Agenda item

Business Management Monitoring Report for the Second Quarter 2015/16



Chief Policy Officer, Maggie Scott, will present a paper outlining the Council’s performance for the second quarter of 2015/16. Director of Children, Education and Families, Jim Leivers will be present to allow for a focused performance discussion on key areas of concern.



Chief Policy Officer, Maggie Scott, presented a paper outlining the Council’s performance for the second quarter of 2015/16. Director of Children, Education and Families, Jim Leivers attended, with Rebecca Matthews, Interim Deputy Director, Education & Learning, to allow for a focused performance discussion on key areas of concern.


During discussion the following points were made together with a number of specific requests for additional information and/or further consideration.


Adult Social Care


During discussion concern was expressed over reablement and delayed transfers of care (paragraphs 8 and 9) with reassurance sought that the actions would have a sustained effect. In noting that there had been a focus on these issues at the previous meeting the Chairman commented that there was a review of indicators underway to increase the effectiveness and focus of the Committee. Members sought an explanation of the reasons behind the increase of self-funders in care homes?


Environment & Economy


During discussion a member highlighted that contrary to information in the media recycling in at least two of the District Council areas was among the best in the country. Maggie Scott noted that the indicators were the Council’s own and although marked amber they were only 1% off and it was a positive story. It was agreed that, as part of the next focus on Environment and Economy, the reasons behind the fall in recycling and whether it is linked to the incinerator and the impact of new EU Guidance be picked up.


The Committee recognised the great success of the Frideswide Square scheme.


Public Health


In response to a query on why the data in relation to users leaving drug treatment successfully was still based on the old provider when the new provider took over in April 2015, the Committee was advised that the new service was still being embedded. The service would be part of the next Public Health focus by the Committee.


Trading Standards


Following a query from a member, Maggie Scott agreed to arrange a briefing note on how the Doorstep Crime Unit’s savings were calculated.


Children, Education & Families


Councillor Liz Brighouse declared an interest through her association with Windale Primary School.

There was lengthy discussion of the performance figures with the following matters highlighted:


1)              Councillor Godden queried why figures were not available for indicator 23 and Jim Leivers undertook to respond to members directly on this query.

2)              Asked about the Council’s responsibilities in respect of failing Academy schools Rebecca Matthews confirmed it was not the Council’s responsibility if an Academy failed. However the Council did have an overall responsibility to children in Oxfordshire so would offer support. She detailed where the failing schools had accessed support through the Council but commented that what was important was that they accessed support from whatever source. Jim Leivers added that he was aware of issues and had raised them directly with the Regional Schools commissioner.

3)              Referring to the figures around students getting 5 A-C GCSEs a member(paragraph 20) a member highlighted the importance of having some context and detail around the figures themselves. There was discussion of the factors that could impact on a school’s attainment.

4)              The Committee received an update on the progress with the 4 new children’s homes and considered the implications on children’s placements. It was expected that the target for out of county placements would reduce significantly.

5)              Following comments from members Jim Leivers indicated that there would be a separate paper on the work of the MASH.

6)              Following comments from Councillor Mathew regarding permanent exclusions it was agreed that he receive a copy of the recent paper considered by the Education Scrutiny Committee.




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