Issue - meetings

Connecting Oxfordshire: Local Transport Plan 2015-2031

Meeting: 21/07/2015 - Cabinet (Item 64)

64 Connecting Oxfordshire: Local Transport Plan 2015-2031 pdf icon PDF 175 KB

Cabinet Member: Environment

Forward Plan Ref: 2015/006

Contact: John Disley, Strategic Manager – Policy & Strategy Tel: (01865) 810460


Background documents to the consultation:


Report by Director for Environment & Economy (CA8).


Connecting Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire's new Local Transport Plan (LTP4) has been developed over the past 18 months, in response to the rapidly changing national and local growth, economic development, infrastructure planning and funding agendas. LTP4 is a comprehensive policy and strategy framework to maximise opportunities for Oxfordshire.  Development of the Plan has followed on from the Connecting Oxfordshire roadshows held across the County last summer and has been informed by the feedback received from those events. It has been further developed in close partnership with internal and external Stakeholders, including the Local Enterprise Partnership, District Councils and Members. 


A full public and Stakeholder consultation on the draft Plan, published in January, was undertaken over Spring 2015, and generated over 500 responses.  The purpose of this report is to set out the issues raised through the consultation, including the main themes or points which were made, and identify the changes which are proposed to be made to the Plan arising from this and internal and external developments which have taken place since the draft Plan was published.  The report also sets out work undertaken on the Strategic Environmental Assessment and Equalities Impact Assessment of the Plan.


The Plan has been designed as a living document, to be regularly updated as significant changes take place which affect transport in Oxfordshire.  It will also directly inform the update of the Oxfordshire Strategic Economic Plan proposed for this autumn.


Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to approve Connecting Oxfordshire and to RECOMMEND itfor  adoption by Full Council at its meeting in September 2015.

Additional documents:


Recommendation agreed subject to


Connecting Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire's new Local Transport Plan (LTP4) has been developed over the past 18 months, in response to the rapidly changing national and local growth, economic development, infrastructure planning and funding agendas. LTP4 is a comprehensive policy and strategy framework to maximise opportunities for Oxfordshire. Development of the Plan has followed on from the Connecting Oxfordshire roadshows held across the County last summer and has been informed by the feedback received from those events. It has been further developed in close partnership with internal and external Stakeholders, including the Local Enterprise Partnership, District Councils and Members.


A full public and Stakeholder consultation on the draft Plan, published in January, was undertaken over Spring 2015, and generated over 500 responses. Cabinet considered a report that set out the issues raised through the consultation, including the main themes or points which were made, and that identified the changes which are proposed to be made to the Plan arising from this and internal and external developments which have taken place since the draft Plan was published. The report also set out work undertaken on the Strategic Environmental Assessment and Equalities Impact Assessment of the Plan.


Recommendation agreed subject to amendments to recognise that the proposals for Chipping Norton, Burford and Henley will be included when funding is available.


RESOLVED:           to approve Connecting Oxfordshire and to RECOMMEND itfor adoption by Full Council at its meeting in September 2015.