Issue - meetings

Election of Chairman for the 2018/19 Council Year

Meeting: 15/05/2018 - County Council (Item 204)

Election of Chairman for the 2018/19 Council Year


Councillor Gill Sanders was elected Chairman for the 2018/19 Council Year.


Before inviting nominations for the office of Chairman of the Council, Councillor Zoe Patrick (the retiring Chairman) took the opportunity to reflect on her year in office as Chairman of the Council, and in particular her civic duties promoting Oxfordshire County Council and meeting a broad spectrum of staff.  She thanked her husband who had been her consort, for his support and friendship throughout the year and also her Personal Assistant and the Monitoring Officer for their support.   She then presented her personal assistant (Sara Lenihan) and her husband with small gifts as a token of her appreciation for their help and support during the Year.


Councillors Webber, Hudspeth, Brighouse and Harris paid tribute to the outgoing Chairman thanking her for her work and effort over the year.


The Monitoring Officer, Nick Graham then invited nominations for the office of Chairman of the Council for the 2018/19 Council Year.


Councillor Brighouse moved and Councillor Hudspeth seconded that Councillor Gill Sanders be elected as Chairman of the Council for the 2018/19 Council Year.


There being no other nominations and no dissent, Councillor Gill Sanders was duly declared elected.  Upon election, Councillor Gill Sanders read out and signed the Statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office.


RESOLVED: that Councillor Gill Sanders be elected as Chairman of the Council for the 2018/19 Council Year.