Agenda item

Proposed Zebra Crossing - Bridge Street, Witney

Cabinet Member: Environment

Forward Plan Ref: 2015/057

Contact: Paul Durham, Service Manager for Delivery Tel: (01865) 815074


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Commercial) (CMDE4).


On 9 October 2014 the Cabinet Member for Environment approved implementation of a zebra crossing on Bridge Street, Witney at a location north of the mid-point, towards the West End mini roundabout. However, local County Councillor Langridge and a number of residents of Bridge Street who live close to proposed zebra, asked for the location to be reviewed, based on loss of parking and potential increase to pollution in area already recognised as having poor air quality and for an alternative location to be considered, namely the existing uncontrolled crossing close to the Mill Street roundabout at the southwest end of Bridge Street. This report considers responses to a re-consultation for a proposed zebra crossing on Bridge Street, Witney.


The Cabinet Member for Environment is RECOMMENDED toapprove the proposed zebra crossing on Bridge Street at its revised location. 








In October 2014 the Cabinet Member for Environment had approved the siting of a zebra crossing on Bridge Street, Witney at a location north of the mid-point and towards the West End mini roundabout.  Following further approaches by the local county councillor and a number of residents of Bridge Street the Cabinet Member now considered a report (CMDE4) setting out responses to a re-consultation for the crossing on a new location closer to the Mill Street roundabout at the south west end of Bridge Street.


He also noted receipt of a recent email from Councillor Richard Langridge reiterating his support for the new location.


Mr Wood referred to his previous submission in October 2014 in support of the east end location including a petition of 400 signatures.  A lot of support still remained for that location and yet it was now proposed to move that further west on Bridge Street. He questioned whether the new siting would prove as popular as the original and credence being afforded to the projected reduction in air pollution and parking levels both of which had been identified as being insignificant issues in the October report.  He also questioned the efficacy of the consultation process and that many of the responses received seem to him to be confused about the issues involved and were largely from people outside the Bridge Street area who he felt were unlikely to use it. Only 3 responses from Bridge Street preferred the new location with the majority of respondees favouring the original siting.  He urged the Cabinet Member to support the original location.


Mr Wasley reaffirmed that air pollution in Bridge Street remained a problem but considered that by relocating the crossing to the new location it would avoid that area of Bridge Street where the buildings created a canyon effect to an area which was more open and which should help dispersal. There would be a reduction in parking facilities with the ability to stop and unload reduced. With regard to consultation there were standard requirements to consult a certain radius and by moving the site that inevitably picked up a new audience which had resulted in new consultees and therefore new responses.  There had been objections to the new location and he accepted this was a difficult choice for the best and most appropriate location.  Bridge Street was difficult to cross and there was a need for a crossing and the site of the revised location was certainly used currently because of the splitter island.


The Cabinet Member agreed that there was significant demand for a crossing somewhere and there would be those for and against wherever it went but considered the proposed location best served the needs of residents as well as local development and offered improvements from a pollution point of view and therefore having regard to the information in the report and the representations made to him confirmed his decision as follows:


to approve the proposed zebra crossing on Bridge Street at its revised location.




Cabinet Member for Environment


Date of signing………………………




Supporting documents: