Agenda and minutes

County Council - Tuesday, 2 April 2013 10.00 am

Venue: County Hall, Oxford OX1 1ND

Contact: Deborah Miller  Tel: (01865) 815384; E-Mail:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 104 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 19 February 2013 (CC1) and to receive information arising from them.



Councillor David Turner moved and Councillor Godden seconded that the words “following debate” be removed from the penultimate paragraph of Minute 9/13.


Following debate, the motion was put to the vote and was lost by 43 votes to 9.


RESOLVED: that the Minutes of the meeting of held on 19 February 2013 were approved and  signed subject to the following amendment:


Minute 9/13 Page 5, 3rd paragraph – replace Councillor Alan Armitage with Councillor Roz Smith.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Billington, Chapman, Mrs Fulljames, Jones, Malik, Mitchell, Rose and Viney.


Petitions and Public Address


The following public addresses were received by Council:


Ms Julie Mabberley addressed the Council  on behalf of the Wantage & Grove Campaign Group in support of the Motion From Councillor Zoe Patrick, requesting that the Council to find an urgent solution to the issue.


Mrs Julia Wells addressed the Council on behalf of Swyncombe Parish Council in support of the Motion from Councillor Tony Crabbe, requesting future joint working when planning future events.


Mr David Hammond, Chairman of Rotherfield Peppard Parish Council addresses the Council in support of the Motion from Councillor Tony Crabbe and the earlier address by Mrs Wells.  He urged the Council to consider the large amount of disruption the event caused to many householders and businesses in the area.




Interim Arrangements for taking Emergency Decisions immediately following the County Council Elections

Under the provisions of section 7 of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), all the existing County Councillors will retire together on the fourth day following the elections (i.e. on 7 May 2013) and the newly elected and re-elected Councillors will take office from that day. All positions under the Council's political management arrangements except for the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council (for which there is a specific statutory exemption) fall vacant on that day, until they are filled at the first meeting of the County Council on 14 May 2013. In terms of formal member decision making there will therefore be a hiatus during this period and some provision will need to be made in the event that any urgent decisions are required.


Under the Constitution the Chief Executive has delegated power to take any Executive or non-Executive decision after consultation with the appropriate Director and following consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council or (in the case of non-executive functions) the relevant Committee Chairman and Deputy Chairman. As these positions will not be filled until 14 May 2013 this delegation will need to be temporarily varied so that these powers can be exercised following consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council, although there would be informal discussions with group leaders where these have been notified.


The Council is therefore RECOMMENDED to agree a temporary variation to Part 7.3 of the Constiution Specific Powers and Functions of Particular Officers with effect that from 7 May 2013 to 14 May 2013 paragraph 6.3 (c) is to be read as follows:-


“(c) Any function of the Cabinet or of a Council committee or sub-committee, after consultation with the appropriate Director and thereafter with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council.”


The Council had before them a report which sought approval for Interim arrangements for taking Emergency decisions immediately following the County Council Elections on 2 May 2013.


RESOLVED: (on a motion by Councillor Seale, seconded by Councillor Hallchurch and carried nem con) to agree a temporary variation to Part 7.3 of the Constitution Specific Powers and Functions of Particular Officers with effect that from 7 May 2013 to 14 May 2013 paragraph 6.3 (c) is to be read as follows:-


“(c) Any function of the Cabinet or of a Council committee or sub-committee, after consultation with the appropriate Director and thereafter with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council.”


Improved Member Engagement and Streamlined Governance: Governance Review pdf icon PDF 109 KB

Report by County Solicitor & Monitoring Officer (CC9).


The Localism Act 2011 creates new freedoms for local authorities to consider for themselves the best framework for decision making in the Council and for increasing member involvement.


Whilst in Oxfordshire the leader and cabinet model has been successful in enabling quick decision making and strong leadership, the limitations of the current scrutiny system has meant that the Council has not been able fully to engage backbench members to influence key decisions and policy developments. 


Consequently, Cabinet asked the Strategy and Partnerships Scrutiny Committee to oversee a cross-party working group to review the Council’s governance arrangements and to consider a range of proposals. This was also conducted in the light of the imminent reduction in the number of members (following a boundary review) and in the light of fewer staff and resources being available to support future arrangements.


The recommendations from the working group enjoyed cross-party support and have been endorsed by both the Strategy and Partnerships Scrutiny Committee and by Cabinet.  The governance arrangements now proposed will tie in more closely with the business of the Council and provide an opportunity for the greater engagement of all members.


In summary, the proposals are:


           Creation of Cabinet Advisory Groups;

           Creation of a standing Transport Advisory Panel;

           Streamlining of the overview and scrutiny function from 6 committees to 3 (Performance, Education and Health);

           Abolition of the Democracy & Organisation Committee with the re-alignment of its functions to Council, the Remuneration Committee and Audit & Governance Committee;

           Strengthening of local member engagement via Locality Working Groups.


