Issue - meetings

The Big Plan - Learning Disability Strategy - 2015-2018

Meeting: 17/03/2015 - Cabinet (Item 25)

25 The Big Plan - Learning Disability Strategy - 2015-2018 pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Cabinet Member: Adult Social Care

Forward Plan Ref: 2014/156

Contact: Benedict Leigh, Strategic Commissioner, Adults Tel: (01865) 323548


Report by Director of Adult Social Services and Chief Executive of Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CA6).


Oxfordshire County Council is the lead commissioner of learning disability health and social care services, through a county council and clinical commissioning group pooled budget.


The current Learning Disability Strategy is due for a refresh and a new strategy and commissioning intentions have been developed with people with learning disabilities, their families, and professionals before going to a broader consultation, which finished on 9 February 2015. As a result of the consultation we have made changes to some of the commissioning intentions in the draft strategy.


The report covers our commissioning plans for delivering services to people with learning disabilities in Oxfordshire, including changes made as a result of the consultation.


The Cabinet is recommended to consider the results of the public consultation on Oxfordshire’s joint Learning Disability Strategy 2015 – 2018 and approve the way forward as set out in this paper.


Recommendations agreed.


Correction to report:


Reference to paragraph 24 in paragraph 24 amended to refer to paragraph 23.


Oxfordshire County Council is the lead commissioner of learning disability health and social care services, through a county council and clinical commissioning group pooled budget.


The current Learning Disability Strategy is due for a refresh and a new strategy and commissioning intentions have been developed with people with learning disabilities, their families, and professionals before going to a broader consultation, which finished on 9 February 2015.


Cabinet considered a report that covered commissioning plans for delivering services to people with learning disabilities in Oxfordshire, including changes made as a result of the consultation.


Councillor Laura Price, Shadow Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, commented that there was good and bad in the report but that generally it was a good response to a good well run consultation and the wellbeing and employment service had merit. However she had a major concern over the mainstreaming of health provision where there was a risk due to the lack of detail and the reliance on other major aspects of policy for success. In particular there was not enough detail about reasonable adjustment, including the size, scope and cost and how long it would be funded for. There were links to GP waiting times in terms of assumptions of how complex needs could be met and aspects connected with the governance of contracts and the management of pooled budgets. She concluded that this was a big piece of work and it was important not to rush it but to work for the long term.


Councillor Heathcoat, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care replied that throughout the development of the new strategy the aim had been to ensure that all were well informed. That was why the consultation had been so broad and so long with the use of workshops. She was aware that there were concerns but overall it was her view that the work is exciting, allowing for greater independence.


In introducing the contents of the report Councillor Heathcoat advised of the following correction:


Reference to paragraph 24 in paragraph 24 amended to refer to paragraph 23.


Cabinet Members commented that it was a comprehensive report following a lengthy consultation. It was acknowledged that any change in service would create some anxiety and time would be needed for everything to bed in. The County Wide Domestic Service was welcomed. Kate Terroni added that they would continue to focus on communication to alleviate the anxieties expressed.


RESOLVED:           having considered the results of the public consultation on Oxfordshire’s joint Learning Disability Strategy 2015 – 2018 to approve the way forward as set out in the paper.