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Division(s): All


4 MARCH 2004


Councillors Liz Brighouse, Ray Jelf and Bob Johnston.

This review is nearing completion, and the Lead Member Review Group aims to present a full report to the next Committee in May. This note updates the Committee on the progress so far, and what the review is finding through its investigation. The Lead Member Review Group expects that the review will have a far-reaching impact on an important area of Council activity, that affects everyone in the County.


By the time the review is complete, the Lead Member Review Group will have interviewed, or received a statement from more than 25 people, including external expert witnesses, Oxfordshire County Council officers, and Councillors. Because of the broad nature of the review, all Directorates are represented on the witness list, and views have been taken from a wide range of service areas. This means that the conclusions of the review are based on evidence from across the Council.

As well as witness interviews, evidence has been collected from national and regional organisations such as SEEDA and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, government bodies such as the Social Exclusion Unit, other Councils such as Suffolk, and information sources such as Neighbourhood Statistics. This means that the findings from Oxfordshire can be set in the context of social inclusion work elsewhere, best practice guidance, and sound statistical information.

In addition, a piece of consultation work is underway that will involve talking to older people in rural areas, and lone parents, about their experiences of social exclusion. This evidence will highlight some of the issues that vulnerable groups have, which should be particularly relevant to how the Council provides its services and how it tailors these to meet the needs of more disadvantaged groups.


There has been a noticeable consistency in the views expressed about the County Council’s corporate approach to social inclusion, and the changes needed to make sure that social inclusion is at the top of the Council’s agenda. The findings broadly relate to the following areas:

    1. Corporate strategy. How the question of social inclusion is addressed from the centre of the organisation, and whether the social inclusion agenda is understood and prioritised at every level of the organisation.
    2. Corporate resources. What resources are currently committed to social inclusion activity across the Council.
    3. Co-ordination and partnership working. Whether the Directorates work together effectively to tackle social exclusion, and whether external partnerships are encouraged to prioritise social inclusion.
    4. Information use. How data is collected and used to keep up with the changing needs of the population of the County.


The recommendations are all based on evidence that has been gathered in the course of the review. They will specify measurable outcomes, that can be effectively monitored, to ensure the most impact. The recommendations will broadly relate to the following areas:

    1. Corporate Commitment. To make sure that social inclusion has a significant profile within the organisation, and that the commitment is public and accountable.
    2. Corporate Action. To make sure that resources used effectively to produce real outcomes in the area of social inclusion.
    3. Information use. To ensure that information is used as a resource and that policy is directed towards the areas of greatest need.

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