Agenda and minutes

Planning & Regulation Committee - Monday, 12 April 2010 2.00 pm

Venue: County Hall

Contact: Graham Warrington  Tel: (01865) 815321; E-Mail:

No. Item


Election of Chairman


Nominations for election of Chairman for the Council year 2010/11 were as follows:


Councillor Steve Hayward (nominated by Councillor John Tanner and seconded by Councillor David Nimmo-Smith)


Councillor Alan Armitage (nominated by Councillor John Sanders and seconded by Councillor Jenny Hannaby).


10 votes were cast in favour of Councillor Hayward and 3 in favour of Councillor Armitage.





Election of Deputy Chairman


Councillor Mrs C Fulljames


Election of Deputy Chairman


Councillor Mrs Fulljames (nominated by Councillor Peter Jones, seconded by Councillor Mrs Fitzgerald-O’Connor).  There were no other nominations and Councillor Mrs Fulljames was duly elected Deputy Chairman for the Council year 2010/11.


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


No apologies had been received.


Declarations of Interest - see guidance note opposite




Nature of Interest


Mrs Fulljames


The Grange Community Primary School – Application R3.0009/10


Personal. Member of Cherwell District Council’s Planning Committee. She advised that she had not participated in any discussion or taken any decision on the application in that capacity and intended to take part in the discussion and voting thereon.


The Grange Community Primary School – Application R3.0009/10

Personal. Member of Cherwell District Council’s Planning Committee. He advised that he had not participated in any discussion or taken any decision on the application in that capacity and intended to take part in the discussion and voting thereon.







Minutes pdf icon PDF 117 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15 February 2010 and to receive for information any matters arising therefrom.


The minutes of the meeting held on 15 February 2010 were approved and signed.


Minute 80/09 (Minute 75/09 – Wallingford Youth Centre)


Mr Dance advised that a full daylight study commissioned by the applicants had concluded that the proposed development would cause no material harm to the neighbouring property.  The results of that study had been copied to the neighbouring resident for comment.



Minute 80/09 (Minute 77/09 – Monitoring & Enforcement Update - Gosford Silo Waste Recovery)


Mr Dance advised that planning consent had been issued.


Minute 82/09 – Public Right of Way Diversion – Objected to Order (Bodicote Footpath No 8 and Bloxham Footpath No 2)


Officers undertook to let members of the Committee have written confirmation of the timeline for this to go forward to the Secretary of State and process for members to submit comments if they so wished.


Petitions and Public Address




The following requests to address the meeting had been agreed:






Ruth George

Mike Parkinson


) Bayards Hill Primary School –

) Application R3.0206/09


Jonathan Hunt

Emma Willoughby

Amanda Powell

County Councillor Melinda Tilley



) John Blandy Primary School –

) Application R3.0011/10



Kevin Presland


The Grange Community Primary School – Application R3.0009/10





Demolition of existing single storey east wing of the school and existing single storey foundation stage blocks and construction of new 2 form entry primary school and children's centre. External re-fenestration and re-clad of existing two storey classroom block and remaining existing accommodation. Alterations to demolish existing boundary wall and fencing to site frontages to Bayswater Road and Waynflete Road with replacement 2m high bowtop fencing; site reconfiguration to re-accommodate park pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report by the Head of Sustainable Development (PN5)


This application is for the redevelopment of the Bayards Hill Primary School site located on the eastern edge of Oxford to provide a two form entry primary school, a children’s centre and accommodation for Oxfordshire Music Services. The application proposes the demolition of parts of the existing school buildings and the construction of new accommodation. Works to on site parking areas, vehicle and pedestrian entrances, playing fields, boundaries and improvements to the retained buildings are also proposed.  Objections have been received in relation to the impact the proposed development would have on the sites existing playing fields and the sustainability of the new development.  These objections are summarised in the report, along with the responses from other consultees.       


The Committee is RECOMMENDED subject to the development not being called in by the Secretary of State to approve Application Number R3.0206/09 subject to conditions to be determined by the Head of Sustainable Development to include the following matters:


(1)                     That the development must be carried out strictly in accordance with the particulars contained in the application and the plans accompanying (as amended) subject to conditions covering matters below.

(2)                     That the development shall commence within 3 years of the date of the permission.

(3)                     That samples of the external materials of the proposed building (including the sedum roof) shall be submitted and approved prior to the commencement of the development. 

(4)                     That no development shall take place until the trees on the site which are to be retained and which are adjacent to or within the development area, have been protected during building operations by means of a protective fence around the edge of the canopy of the trees.

