Issue - meetings

Motion by Councillor Alison Rooke

Meeting: 11/09/2018 - County Council (Item 15)

Motion by Councillor Alison Rooke

“Council fully supports the requirement for meaningful public consultation following the suggestion of any significant change of provision by any of Oxfordshire's NHS healthcare providers, including the closure of community hospital beds and GP surgeries, prior to any decisions being made by the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (OCCG).


Consultation on phase two of the sustainability and transformation plan, which was promised would happen two years ago, will not now take place.  The CCG refuse to say how or when any consultation will take place regarding the future of Oxfordshire's community health service provision.


Communities across Oxfordshire are left in limbo regarding the future of their local health services, and Council calls on the Leader of the Council to write to the OCCG requesting that they publish their future plans as a matter of extreme urgency.”


The Motion was carried unanimously (53 votes to 0).


Councillor Alison Rooke moved and Councillor Jenny Hannaby seconded the following motion:


“Council fully supports the requirement for meaningful public consultation following the suggestion of any significant change of provision by any of Oxfordshire's NHS healthcare providers, including the closure of community hospital beds and GP surgeries, prior to any decisions being made by the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (OCCG).


Consultation on phase two of the sustainability and transformation plan, which was promised would happen two years ago, will not now take place.  The CCG refuse to say how or when any consultation will take place regarding the future of Oxfordshire's community health service provision.


Communities across Oxfordshire are left in limbo regarding the future of their local health services, and Council calls on the Leader of the Council to write to the OCCG requesting that they publish their future plans as a matter of extreme urgency.”


Following debate, the motion was put to the vote and was carried by 53 votes to 0 (unanimously).


RESOLVED:  (unanimous) accordingly.