Issue - meetings

Motion From Councillor Liz Brighouse

Meeting: 07/11/2017 - County Council (Item 167)

167 Motion From Councillor Liz Brighouse TXT 4 KB

This Council notes that for most workers in local government and schools, pay and other terms and conditions are determined by the National Joint Council (NJC) for local government services.

On average NJC basic pay has fallen by 21% in real terms since 2010. A three-year pay freeze from 2010-2012 and a 1% increase annually since leaves NJC pay as the lowest in the public sector.  Differentials in pay grades are being squeezed and distorted by bottom-loaded NJC pay, settlements are needed to reflect the increased Statutory National Living Wage and rising inflation could worsen the current inequality.

We therefore support the NJC pay claim for 2018, submitted by UNISON, GMB and Unite on behalf of council and school workers and call for the end of public sector pay restraint. NJC pay must not fall even further behind other parts of the public sector.

Amid local government funding pressures we call on the Government to provide the additional resources to ensure local authorities can fund a decent pay rise for NJC employees and the pay spine review.

Council resolves to ask the Leader of the Council to write:

·                to the LGA asking it to make urgent representations to Government to fund the NJC claim and the pay spine review; and

·                to the Prime Minister and Chancellor supporting the NJC pay claim and seeking the additional resources needed to fund a decent pay rise and the pay spine review;”


The Motion was lost by 31 votes to 27.


Councillor Brighouse moved and Councillor Cherry seconded the following Motion:

This Council notes that for most workers in local government and schools, pay and other terms and conditions are determined by the National Joint Council (NJC) for local government services.

On average NJC basic pay has fallen by 21% in real terms since 2010. A three-year pay freeze from 2010-2012 and a 1% increase annually since leaves NJC pay as the lowest in the public sector.  Differentials in pay grades are being squeezed and distorted by bottom-loaded NJC pay, settlements are needed to reflect the increased Statutory National Living Wage and rising inflation could worsen the current inequality.

We therefore support the NJC pay claim for 2018, submitted by UNISON, GMB and Unite on behalf of council and school workers and call for the end of public sector pay restraint. NJC pay must not fall even further behind other parts of the public sector.

Amid local government funding pressures we call on the Government to provide the additional resources to ensure local authorities can fund a decent pay rise for NJC employees and the pay spine review.

Council resolves to ask the Leader of the Council to write:

·                to the LGA asking it to make urgent representations to Government to fund the NJC claim and the pay spine review; and

·                to the Prime Minister and Chancellor supporting the NJC pay claim and seeking the additional resources needed to fund a decent pay rise and the pay spine review;”

Following debate the motion was put to the vote and was lost by 31 votes to 27.