Issue - meetings

Motion From Councillor Jamila Begum Azad

Meeting: 07/11/2017 - County Council (Item 170)

Motions 14, 15 AND 16

"We all have right to be treated without discrimination. This Council is gravely concerned with reports of significant increase in racially motivated crimes in Oxford since the EU Referendum from an average of 16 per month to an average of 23 per month.  This Council takes pride in Oxfordshire's diversity and Community cohesion and condemns all acts of racism, xenophobia and homophobia and anti-religious expressions against any religion.  This Council is committed to work with all our partners to challenge prejudice. 


All Hate Crimes are wrong, but that which is motivated by hatred and prejudice because of race, faith, sexual orientation or Gender identity are particularly offensive.  In Britain today we are from rich mix of race, culture, believes, attitudes and life styles. Tackling hate crimes matters because of the damage it causes to the victim and his/her family, also effectively tackling it can help foster strong and positive relations between different section of community and support community cohesion.


The lead from tackling hate crimes must come from local level, with professionals, the voluntary sector and communities working together to deal with local issues.


This Council asks the Leader of Oxfordshire County Council to write to the Prime Minister with a request for an independent review of hate crime penalties open to the courts, including measures to tackle online hatred and abuse.”


The time being 4.30 pm, this motion was considered dropped in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 15.1



The time being 4.30 pm, motions 14, 15 and 16 were considered dropped in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13.5.5.