Issue - meetings

Proposed Amendments to Residents Parking Scheme - Henley

Meeting: 23/07/2015 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Environment (including Transport) (Item 28)

28 Proposed Amendments to Parking Restrictions - Henley Town Centre pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Forward Plan Ref: 2014/169

Contact: Owen Jenkins, Service Manager for Highways, Transport & Waste –Tel: (01865) 323304


Report by the Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Commercial) (CMDE5).


The report presents objections received from a consultation to amend existing parking restrictions and introduce new restrictions in various locations in Henley Town Centre.


The Cabinet Member for the Environment is RECOMMENDED to approvethe proposals as advertised and amended as set out in paragraph 13 of the report.











The Cabinet Member for Environment considered (CMDE5) proposals to amend existing parking restrictions and introduce new restrictions in various locations in Henley Town Centre in the light of representations received to a public consultation on the proposal.


He also noted an email received from Mr. Norman Peters a resident of Northfield End.


Supporting the proposals for Bell Street Anne Collinson thanked those involved for taking into account the needs of Rupert House School. The proposals would enhance safety and improve provision for delivery, service and emergency vehicles.


Presenting the report Mr Tole confirmed that parking in this area of Henley had been a continuing problem and the measures now proposed were aimed at maximising the parking available and recognising the needs of many properties that did not have the option of off-street parking.


With regard to Northfield End Mr Tole confirmed that contrary to the view held by some residents the area to the north and shown hatched green on the plan at page 15 of the report had been shown to be indisputably highway and therefore the existing bollards sited there could be cleared away to provide additional resident parking. There were no proposals to alter the shrubbed area. Also an area of 20 minute limited waiting had been proposed during the day to recognise concerns regarding the viability of the Northfield End stores.


With regard to Bell Street the proposals largely formalised the position but allowed for some extra resident parking.  It was acknowledged that there were problems regarding enforcement by the police with some issues regarding properties 66 a, c, d and e.


The proposals for the loading bay on A4155 Reading Road had been introduced following requests by the police to clarify its status.


There had been a lot of support expressed to the Albert Road proposals and although some objections had been received regarding footway parking it was considered that by formalising arrangements on the western side the situation could be improved by affording some additional control and at the same time meeting demands from residents for extra parking. It was not a through route and appeared to be by far the best option.


As a resident of Henley the Cabinet Member was all too aware of the problems that existed and the demand for parking.  He had had many discussions with residents and, being very familiar with the area, felt that the current proposals would go some way to help address those problems. Therefore, having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above confirmed he confirmed his decision as follows:


to approve the proposals as advertised and amended as set out paragraph 13 of the report CMDE5.




Cabinet Member for Environment


Date of signing…………………………..