that the Task Group would continue but the intention was to bring the three groups into one. The continuation of the Task Group was supported although Councillor Larry Sanders expressed the view that the User Group remain as a separate and independent group.

8.         Councillor Tim Hallchurch asked that consideration be given to holding road shows in village locations.

9.         It was confirmed that new users would be dealt with through the ‘single front door programme’ and referred to the Locality Team as appropriate after that. Anyone receiving services would have a named contact.

10.       There was some discussion on the way in which people with learning disabilities and people with mental health issues would be dealt with as part of the transition to personal budgets.

11.       Responding to a query about ICT issues Alan Sinclair responded that the issues had not changed and that it was difficult to collate information from several different systems.


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