Issue - meetings

Corporate Plan 2019-22

Meeting: 22/01/2019 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Corporate Plan 2019-22 pdf icon PDF 183 KB

Cabinet Member: Deputy Leader of the Council

Forward Plan Ref: 2019/002

Contact: Ben Threadgold, Policy & Performance Service Manager Tel: 07867 467838


Report by Chief Executive (CA7).


The Corporate Plan 2018-2021 has been reviewed and updated to ensure it continues to accurately reflect the Council’s future direction, strategic priorities, and key outcomes and indicators by which progress can be measured and reported.


A summary of the  changes from the previous version of the plan is attahced as appendix 1. An amended version of the Corporate Plan to cover the period 2019-2022 is attached as appendix 2.


his has been a light touch review, given the most recent version of the Corporate Plan was agreed by full Council on the 5th of July 2018. The plan has been amended to reflect key areas of focus to achieve each of the council’s priorities throughout 2019-20, and has been updated with any changes to key facts within the document. The exception to this is the finance information, which will be updated as it becomes available and in time for agreement by Council in February.


Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)    note the Draft Corporate Plan 2019- 2022;

(b)    RECOMMEND that the Draft Corporate Plan be agreed by Council;

(c)     Delegate authority for final additions and changes to be agreed by the Leader and the Chief Executive on behalf of Cabinet.

Additional documents:


Recommendation agreed.


Cabinet had before them a report setting out the revised Corporate Plan 2018-2021 that had been reviewed and updated to ensure it continued to accurately reflect the Council’s future direction, strategic priorities, and key outcomes and indicators by which progress can be measured and reported.


Councillor Heathcoat, Deputy Leader of the Council, introduced the contents of the report, commenting that it had been considered by the Performance Scrutiny Committee and she had been in attendance to hear their comments. In moving the recommendations Councillor Heathcoat stated that following a thorough review for 2018/19 the current review for 2019/20 was not extensive. The document highlighted key issues, the vision, priorities and future direction of travel. Ben Threadgold, Policy and Performance Service Manager advised that the foreword and financial section was still to be completed and the final version so far as possible would go to Council. Work was ongoing on detailed targets and these would come back to Cabinet as part of the monitoring report.


Cabinet was advised of a typo on page 38 of the Plan where it should refer to 21,000 houses having been built since 2011.


RESOLVED:                        to:


(a)    note the Draft Corporate Plan 2019- 2022;

(b)     RECOMMEND that the Draft Corporate Plan be agreed by Council;

(c)     Delegate authority for final additions and changes to be agreed by the Leader and the Chief Executive on behalf of Cabinet.