(5)                     That the site be landscaped and planted with trees (including replacement trees) and shrubs in accordance with a comprehensive planting and landscaping scheme.

(6)                     That all planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting season following the occupation of the buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner.

(7)                     That prior to the commencement of the development full details of all boundary treatments (including fencing to the front of the site) should be submitted to and approved by the Head of Sustainable Development.

(8)                     Prior to the commencement of the development a Construction Traffic Management Plan must be submitted and approved.

(9)                     Prior to the commencement of the development written consent must be obtained from the relevant Highways Area Office for works to the proposed vehicular access.

(10)                That the final details of the cycle and scooter parking areas (including the provision of covered stands) shall be submitted and approved prior to the commencement of the development.

(11)                Review and update School Travel Plan to take account of the proposed development.

(12)                No plant, temporary structures or materials should be deposited on the public footpath to the east of the site.

(13)                No development shall commence until a staged  ...  view the full agenda text for item 117/09


The Committee considered an application (PN5) for the redevelopment of Bayards Hill Primary School to provide a two form entry primary school, children’s centre and accommodation for Oxfordshire Music Services.


Mr Parkinson emphasised the importance of this proposal to the school and community.  A great deal of effort had gone into the design which was both innovative and exciting.  The school had originally been designed as a middle school and therefore had ample playing field space and would continue to have even after the development and there had been great dissappointment over the objection lodged by Sport England.  He urged the Committee to support the application.


Ms George explained that the Roundabout Centre currently had a good reach to families in the community but this development would improve that.  The proposal would provide a smooth transition in a child’s education from birth through to 11, support families in Barton and provide wrap around care.  A great deal of effort had gone into progressing this scheme and she urged the Committee to support the application.


Responding to questions from:


Councillor Tanner – Ms George advised that it was not expected that numbers at the centre would increase dramatically if at all.


Councillor Crabbe – Mr Parkinson advised that the new buidling would provide better secured access for the school and th music service facility.


Councillor Seale – Mr Parkinson advised that if the application were refused the site could continue to function.  However, in order to get the best out of the site for staff and pupils it was vital to adapt the old middle school and create a new fit for purpose primary school, as opposed to the old middle school and a stimulating environment.


Councillor Hannaby – Mr Parkinson reiterated that the site currently enjoyed a large area of playing field space which had been provided for the old middle school.  The new design would still allow for at least the minimum playing field space required for a primary school whilst providing for a more rounded experience of outdoor life.


The County Archaeologist set out the position regarding the old Roman Road which crossed the site and which formed part of a 30 kilometre stretch of the Roman road connecting Silchester to Watling Street, although most of the route had been destroyed by development.  However, trials had confirmed that about 80 metres of the road had been well preserved on this site under the playing fields.  The remains could have been scheduled but in his view the community value of this particular development outweighed the benefits of scheduling and refusing the application on archaeological grounds, particularly as the remains would be excavated and preserved and provide an opportunity during that preservation work to involve the children at the school.


Responding to questions from:


Councillor Crabbe – there were no significant remains under the buildings and that the preserved remains were to the west of the line of the proposed new build i.e. mainly under the playing fields.  It was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 117/09


Erection of a single storey building to provide a new children's centre and pre-school plus associated works to include rearrangement of existing car parking area to create 3 additional car parking spaces and 1 mini bus parking space, fencing and a footpath (temporary contractors access to be via Fir Tree Close) at John Blandy Primary School, Southmoor, Abingdon - Application R3.0011/10 pdf icon PDF 672 KB

Report by Head of Sustainable Development (PN6)


This application is for the erection of a single storey building to provide a new children’s centre and replacement pre school accommodation at John Blandy Primary School, Southmoor. The proposal also involves the rearrangement of the existing car park to provide 4 additional parking spaces, creation of a new footpath within the school site and fencing.  The application is being reported to this Committee as objections have been received to the proposal. The report describes the development and considers the consultation replies and objections and other responses to the application against relevant planning policies.


It is RECOMMENDED that Application R3.0011/10  be approved subject to conditions to be determined by the Head of Sustainable Development to include the following matters:


1.                  The development must be carried out strictly in accordance with the particulars contained in the application and the plans.

