Agenda and minutes

Performance Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 25 June 2015 10.00 am

Venue: Grand Jury Room - County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND. View directions

Contact: Sue Whitehead, Tel: (01865) 810262  Email:

No. Item


Election of the Chairman for the Council Year 2015/16


It was proposed, seconded and it was:


RESOLVED:           that Councillor Brighouse be elected as Chairman of the meeting for the 2015/16 Municipal Year.


Election of the Deputy Chairman for the Council Year 2015/16


It was proposed, seconded and it was:


RESOLVED: That Councillor Fawcett be elected as Deputy* Chairman for the 2015/16 Municipal Year.

* Correction agreed at the meeting on 24 September 2015.



Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Apologies were received from Councillor Godden (Councillor Webber substituting), Councillor Lilly (Councillor Mills substituting) and Councillor Mathew.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2015  (PSC3) and to receive information arising from them.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2015 were approved and signed as a correct record subject to the correction to the spelling of Chief Constable under point 12 of Minute 18/15.


Members commented that at the last meeting the Chief Constable had made a number of commitments to provide information but this had not yet been received. Eira Hale undertook to obtain the information and circulate it to members.


Business Management Monitoring Report for the Fourth Quarter 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 771 KB


Head of Policy, Maggie Scott, will present a paper outlining the Council’s performance for the fourth quarter of 2014/15. Director of Children’s Services, Jim Leiverswill be present to allow for a focused performance discussion on key areas of concern.


Performance Scrutiny is RECOMMENDED to note and discuss the performance reported in the dashboards and to make any comments necessary for escalation to Cabinet.


Claire Phillips, Senior Policy & Performance Officer, presented a paper outlining the Council’s performance for the fourth quarter of 2014/15. Director of Children’s Services, Jim Leivers, Director for Children’s Services, Lucy Butler, Deputy Director Children’s Social care & YOS, Kate Terroni, Deputy Director Joint Commissioning, Rebecca Matthews, Interim Deputy Director for Education & Early Intervention and Hannah Farncombe, Interim Head of Service - Safeguardingwere present to allow for a focused performance discussion on key areas of concern around Children, Education & Families..


During general discussion of the performance information members asked that where there was a performance issue it would be helpful to have more information, including an action statement on what was being done to address it. It was explained that in terms of resources this would be difficult to do each time across the board. The Chairman felt that it was a balance between headlines to see where issues were arising and being able to drill down  to get a clearer picture of what was happening. Members requested further information on the figures around delayed transfer of care. On public health and other data where there were national and other county indicators available it would be helpful to see these figures in order to understand how Oxfordshire was doing. In relation to Environment & Economy the Committee: noted that savings had not been achieved and requested that this be considered at a future meeting in terms of the potential impact on future performance and that at the next session focussed on Environment & Economy performance the Committee consider the work to increase apprenticeships across the county.


During lengthy discussion the following key issues were explored:


Absence and Exclusion


The Committee explored the increased risk of poor attainment of poor attainment for the most vulnerable young people and the potential increase in safeguarding risk for young people absent or excluded from school.


Looked After Children


The Committee expressed concern over the rising persistent absence and AGREED to carry out a focussed session on looked after children absence at a future meeting.


Demand for Services


The Committee considered the likely strategies for achieving the required savings while responding to an increase in demand for services. The Committee recognised that this was likely to involve targeting services to the most vulnerable and using community and voluntary provision to provide more universal services.


AGREED:     to note and discuss the performance reported in the dashboards and to refer the above comments as necessary for escalation to Cabinet.


Section 106 Allocation and Management pdf icon PDF 172 KB


Developer contributions are financial payments made to local planning authorities to ensure that appropriate development can be accommodated without unacceptable burdens being placed upon existing communities and the environment. Deputy Director Strategy and Infrastructure Planning, Bev Hindle, will present a report providing an overview of the Section 106 process and the monitoring of the agreements.


The Performance Scrutiny Committee is asked to:

(a)            Note the summary of the developer contributions secured, held and spent; and

(b)            Note the impacts of changes arising out of the introduction of  Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations.

Additional documents:


Developer contributions are financial payments made to local planning authorities to ensure that appropriate development can be accommodated without unacceptable burdens being placed upon existing communities and the environment. Deputy Director Strategy and Infrastructure Planning, Bev Hindle, presented a report providing an overview of the Section 106 process and the monitoring of the agreements. Also in attendance were Howard Cox, Infrastructure Funding Manager and Karen Howe, Principal Planning Obligations Officer.


