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4.       Petitions and Public Address





Mike Jack

Jeff Burley

Charlie Parker

Simon Rose


John Salmon – Agent for Applicants &

Anna Butler


Councillor Iain Brown (Local Member)

) 5. Upwood Park – Application

) MAR/5529/1-CM



Mrs Nicki Grieve, Resident Warmans Close

Susan Keet (Pupil of King Alfred’s School (supported by Nicholas Young, Principal)



) 6. King Alfred’s School, Wantage – )Application R3.0098/09



Martyn Lawrence (Spital Farm Allotment Association)

Stewart Mitchell - Grundons


) 7. MRF, Overthorpe Estate – )Application 06/00954/CM


Tim Healey, Resident, Marlborough Road

8. St Ebbes Primary School – Application R3/0097/09


5.                 The Extraction and Processing of Soft Building Sand and Intermittently Occurring Limestone and the Removal of Surplus Soils, the Infilling with Inert Waste Subject to Prior on-site Sorting and Recycling, the Provision of all Ancillary Facilities Necessary for Extraction and Infilling Including but not Limited to Office, Weighbridge, Accessways, Recycling Plant and the Restoration of the Site for Nature Conservation and Agricultural Uses. Upwood Park, Besselsleigh Application No MAR/5529/1-CM


Further Representations


Further representations received from local residents and Marcham Parish Council. Five were from local residents who have previously commented on the application and who will be addressing the Planning & Regulation Committee. One response was from a resident who has not previously commented on the proposal. A further representation (not included in the summary above) was received Sunday and has been included in full below.


Comments of the Head of Sustainable Development


Their comments emphasise issues previously raised and in my view have been fully considered and addressed in the main report and Annex 2.


Marcham Parish Council - No comments on the Appropriate Assessment.

Bob & Bernadette Wilcox , Chelford, Frilford Heath OX13 6QJ (received Sunday 17 May) -

Firstly we understand the need to find a new site for sand extraction, but object to the proposed Upwood Park planning application for sand extraction on the grounds of loss of amenity to the nearby residents and negative environmental impact. We believe this is the wrong site for such a large sand extraction project in the heart of Oxford Green Belt and right next to the Parsonage Moor Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) that forms part of the Cothill Fen Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Better sites with lower environmental and amenity impact must be available along the extensive Corallian Ridge (most of the Corallian Ridge is in fact outside the Green belt so why approve a site that is in it.)

Secondly this application is being rushed through at the last minute with inadequate time for consultation with residents and the Parish Councils. (For example I could see no feedback at all from the Frilford Parish Council in the PN5 submission) I believe many residents are still not aware of the size of the proposed sand extraction and proposals as to how the site might be controlled are certainly not adequately identified. As an example I noted in the response to Marcham Parish Council that Halls would like to send some traffic along the road from Frilford Heath towards Gozzards Ford. I have spoken to a number of residents at Frilford Heath this weekend and none of them were aware of this proposal, and none of them found it acceptable. This is a narrow and windy road that HGV’s from the base are not allowed to use, and we do not believe HGV’s carrying sand should use it either. This road has no hard edges and would quickly be damaged by regular HGV traffic. If planning permission were granted  all traffic for Abingdon or the A34 South should go eastwards along the A420.

We hope as a minimum that any decision is postponed until the September meeting to enable time for further consultation.

Ommitted consultation response


Environmental Health Officer (Vale of White Horse District Council)


The consultation response from the Environmental Health Officer was omitted from the main report. Their response (dated 28 August 2008) raised the following issues:

-          No objection to the proposal should the mitigation measures be implemented as proposed.

-          Major concerns relate to noise, dust and pollution.

-          Should permission be granted, operational procedures should be reviewed prior to and during its operational life.


Comments of the Head of Sustainable Development


The omission was accidental. The views expressed were considered fully in the preparation of the main report.




As main report.


6.         The Continuation of the Development Permitted under Permission V.04/08 Granted Consent on 24 November 2008 (Erection of a Translucent Polythene Dome for use Part of the Year Over Existing Tennis Courts for a Temporary Period of Five Years) without Complying with Condition 3 (which Required that the Dome should not be Installed before the end of Term 1 in any School Year and must be Removed by the end of Term 5 in that Year) to Allow the Retention of the Dome on site all Year Round at King Alfred’s School (West Site), Challow Road, Wantage, OX12 9DU Application No R3.0098/09


Further consultation responses


Three further responses received from a local resident, Wantage Town Council and Councillor Anda Fitzgerald O’Connor (Local Member).


(a)               Local resident


·                    Concerned that allowing the dome to remain in place over the summer will cause noise pollution distracting from enjoyment of own home.

·                    Concerned over the noise of the dome’s compressor which runs 24 hours a day.

·                    No guarantee that the sound insulation measures proposed will be implemented or will be successful.

·                    If permission is granted then a condition should be made requiring the school to carry out proper and adequate sound insulation to the compressor equipment.


(b)               Wantage Town Council – supports additional sports facilities in Wantage.  However objects to the removal of Condition 3. The Council would support a purpose built building.


(c)               Councillor Fitzgerald O’Connor - As the local member, unfortunately  I was not notified of this matter coming up at Monday’s Planning meeting (I know I should have been more vigilant!) and sadly I am unable to attend.    I believe that East Challow Parish Council has responded to the latest consultation and I also concur with their views.    The original permission for the dome was granted on the condition that the dome be deflated during the summer school holiday in order to give the houses adjacent to the dome some respite from the noise from the wind inflation machine and from the fact that their gardens are overshadowed by the plastic dome.    I feel that the residents should at least be able to enjoy a few weeks of peace in their gardens.   There must be some method of deflating the dome without actually having to remove the whole thing and then in the Autumn re-inflating it.   An alternative would be to move the dome to the back of the school, away from local residents, although I know that this is an added expense due to having to put a new hard surface down.   The dome at present can be seen from the Ridgeway, so moving it to the back of the school would make absolutely no difference to the view from the Ridgeway.    I appreciate that the dome is a wonderful facility for the school and well used by the pupils.   However, I still believe that local residents should not have to suffer.    Please bear my comments in mind when coming to your decision.  


Additional Information regarding sound proofing of the dome’s compressor


As discussed in paragraph 20 of the main report at the time of writing the school were intending to carry out works in order to sound proof the dome’s compressor before the date of the Committee. These works were carried out during the week beginning 4 May 2009 and involved fitting sound insulating padding to the inside of the dome’s compressor and burner.


Condition 7 of the recommendation requires that measures to sound proof the compressor should be carried out within one month of the date of any permission given.  This condition is therefore now not required as the works have been carried out.  However, concerns have been raised as to whether these sound proofing measures will be successful but to ensure they are I propose a new condition requiring that their effectiveness be reviewed within two months of the date of any permission given.




As main report subject to the rewording of Condition 7 as follows:


Condition 7 – Within two months of the date of this permission the sound proofing measures to the dome’s compressor be reviewed for their effectiveness.  If noise from the compressor is still a problem, then a scheme for further measures to reduce noise shall be submitted and any agreed scheme shall be implemented.


7.         Application for the Relocation of Offices, Depot with Vehicle Workshop and Overnight Parking, an Extension to the Existing Waste Transfer Building and the Development of a Materials Recovery Facility with Storage and Processing Facilities for Recovered Materials and Refuse Derived Fuel, Overthorpe Industrial Estate, Application No 06/00954/CM


Late Representation


An email has been received from Councillor Chris Smithson, Cherwell District and Banbury Town Council (Grimsbury and Castle) which is summarised below:


Concerned about the increased levels of traffic proposed by this development especially in relation to the problem of parking near the junction between Thorpe Way and Overthorpe Road. These problems could be overcome through putting in place 24 hour parking restrictions. If the proposed new access is relocated further into the allotments would the users be reimbursed with additional allotment space? What the visual impact of the development would be to residents of the new estate near the train station? Is a condition for a sprinkler system as recommended by the fire service proposed? Would water run-off from the development affect any nearby properties? Traffic along Ermont Way could be reduced by opening up an inner relief road.