2.                  Commencement of the development within 3 years.

3.                  Submission and agreement of external materials.

4.                  Submission of boundary fence details.

5.                  Submission of rear pedestrian fence design,

6.                  Submission of drainage details.

7.                  Submission of tree root protection zone details.

8.                  Submission of landscaping scheme (to include replacement tree and hedge planting).

9.                  Implement landscaping.

10.             Hedgerow felling and coppicing should not take place during the bird breeding season 

11.             Submission and agreement of bat brick design and location

12.             Update of the existing school travel plan

13.             Submission and agreement of a combined travel plan (to include reference to the school, children centre and pre-school)

14.             Submission and approval of the final car parking details

15.             Submission and approval of cycle and buggy parking details.

16.             School parking facilities to be used by the pre-school during the school holidays.

17.             Submission and agreement of a Construction Management Plan.


Archaeological informative – County Archaeologist to be informed if any archaeological finds are uncovered. 


Ecological informative – to deal with any issues arising if any protected species are found on site. 


Drainage informative – Investigations to be carried out (in consultation with OCC Southern Area Office) into the existing drainage system in Fir Tree Close. 


Water meeting informative – school to set up liaison meeting with local residents to discuss issues of mutual concern and benefit.







The Committee considered (PN6) an application for the erection of a single storey building to provide a new children’s centre and replacement pre school accommodation at John Blandy School.


Mr Hunt referred to the overwhelming opposition of residents to this application.  Fir Tree Close was a quiet residential area with a road layout of sweeping bends and blind corners.  This development would generate significant increases in traffic levels, particularly as the proposal only provided for three additional parking spaces and 1 minibus space.  The inevitable outcome therefore was for vehicles to park on the highway exacerbating road safety and placing residents many of whom were young and old vulnerable people at greater risk.  The development would see functions timed from 8 am throughout the day to after school clubs.  The proposal contravened local plan policies with no allowances made for loading and unloading and vehicles turning. A previous application for a private nursery in 1998 had failed on highway grounds and this application was bigger with a much higher user base and he urged the Committee to refuse the application on highway grounds.


Responding to questions from:


Councillor Hayward – he confirmed that Laurel Drive was not a through road.


Councillor Seale – if it was a through road his concerns would not be as great.


Ms Willoughby advised that the centre currently operated from the Village Hall but because of the demands placed on that building could only do so on 4 mornings a week. This offered a fantastic opportunity for children with shared use on the site allowing for transition through their education from birth to 11.  The move to the shared site would also allow for costs to be reduced and an increase in real time with the children because of the need to do away with packing equipment away as was currently the case.  The capital grant needed to be used by March 2011 and she urged the Committee to approve the application.


Ms Powell advised that the County Council had followed correct procurement rules.  Of sites available in the 3 largest communities John Blandy school had the most surplus land.  There were many advantages to be gained from encouraging pre-schools to share school sites where possible and in this particular case added value from building both projects.


Responding to a question from Councillor Hayward – both confirmed that there was no facility for expansion at the village hall.


Councillor Tilley recognised that there was some validity to the views of objectors but  felt that overall they were outweighed by the advantages to be gained from the project.  It was not inevitable that extra children necessarily meant  extra traffic and provisions were being made to provide additional/alternative parking at the village hall.  These facilities were badly needed particularly the Children’s Centre which would basically be an administrative centre taking the service out to surrounding areas.  She welcomed the formation of a Liaison Committee and urged the Committee to approve the application.


The Committee noted the amendments  ...  view the full minutes text for item 118/09


Erection of two storey six classroom extension and associated alterations and adaptions; removal of 3 temporary classrooms, relocation of school car parking area (including its relocation for a temporary period and provision of temporary contractors access and compound at The Grange Community Primary School, Avocet Way, Banbury - Application R3.009/10 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report by Head of Sustainable Development (PN7)


This application is for the erection of a two storey six classroom extension, and the removal of one double, and three single temporary classroom buildings at the Grange Community Primary School. The proposal also involves the relocation of the school car parking area (including its relocation for a temporary period during the construction period), and provision of a temporary contractors access and compound on the school playing field.   The report outlines the consultation responses, objections to the application, relevant planning policies and comments of the Head of Sustainable Development.


It is RECOMMENDED to approve Application Number R3.0009/10  subject to conditions to be determined by the Head of Sustainable Development to include the following matters:


1.                  The development must be carried out strictly in accordance with the particulars contained in the application and the plans (as amended).

2.                  Commencement of the development within 3 years.

3.                  Submission of external materials

4.                  Submission of construction traffic management plan – to include contractors working hours.

5.                  Submission of a replacement planting scheme

6.                  Planting, seeding or turfing to be carried out in the first planting season.

7.                  Tree protection measures.

8.                  No tree removal during the bird breeding season.

9.                  Tree removal to be carried out in accordance with the ecological method statement.

10.             Submission of details showing how bats will be accommodated on the development site.

11.             Removal of the temporary buildings from the school site.

12.             Removal of the temporary car park and contractors compound at the end of the construction period and the restoration of the playing field.