In addition, Council is asked to note the statutory responsibility to establish a Health and Wellbeing Board.


Council is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)       endorse the proposals for new governance arrangements outlined in this report in paragraphs 5 to 24;

(b)       agree that any approved governance arrangements be reviewed twelve months after coming into effect;

(c)       note the establishment of a Health and Wellbeing Board for Oxfordshire and approve the outline terms of reference at Annex 3;

(d)       ask the Monitoring Officer to make the consequential amendments to the Constitution to reflect these changes;

(e)       note the additional Constitutional updates at Annex 4.

Additional documents:


The Council considered a report (CC9) which set out the findings of a cross party working group set up by the Strategy & Partnerships Scrutiny Committee to review the Council’s governance arrangements.


RESOLVED: (on a motion by Councillor Lindsay-Gale, seconded by Councillor David Turner and carried by 55 vote to 2, with 1 abstention) to:


(a)       endorse the proposals for new governance arrangements outlined in this report in paragraphs 5 to 24;

(b)       agree that any approved governance arrangements be reviewed twelve months after coming into effect;

(c)        note the establishment of a Health and Wellbeing Board for Oxfordshire and approve the outline terms of reference at Annex 3;

(d)       ask the Monitoring Officer to make the consequential amendments to the Constitution to reflect these changes;

(e)       note the additional Constitutional updates at Annex 4.


Report of the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 172 KB

Report of the Cabinet meetings held on 18 December 2012, 29 January, 26 February and 19 March 2013 (CC10).


The Council had before them the report of the Cabinet Meetings held on 18 December 2012, 29 January, 26 February and 19 March 2013 (CC10).


In relation to paragraph 12 (Statutory Notice: Proposal to Expand Windmill Primary School, Oxford) (Question from Councillor Roz Smith) Councillor Tilley undertook to ask Councillor Rose to provide a written response to the question on when the traffic review report of the school would be available for local member consideration.


Audit & Governance Committee - Annual Report pdf icon PDF 169 KB

Council is RECOMMENDED to receive the report.


The Council had before them the Annual Report of the Council’s Audit Committee (CC11).


RESOLVED: (on a motion by Councillor Wilmshurst, seconded by Councillor Mathew and carried nem con) to receive the report.


Questions with Notice from Members of the Council


The Council had before them a number of Questions received with notice from members of the Council (Annex 2 to the Schedule of Business).


10 Questions with notice were asked.  Details of the questions and answers and the supplementary questions and answers (where asked) will be set out in Annex 2 to the Minutes.


In relation to Question 8 (Question from Councillor Roz Smith to Councillor Rodney Rose) Councillor Hudspeth undertook to provide Councillor Smith with a written answer to the question of why green travel plans were not taken into account.


Motion From Councillor Anne Purse

“This Council is responsible for maintaining Oxfordshire’s roads, but there is  great concern about the time taken and the standard of repair. It is acknowledged that the winter of heavy rain and freezing temperatures has caused a considerable increase in the problems, but we cannot continue with dangerous holes left for longer than the 28 days required, or holes filled to a such a poor standard that further repairs are needed shortly afterwards.


People are damaging their vehicles, motorcycles and cycles on our roads, but  find it hard to get recompense since it is impossible to prove which pothole was reported when in a situation where many roads have repeated holes  and repeated repairs. This Council calls upon the Cabinet to require our contractors to meet their obligation on highways repairs and so ensure our roads are fit for the public to travel on.”


Councillor Purse moved and Councillor Fooks seconded the following motion:


“This Council is responsible for maintaining Oxfordshire’s roads, but there is  great concern about the time taken and the standard of repair. It is acknowledged that the winter of heavy rain and freezing temperatures has caused a considerable increase in the problems, but we cannot continue with dangerous holes left for longer than the 28 days required, or holes filled to a such a poor standard that further repairs are needed shortly afterwards.


People are damaging their vehicles, motorcycles and cycles on our roads, but  find it hard to get recompense since it is impossible to prove which pothole was reported when in a situation where many roads have repeated holes  and repeated repairs. This Council calls upon the Cabinet to require our contractors to meet their obligation on highways repairs and so ensure our roads are fit for the public to travel on.”


Following debate, the motion was put to the vote and was lost by 41 votes to 17, with 3 abstentions.


Motion From Councillor John Tanner

“This Council regrets the £10 million of public money lost on the failed Cogges Link, the collapse of the recycling centre strategy, the failure to tackle delays in hospital to home transfer and the continued under performance of too many Oxfordshire schools. We urge the Cabinet, within existing budgets, to provide youth workers for every area of the County, to provide accessible transport for elderly and disabled people, to safeguard Oxfordshire's children's centres and to pay at least the Living Wage to all County Council staff and contracted employees.”


