Agenda item


To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18 September 2014            (JHO3) and to receive information arising from them.



The Minutes of the meeting held on 18 September 2014 were approved and signed as a correct record subject to the following amendments:


Minute 44/14 – Healthwatch Oxfordshire – paragraph 3, page 6, to correct ‘She reported that HWO had established a reference group’ to ‘She reported that HWO were proposing to establish a reference group’.


Minute 45/14 – penultimate paragraph, page 8, to correct ‘Dr McWilliam undertook to provide further information in the future on health inequalities’ to ‘Dr McWilliam undertook to provide further information on health inequality in relation to oral and dental services.’


Matters Arising


The following issues were raised:


-       Minute 40/14 – Toolkit – a draft toolkit had been sent to HOSC members and Health partners for comment  and would be included on the 5 February 2015 agenda for adoption;

-       Minute 40/14 – New Contract for Community Sexual Health Services – Cllr Pressel commented that the new opening hours would prohibit young people from attending, as they were within college/school opening hours and did not include Saturday opening. In her view the change in hours and the transition from one venue to another amounted to a substantial variation of service. She added also that it would also exacerbate health inequality. Dr McWilliam responded that there appeared to have been a misunderstanding explaining that all contracts required a period of bedding in, and the hours of opening were still in transition. He added that new contracts tended to raise issues which could not be predicted before embarking on the process. Dr McWilliam added that all procedures had been followed correctly and, in fact, the new service had been improved by the introduction in the contract of a new service for sexually transmitted infections.  The Chairman agreed to include the matter on the agenda for the 5 February 2015 meeting;

-       Minute 42, resolution (e), top of page 5, officers undertook to request the Trust to include information on their staff recruitment and retention when they report their progress on the implementation of the action plans to the 5 February 2015 meeting;

-       Minute 43/14 – Emerging findings of the non-emergency patient transport services consultation - officers undertook to request copies of literature prepared by the Trust which had been used to advertise and signpost the changes for patients using the non-emergency transport services and then to circulate them to members of the Committee;

-       Minute 44/14 – Healthwatch Oxfordshire – paragraph 1, page 6 – Healthwatch Oxfordshire had informed officers that the film and transcript were still awaited but officers were following it up frequently;

-       Minute 45/14 – Oral Health of Children in Oxfordshire – paragraph 1, page 8, Dr McWilliam undertook to bring a report to a future meeting on national data used for local surveys by Public Health;

-       Minute 47/14 – an item on children’s mental health issues has been brought forward to the 5 February 2015 meeting.


It was reported that all other actions listed in the Minutes had been carried out.

Supporting documents: