
Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Time for Change: Improving Educational Opportunity for All Oxfordshire's Children and Young People - A report by the Oxfordshire Education Commission (TO FOLLOW) ref: 997719/09/202328/09/2023Call-in expired
Household Waste Recycling Centre Strategy 2023 - 2043 ref: 998119/09/202328/09/2023Call-in expired
Oxfordshire County Council Fire & Rescue Service Property and Emergency Response Strategy for Oxford City and Carterton. ref: 998419/09/202328/09/2023Call-in expired
Proposal to dispose of Rewley Road site ref: 998319/09/202328/09/2023Call-in expired
Proposal from Oxford United Football Club to Oxfordshire County Council as Landowner - September 2023 ref: 998519/09/202328/09/2023Call-in expired
Capital Programme Approvals - September 2023 ref: 997919/09/202328/09/2023Call-in expired
Business Management & Monitoring Report - July 2023 ref: 997819/09/202328/09/2023Call-in expired
Pan-regional partnership for the Oxford-Cambridge area ref: 998019/09/202328/09/2023Call-in expired
Report findings by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) ref: 997619/09/202328/09/2023Call-in expired
Local Aggregate Assessment for 2022 ref: 998219/09/202328/09/2023Call-in expired
Declarations of Interest ref: 996619/09/202328/09/2023Call-in expired
Extension of Carer Support Service Contract with Action For Carers Oxfordshire ref: 996919/09/202327/09/2023Call-in expired
Equipment provision and installation ref: 996819/09/202327/09/2023Call-in expired
Home Improvement Agency Contract for SODC/VWHDC ref: 997019/09/202327/09/2023Call-in expired
Partnership agreement with CDC, Oxford City and WODC for provision of Home Improvement Agency ref: 997119/09/202327/09/2023Call-in expired
Recommissioning of the Disabled Children's Residential Home (Summerfield) ref: 996518/09/202326/09/2023Call-in expired
Responses to Previous Recommendations ref: 994808/06/202308/06/2023Not for call-in
Actions and Recommendations Tracker ref: 994708/06/202308/06/2023Not for call-in
End of Life Care ref: 994608/06/202308/06/2023Not for call-in
Petitions and Public Address ref: 994507/09/202307/09/2023Not for call-in
Supported Living Contracts to be awarded through the Live Well (Adults) Supported Services Framework ref: 994408/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Spelsbury - Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits ref: 992907/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Wantage: Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits ref: 992307/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Bus support contracts - February 2024 ref: 991707/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
South Newington - Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits ref: 993107/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Waterstock - Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits and associated speed limit buffers ref: 992207/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Lower Heyford - Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits and asscociated speed limit buffers ref: 992607/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Standlake - Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits and associated speed limit buffers ref: 993007/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Marcham - Sheepstead Road - proposed extension of 30mph speed limit ref: 992107/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Bicester - A4095 / B4100 Banbury Road roundabout improvements - proposed 30mph speed limit and raised side road entry treatment at Fringford Road ref: 991807/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Banbury: A361 Bloxham Road Service Road & Edmunds Road - proposed parking restrictions ref: 991307/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Chesterton - Little Chesterton - proposed prohibition of motor vehicles & speed limits ref: 991607/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Shrivenham: Highworth Road - proposed zebra crossing ref: 991507/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Abingdon: Northcourt Road - proposed zebra crossing ref: 991207/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Clanfield village centre - proposed parking restrictions ref: 991407/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Woolstone - Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits and associated speed limit buffers ref: 993207/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Shellingford - Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits and associated speed limit buffers ref: 991107/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Longcot - Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits and associated speed limit buffers ref: 992707/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Great Coxwell - Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits and associated speed limit buffers ref: 991907/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
South Hinksey - Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits and associated speed limit buffers ref: 992507/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Marcham - Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits and associated speed limit buffers ref: 992807/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Kennington - Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits and associated speed limit buffers ref: 992407/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired
Declaration of Interest ref: 994107/09/202307/09/2023Not for call-in
Wantage Eastern Link Road (WELR) - to ratify the build contract ref: 993507/09/202315/09/2023Call-in expired
Benson Relief Road - approval to enter agreement ref: 993407/09/202315/09/2023Call-in expired
Central Oxfordshire Travel Plan (COTP) Final Version ref: 993307/09/202315/09/2023Call-in expired
Frilford A338- proposed 30mph and 40mph speed limits ref: 992007/09/202316/09/2023Call-in expired