Agenda item

Thames Valley Police - Delivery Plan


Chief Constable Francis Habgood will make a presentation outlining the performance of Thames Valley Police against the Delivery Plan for 2014-15 and will introduce the Delivery Plan for 2015-16.


Chief Constable Francis Habgood outlined the performance of Thames Valley Police against the Delivery Plan for 2014-15 and presented the Delivery Plan for 2015-16.


Responding to questions from members the Chief Constable and Mr Stansfeld made the following points:


1)              Following changes in custody arrangements he was conducting a force wide review but the evidence so far was that it had not had the impact some feared. A voluntary interview room was available at St Aldates.

2)              Responding to a question about the number of people arrested where there was no further action the Chief Constable replied that it should be possible to provide percentage figures for those arrested where there was no further action.

3)              The Chief Constable did not have information on whether at any point cover in Oxford was down to a level of operational concern but indicated that this would be a matter for the operational commander and he would be able to call in support.

4)              In response to a question concerning female genital mutilation Mr Stansfeld explained the current situation and the difficulties involved.

5)              Following requests for information on Police response times around the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub Mr Stansfeld indicated that he would look at the information that was available.

6)              Responding to questions on the budget Mr Stansfeld indicated that the situation was complex with some crimes figures falling but others increasing, including cyber-crime. Preventative measures were also important so there was no simple equation between falling crime figures and the ability to make cuts to the budget. It was too early to say what areas of policing might face cuts as the PPB process was still on-going. It may be about delivering services in a different way. Asked about the expected population growth in some parts of Oxfordshire he indicated that the increased precept from more people was unlikely to be sufficient to cover the increased costs of additional police officers. Technology would be essential to make up the shortfall.

7)              Responding to a question from the Chairman the Chief Constable undertook to share the Operational Plan, which was a public document which will be submitted to the Police and Crime Panel, with members of the committee. He would encourage local councillors to have discussions about the plans with their local partners.

8)              The Chief Constable undertook to respond directly to Councillor gray who had a question relating to the recruitment and retention of PCSO’s in his Division.

9)              Asked about the cost of air policing Mr Stansfeld outlined recent developments to organise air policing on a national rather than a force basis and to move towards the use of cheaper fixed wing aircraft for those tasks where it was appropriate and a helicopter was not needed.

10)           Mr Stansfeld detailed actions in response to cycle crime.

11)           Responding to comments that with the decriminalisation of parking there were villages where parking was an issue and no-one was enforcing the rules. Councillors indicated that it had been raised locally but queried whether anything could be done more strategically as a little effort would have a big impact. The Chief Constable noted the concerns and undertook to consider what could be done.

12)           The Chif Constable undertook to provide figures on the trend in youth offending but indicated that it was generally down.


The Chairman thanked Mr Stansfeld and Mr Habgood for their attendance, for all their efforts throughout the year and for agreeing to provide additional information on a number of issues.




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