Comments of the Head of Sustainable Development


The increased traffic levels proposed by this development have been considered by Transport Development Control and are considered acceptable at this location. Although parking on the street has been raised as an issue it cannot be dealt with through the determination of this consent as the vehicles causing the problem do not belong to Grundons. In addition, traffic along Ermont Way and the provision of an inner relief road are not directly relevant to this planning application and therefore cannot be addressed through its determination. However, the comments regarding parking restrictions in this area and wider transport concerns have been passed on to Transport Development Control for their consideration.


The application does not propose the access road to be moved further into the allotments. The visual impact of the development was assessed in the Environmental Statement and considered appropriate. This assessment is accepted. The inclusion of a sprinkler system in the development would normally be a matter that would be dealt with through the Building Control process as a requirement under the Fire Safety Regulations.


The Environment Agency has considered the potential impact of water run off and has not objected to this development. A condition has been recommended for the submission, approval and implementation of a detailed surface water drainage scheme as recommended by the Environment Agency.




An email has also been received, since the drafting of this report, from the applicant querying some of the proposed heads of conditions. The detailed wording of these conditions can be agreed at a later date if permission is granted. However, I am now recommending some changes to the heads of conditions as detailed below:


Condition 17 - The application states that there will be vehicular access to the site 24 hours a day. There have been no objections on the basis of these operating hours and I consider these hours to be appropriate on an industrial estate.  Therefore the standard operating hours should refer to operations on the site, other than vehicular access for parking.


Condition 18 – It is accepted that this proposed condition duplicates controls that would be imposed by the Environment Agency through the environmental permit process and so can be removed.


Condition 19 – Should refer specifically to no processing of hazardous waste. There should be no storage of hazardous waste other than that detailed in the application. This is because some of the wastes proposed to be stored as part of this application (coffee grounds, clinical waste and waste electronic and electrical equipment) are classified as hazardous.


Conditions 30 and 32 – It is accepted that these matters are more related to private rights and not planning issues, and so I would expect these matters to be dealt with through the negotiations between the allotment association, Banbury Town Council and Grundons regarding the transfer of the land. The conditions can be removed.




As main report subject to the changes set out above to the heads of conditions (which are set out in Annex 1 to the main report).



8.            Erection of Single Storey Extension (with Covered Walkway)

To Provide Classroom, entrance lobby and other staff and Pupil accommodation; creation of covered play area and other external works including relocation of existing air filtration unit at St Ebbes CE Primary School, Whitehouse Road, Oxford. ApplicationR3/0097/09


            Further consultation responses


Two further consultation responses received. One from a local resident the other from Oxford City Council.


Local resident - Concerned that the proposed extension may result in the loss of privacy (particularly for residents of Salter Close) which may be further compounded by the loss of the school boundary hedge.


 Oxford City Council - No objections subject to conditions relating to floor levels of the new building and details of any flood risk resilience techniques.


Comments of Head of Sustainable Development


The hedge referred to by the resident is to be retained as part of this development and a condition proposed to ensure its protection during building works (see paragraph 23 of main report).




As main report with the addition of the following two conditions (as requested by Oxford City Council);


1)     Floor levels within the extension shall be set no lower than those within the existing building and flood proofing for the proposed development shall be incorporated where appropriate.


2)     Prior to the commencement of the development, details of any flood resilience and resistance techniques shall be submitted to and approved in writing, and the development shall be carried out in accordance with those details.


9.                 Outline Permission for the Erection of a Permanent Covered Lightweight Steel Cover (covered by stretched fabric) over Existing Salt Store and Erection of Small Office and Mess Building at Chipping Norton Highways Depot, Cromwell Business Park, Banbury Road, Chipping Norton, OX7 5SR. Application R3.0074/09


Further consultation response


A local resident who has also previously commented has suggested that: a) an alternative lower in height cover be considered and; b) a defined noise reduction condition be included in any consent which may be given.


Comments of Head of Sustainable Development


The concerns raised by the resident have already been addressed by the main report. The height proposed for the structure is to allow headroom for vehicles to work within it and can’t be any lower.  Noise conditions are proposed within the recommendations.




As main report.


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