Agenda item

Future of Adult Social Care in Oxfordshire - Regular Progress update on Implementation Plan



Kate Terroni, Deputy Director Joint Commissioning and Martyn Ward, Service Manager ICT Business Deliverywill attend to give a brief presentation to the Committee.


The presentation will update the Committee on the progress of two interlinking projects:


·                     The Adult Social Care IT Project which will deliver replacement computer systems for Adult Social Care (Swift) and Client Finance (Abacus); and;

·                     The Adult Services Improvement Programme which is delivering significantly more effective and efficient business processes using LEAN methodologies.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED toreceive the presentation.


Kate Terroni, Deputy Director Joint Commissioning, and Martyn Ward, Service Manager ICT Business Delivery, gave a presentation to update the Committee on two interlinking projects:


·                     the Adult Social Care IT Project which will deliver replacement computer systems for Adult Social Care (Swift) and Client Finance (Abacus); and;

·                     the Adult Services Improvement Programme which is delivering significantly more effective and efficient business processes using LEAN methodologies.


The Committee heard that, following the update given to the Committee in April the project go-live had, with the agreement of CCMT had been rescheduled to November 2015.  This would allow the project team to achieve the 99% data quality objective, give sufficient time for the required staff training and enable the production of a permanent interface into the Hampshire IBC for Finance Services.


Mr Ward went on to explain that the revised date would also allow for an upgrade of the IT software to the latest version (v6.1) which would avoid further work and upgrade costs in 2016.  It would also deliver improvement to functions such as online financial assessments, safeguarding, reporting, financial services and system configuration.


Mr Ward told the Committee that 98% of financial assessments had now been imported into ContrOCC of which 94% had passed testing and that 97% of care packages had now been imported into ContrOCC of which 95% had passed testing.  Three more rounds of data migration were planned.  He further confirmed that that new go-live date mitigated most of the risks that could have occurred with the earlier go-live date.


Ms Terroni reiterated the importance of data migration being 99% accurate and outlined the next steps in the project including:


Work with the supplier, Liquidlogic to upgrade the current system (from v5 to v6.1);

Updating and completing a comprehensive plan to test and deploy the new v6.1 system;

Updating the Training Plan and producing the necessary training & support materials for all staff & partners;

Continuing the work to achieve the 99% Data Quality objective;

Configuring and deploying the necessary interface between Liquidlogic and the Hampshire IBC System for Finance purposes.


The Committee reiterated the importance of accurate data, particularly in relation to the reputation of the County Council and questioned whether officers knew what impact the 1% inaccuracy would have.


Mr Ward responded that once all the data had been migrated they would be able to access the impact of the 1%.


A Councillor raised a concern around members of staff not being able to use the system and the possibility of staff subverting the system in these cases.  Mr Ward assured the Committee that there were tight processes to go through which would not allow staff to subvert the system and that such things would be flagged up within the system.


In response to questions around whether the system would be able to record how many hours care the client had actually received, Ms Terroni confirmed that it was an aspiration to buy an additional package in the future to tie in contract provision, but that it was important to get the first part of the project accurate and would also be dependent on finances.