Issue - meetings

Proposed Puffin Crossing - Thorney Leys, Witney

Meeting: 07/09/2017 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Environment (including Transport) (Item 23)

23 Proposed Puffin Crossing Thorney Leys, Witney pdf icon PDF 624 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2017/092

Contact: Hugh Potter, Team Leader – Area Operations Hub Tel: (01865) 810028


Report by Director for Infrastructure Delivery (CMDE17).


Following development on the east side of the A4095 Curbridge Road, Witney, it is proposed to install a puffin crossing (a signalled crossing for pedestrians) on Thorney Leys just to the east of its roundabout junction with the A4095 Curbridge Road. If approved, the full costs of the scheme will be met by the developers.  The report presents responses received in the course of a statutory consultation for its introduction.


The Cabinet Member for Environment is RECOMMENDED to approve the proposal as advertised.











The Cabinet Member for Environment considered CMDE17 responses received in the course of a statutory consultation following development on the east side of the A4095 Curbridge Road, Witney, for the installation of a puffin crossing (a signalled crossing for pedestrians) on Thorney Leys just to the east of its roundabout junction with the A4095 Curbridge Road. The full costs of the scheme were to be met by the developers. 


County Councillor Ted Fenton noted the objections but on balance felt there would be an improvement and supported the recommendation.


Mr Kirkwood appreciated some of the concerns expressed during the consultation that the crossing was on the wrong side but the development itself was on the south east side and as the crossing was being provided to meet the needs associated with that development it would be unreasonable to expect the developers to provide another crossing or consider re-siting. Furthermore as a split crossing it would be reasonable to expect traffic delays would be kept to a minimum and that similar crossings elsewhere had good levels of safety.  The facility would also be kept under review in the context of further development in the area


The Cabinet Member was mindful that the development referred to was for the elderly and would be expected to be of great benefit to them. Therefore, having regard to the arguments and options set out in the report and the representations made to her at the meeting she confirmed her decision as follows:


to approve the proposal as advertised.




Cabinet Member for Environment


Date of signing…………………………….