13.             Submission of full details of the canopy.


Archaeological informative – If archaeological finds do occur during development, the County Archaeologist shall be notified in order that he may visit the site and advise as necessary.


Ecological informative - If any protected species not initially surveyed for are found at any point, all work should cease immediately. Work should not recommence until a full survey has been carried out, a mitigation strategy prepared and licence obtained (if necessary) in discussion and agreement with Natural England.






The Committee considered (PN7) an application for the erection of a two storey six classroom extension following removal of temporary classrooms at the Grange Community Primary School.


Mr Presland advised that the selected site offered the best option with minimal disruption to education provision, avoidance of temporary relocation or new classrooms with no impact on existing playground areas.  The proposal was for a two storey building because of constraint of area and trees but that would mean a smaller footprint and more external playspace.  The building itself offered new rection facilities with better security and access.


Responding to questions from:


Councillor Nimmo-Smith – he advised that construction should be completed within 12 months.


Following discussion regarding BREEAM ratings Mr dance confirmed that where a substantial build was undertaken the general aim was to achieve a rating of very good. 


Mr Presland confirmed that an assesment of the level of risk had confirmed that a sprinkler system was not required.


RESOLVED: (on a motion by Councillor Armitage, seconded by Councillor Owen and carried nem con) to approve Application Number R3.0009/10  subject to conditions to be determined by the Head of Sustainable Development to include the following matters:


1.                  The development must be carried out strictly in accordance with the particulars contained in the application and the plans (as amended).

2.                  Commencement of the development within 3 years.

3.                  Submission of external materials

4.                  Submission of construction traffic management plan – to include contractors working hours.

5.                  Submission of a replacement planting scheme

6.                  Planting, seeding or turfing to be carried out in the first planting season.

7.                  Tree protection measures.

8.                  No tree removal during the bird breeding season.

9.                  Tree removal to be carried out in accordance with the ecological method statement.

10.             Submission of details showing how bats will be accommodated on the development site.

11.             Removal of the temporary buildings from the school site.

12.             Removal of the temporary car park and contractors compound at the end of the construction period and the restoration of the playing field.

13.             Submission of full details of the canopy.


Archaeological informative – If archaeological finds did occur during development, the County Archaeologist should be notified in order that he might visit the site and advise as necessary.


Ecological informative - If any protected species not initially surveyed for were found at any point, all work should cease immediately. Work should not recommence until a full survey had been carried out, a mitigation strategy prepared and licence obtained (if necessary) in discussion and agreement with Natural England.



Excavation of stone to provide: 1. Extension to farmyard for agricultural and equestrian activities; 2. conservation stone for dry stone walling, building stone and feature stone; and 3. works to facilitate haul road and restoration of landform at Stone Farm, Lidstone - Application 09/1581/P/CM pdf icon PDF 502 KB

Report by Head of Sustainable Development (PN8).


This is an application for the extraction of stone from a site at a farm in the village of Lidstone, West Oxfordshire. This is proposed to provide stone for building and walling and allow the site to be restored to form an extended farmyard. It is proposed to construct a new access track to the site to allow traffic associated with the development to avoid the village.  There has been an objection to this application from Transport Development Control as they consider that the local highway network is unsuitable for the type of vehicle proposed. West Oxfordshire District Council have also objected, as the information submitted does not demonstrate that there would be no harm to the local landscape character. There have also been a number of letters of objection from local residents.


It is RECOMMENDED that planning permission for application 09/1581/P/CM  be refused for the following reasons:


(1)                     the proposed development is contrary to WOLP policy BE1 in that the surrounding transport infrastructure is not appropriate to take the HGV’s which would be generated by the development;


(2)                     the proposed development is contrary to OMWLP policy SD3 in that it is a new limestone quarry that does not meet the criteria which allows exception to the normal policy that allows small quarries to supply traditional local building stone;


(3)                     the proposed development is contrary to  WOLP policies NE1 and NE3 in that the application has not demonstrated that there would be no harm to the local landscape character or that it would maintain the value of the countryside;


(4)                     the application has not provided full details of the working arrangements demonstrating that the site area is feasible for this development, contrary to sections 3 and 4 of the OMWLP Code of Practice and policy PE18.




Application 09/1581/P/CM was not considered following withdrawal of the application by the applicants