The Chairman commented that this was a major issue for some communities but that the Committee should avoid specific issues which should be raised at locality meetings, which should be leading on such issues.


During discussion members generally commended the report and raised questions on the general process.


Officers emphasised that on planning applications determined by the district council the County Council was consulted and were one of a number of inputs. It was for the planning authority to decide what matters needed to be mitigated against by way of an agreement. Howard Cox explained how and when payments became due which was dependent on a number of factors and would vary from agreement to agreement. The key point was when would the need for mitigation be triggered by the development. He commented that the involvement of parish councils would depend on what they had identified as being needed. With regard to health services the consultation would be directed by the district councils and would be part of the local plan process. It was confirmed that the CIL was separate to Section 106 and there was discussion around the complexity of the two processes working together.


In response to concerns raised by a member officers confirmed that they saw the involvement of local councillors as vital to the process as they had local knowledge.


In response to questions officers explained that there were a variety of circumstances when money needed to be paid back and explained the processes followed.


In moving the recommendations the Chairman highlighted the need to review and amend the indicators around S106 monies to enable localities to understand the position in their areas and to seek better engagement of local councillors.


The Performance Scrutiny Committee AGREED to:

(a)            Note the summary of the developer contributions secured, held and spent; and

(b)            Note the impacts of changes arising out of the introduction of  Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations.



Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report pdf icon PDF 43 KB


The Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board is required to report annually on the work of the Board and of its partners, assessing the position of the partnership in relation to the safeguarding of adults at risk within Oxfordshire. Seona Douglas, Deputy Director Adult Social Care will present the report, which outlines the work of the Board and its partners to safeguard adults at risk within Oxfordshire for the financial year 2013/14. It also covers the main national and local policy changes that happened in that period.


The Performance Scrutiny Committee is RECOMMENDED to note the report.

Additional documents:


The Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board is required to report annually on the work of the Board and of its partners, assessing the position of the partnership in relation to the safeguarding of adults at risk within Oxfordshire. Seona Douglas, Deputy Director Adult Social Care presented the report, which outlined the work of the Board and its partners to safeguard adults at risk within Oxfordshire for the financial year 2013/14. It also covered the main national and local policy changes that happened in that period. Councillor Judith Heathcoat was at the table for this item. It was noted that a report for 2014/15 was in preparation and would also be brought to the Committee.


During discussion members generally welcomed the report, recognising that the information was slightly late and looked forward to receiving future reports more quickly. The Committee commented on a number of individual matters.


An issue on the pay of home care visitors was noted and it was AGREED to consider it as part of a workforce issues item at a future date.


The Performance Scrutiny Committee noted the report.




Oxfordshire Community Safety Partnership Business Plan Refresh 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 634 KB


Deputy Chairman of the Oxfordshire Community Safety Partnership Business Group, Richard Webb, and Senior Policy Officer, Carys Alty-Smith will summarise the key achievements of the countywide Oxfordshire Community Safety Partnership in 2014/15 and outline the priorities for the coming year.


Deputy Chairman of the Oxfordshire Community Safety Partnership Business Group, Richard Webb, and Senior Policy Officer, Carys Alty-Smith summarised the key achievements of the countywide Oxfordshire Community Safety Partnership in 2014/15 and outlined the priorities for the coming year. Councillor Mallon was also in attendance.


In response to questions from members Richard Webb outlined the process for risk assessment, intervention and further risk assessment to address concerns. He stressed the importance of the bringing all the partners to the table and the role of the local community safety partnerships. Asked how the Partnership engaged with Parish Councils Carys Alty-Smith commented that this was mostly a matter for the District Councils who ran the local partnerships. Carys Alty-Smith outlined the purpose of the PREVENT agenda and that there would be consideration of a support framework.


There was some discussion of the figures and on how the Partnership decided on priorities. Councillor Mallon explained that priorities were fed up from the local partnerships but backed up by detailed local data.


Members highlighted a number of issues including safeguarding children, speeding and parking issues.


The Chairman thanked Councillor Mallon and officers for the report and it was proposed and it was AGREED that in future the annual Oxfordshire Community Safety Partnership Business Plan be considered alongside consideration of the annual Thames Valley Police & Crime Commissioner Police and Crime Plan and Annual Report and the Thames Valley Police Delivery Plan.






The Chairman noted that it was Eira Hales last meeting before leaving the Council and the Chairman and Committee thanked her for all her enormously hard work.