Councillor Tanner moved and Councillor Brighouse seconded the following motion:


“This Council regrets the £10 million of public money lost on the failed Cogges Link, the collapse of the recycling centre strategy, the failure to tackle delays in hospital to home transfer and the continued under performance of too many Oxfordshire schools. We urge the Cabinet, within existing budgets, to provide youth workers for every area of the County, to provide accessible transport for elderly and disabled people, to safeguard Oxfordshire's children's centres and to pay at least the Living Wage to all County Council staff and contracted employees.”


Following debate, the motion was put to the vote and was lost by 44 votes to 7, with 9 abstentions.


Motion From Councillor Stewart Lilly

“This Council welcomes the news of the “City Deal”, and its significant benefits to all of Oxfordshire. This success in moving to the next stage recognises the tremendous efforts of this Council & it’s staff in the valuable contribution that Oxfordshire can and will make to bringing the country’s economy out of recession.  Government clearly recognises that this authority has worked tirelessly in recent years to promote the County for economic growth. The University, the Science Vale Enterprise Zone, and the people of Oxfordshire now have exciting futures. Developing the detail of proposal will ensure that Oxfordshire’s important infrastructure will be able to progress and also provide much needed additional employment.


This council wishes the next administration to build upon this success and commit to continued partnership working with the City and district councils, business community and universities in developing the deal.”


Councillor Lilly moved and Councillor Gearing seconded the following motion:


“This Council welcomes the news of the “City Deal”, and its significant benefits to all of Oxfordshire. This success in moving to the next stage recognises the tremendous efforts of this Council & it’s staff in the valuable contribution that Oxfordshire can and will make to bringing the country’s economy out of recession.  Government clearly recognises that this authority has worked tirelessly in recent years to promote the County for economic growth. The University, the Science Vale Enterprise Zone, and the people of Oxfordshire now have exciting futures. Developing the detail of proposal will ensure that Oxfordshire’s important infrastructure will be able to progress and also provide much needed additional employment.


This Council wishes the next administration to build upon this success and commit to continued partnership working with the City and district councils, business community and universities in developing the deal.”


Councillor Val Smith moved and Councillor Tanner seconded the following amendment shown in bold italic:


“This Council welcomes the news of the “City Deal”, and its significant benefits to all of Oxfordshire. This success in moving to the next stage recognises the tremendous efforts of this Council & it’s staff in the valuable contribution that Oxfordshire can and will make to bringing the country’s economy out of recession.  Government clearly recognises that this authority has worked tirelessly in recent years to promote the County for economic growth. The University, the Science Vale Enterprise Zone, and the people of Oxfordshire now have exciting futures. Developing the detail of proposal will ensure that Oxfordshire’s important infrastructure will be able to progress and also provide much needed additional employment.


This Council wishes the next administration to build upon this success and commit to continued partnership working with the City and district councils, business community and universities in developing the deal.”


This Council also recognises that for the people of Oxfordshire to take up new exciting possibilities brought about by economic growth that more Homes are needed and will they work (as they do already) with the Districts to ensure this happens - particular in areas like Grenoble Road in SODC. An important aspect of growth in the City is reducing the travel to work numbers. Grenoble Road will do this.”


Following debate, the amendment was put to the vote and was lost by 46 votes to 7, with 6 abstentions.


Councillor Fooks then moved and Councillor Purse seconded the following amendment shown in bold italics and strikethrough:


“This Council welcomes the news of the “City Deal”, and its significant benefits to all of Oxfordshire. This success in moving to the next stage recognises the tremendous efforts of this Council & its staff in the valuable contribution that Oxfordshire can and will make to bringing the country’s economy out of recession.  Government clearly recognises that this authority has worked tirelessly in recent years to promote the County for economic growth. The University, the Science Vale Enterprise Zone, and the people of Oxfordshire now have exciting  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20/13


Motion From Councillors Zoe Patrick,

“This Council recognises the importance of housing development being planned in a sustainable way with the infrastructure required in place at an early stage.


The County Council Developer Funding Team have had success in gaining infrastructure for some larger developments in various parts of the county in the past.  However, there are many smaller developments in parts of Oxfordshire where numbers of houses are built without apparent input and without any objections from the highways officers, in spite of the extra traffic being created on existing roads.  There is also concern that not enough priority is being given to ensure there are enough school places within existing schools when these developments are agreed. In some cases, new schools will be needed to cope with the demand. This is especially a problem when there are repeated applications in an area, that over a couple of years add up to many hundreds of houses, which would have triggered road and education infrastructure if in a single application.


As the County Council will be responsible for maintaining our roads and ensuring there are enough school places for our children, it is important that this is dealt with as a matter of urgency.  This Council therefore urges the Cabinet to take heed of these problems and to work with officers to find urgent solutions to this issue. including closer working with district planning officers and improved liaison with local members.”


The time being 3.30 pm the meeting closed and the motions from Councillors Patrick, Crabbe, Hannaby, Mitchell, Lilly and Larry Sanders were considered dropped in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 15.1.