Agenda item

Questions with Notice from Members of the Public


Mrs Alison Williams to Councillor Judith Heathcoat


Can the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care assure ratepayers, Councillors and those who use the services that thorough risk assessments have been undertaken which take into account potential health & safety hazards that will be faced by the most vulnerable people in our county as a result of reduction in services due to the most recent cuts to their budgets in this financial year and following years?


Furthermore, can the responsible Councillor explain and give proof to elected members residents and users that reassure us that none of the people of Oxfordshire will be at any serious risk or harm as a result of this third round of severe cuts in services.




Adult Social Care prioritises the safety and wellbeing of all service users and carers, and has overarching statutory responsibility for safeguarding the adult population of the county. As such, all decisions taken in the directorate include full consideration of the potential impact they will have, both positive and negative, to ensure that there will not be any unacceptable risks or consequences resulting from proposed changes.


In line with national good practice and Oxfordshire County Council policy, all proposals to change policy, service delivery or projects are informed by a Service and Community Impact Assessment (SCIA). This considers the potential impact of the proposals on individuals and communities, staff, other service areas, and partner and provider organisations. Assessments consider the full range of potential risks and impacts, including health and safety, and set out the action that will be taken to mitigate any negative impacts identified.


The Service and Community Impact Assessments are used to inform decision-making within Adult Social Care and for the Council as a whole - Service and Community Impact Assessments accompany Cabinet papers recommending changes in policy, projects and service delivery. An overall impact assessment considering the cumulative impact of changes in the council budget on particular groups and individuals is also produced each year as part of the papers agreed by Cabinet and Council.


Supplementary Question


Would you agree with me that your answer merely describes the process and the services and that the Community Impact Assessments, on the Council Website, do not clearly identify any evidence or show low, medium and high risk assessments addressing health and safety and legal rights of vulnerable people?  Do you not agree that they do not set objectives, which have due regard to the duties placed on the Council by their own Equality Policy, the Human Rights Act 2010, or the Council’s own Constitution, which can identify councillors who vote for those savage cuts, if legal proceedings ensue, because now you are remiss in gathering sufficient evidence to inform your decisions.




What the supplementary question shows is that it is believed by many that we are cutting what people get.  Oxfordshire County Council is not, we will continue to meet eligibility need.  Paragraph 1 states that we have overarching statutory responsibility for safeguarding the adult population.  Paragraph 2 outlines national good practice, which we uphold and Paragraph 3 answers the question overall.