Meeting documents

Tuesday, 15 July 2008


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Division(s): All








Report by Director for Community Safety & Shared Services/Chief Fire Officer




1.                  The Crime & Disorder Act 1998 (and subsequent amendments) requires the county council (including Fire & Rescue Services) district councils, the police, police authority and primary care trusts as "responsible authorities" to work in partnership to reduce crime and disorder in their local area.


2.                  These partnerships are the five Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnerships (CDRPs) of Vale of White Horse, South Oxfordshire, Cherwell, Oxford City and West Oxfordshire.


3.                  Working together, each CDRP is required to produce three year, rolling community safety strategies to tackle crime and disorder. The county council, as one of the responsible authorities, must contribute, through its wide range of services, to delivering the strategies and associated action plans. It is also required, along with the other responsible authorities, to agree and publish the strategies.


4.                  The 2008 – 2011, three-year rolling CDRP (Community Safety) Strategies aim to address crime, anti-social behaviour and the fear of crime. Priorities reflect national and local concerns, including issues raised in consultation with local people and Neighbourhood Action Groups.


5.                  Priorities were also identified following the 2007 Strategic Intelligence Assessment, which replaced the three year community safety audits and which was carried out jointly with the police.


6.                  The strategies show how the CDRPs will work towards tackling priorities. The implementation of the strategies will be reviewed annually, and will involve consulting communities and informing them of progress towards achieving strategy objectives.


7.                  This year, although the strategies are developed and in final draft format, the action plans need targets to be added. CDRPs will be able to add these once the Local Area Agreement and Sustainable Community Strategy targets have been finalised, to ensure consistency at all levels. Targets should be in place in time for full Council meeting on 9 September 2008.




8.                  The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to note the views expressed by Members and the Community Safety Scrutiny Committee in particular, and RECOMMEND the Council to approve the CDRP strategies.





Director for Community Safety & Shared Services/Chief Fire Officer


Annexes 1 – 5:                      Five CDRP strategies

(Annex 1 - download as .pdf file)

(Annex 2 - download as .pdf file)
(Annex 3 - download as .doc file)
(Annex 4 - download as .pdf file)
(Annex 5 - download as .pdf file)


Contact Officer:                     Ruth Whyte, Manager, Safer Communities Unit

Tel: (01865) 81258423


July 2008


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