To provide cabinet with an update on progress made to deliver the LTCP and agree minor updates to the document. The LTCP was adopted in July 2022 and included the commitment to publish annual monitoring reports. The first annual monitoring attended cabinet in October 2023 and it is proposed the next annual monitoring report attends cabinet in October 2024. The report will provide cabinet with an update on progress made to deliver the LTCP and performance against the KPIs and headline targets. There are also minor wording amendments suggested for agreement.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/07/2024
Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Decision due: 19 Nov 2024 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Development Strategy, Cabinet Member for Transport Management
Lead director: Director of Environment & Highways
Contact: Joseph Kay, Strategic Transport Lead Email: Tel: 07827 979234.
Plan Reference: 2024/231
Reason No Public Access: None
Confirm that your SLT representative is aware of the item: Yes
Confirm scheduled for DLT/ELT/ SLT/ Informal Cabinet as appropriate: Yes