Agenda item

County Speed Limit Review

Report by Head of Transport (TDC6)


The Department for Transport’s (DfT) advice (Circular 01/06) on the setting of local speed limits has requested that highway authorities review current speed limits on their A and B road network in the light of the advice and implement any changes judged necessary by 2011.  The scope of the project in Oxfordshire has been extended to include some of the more significant unnumbered roads, although it should also be noted that following the major village speed limit project (between 1999 and 2003) and ongoing work in rural speed management – both of which anticipated DfT advice – a large proportion of the network already complies with the DfT guidance.


The County’s road safety team has carried out a comprehensive assessment applying the DfT criteria, and has – with the input of the Speed Reference Group (an advisory cross-party group of county councillors supported by police traffic management officers) – identified draft recommendations for changes to speed limits, both up and down, on the network. Informal consultation with the Police, parish councils and neighbouring authorities (where the limit meets the county boundary) has been undertaken to seek their views on the draft proposals and to give them the opportunity to suggest other roads for a speed limit change.


The report details the results of the consultation, recommends the roads within Oxfordshire that should be progressed to formal consultation and seeks authority to proceed with the statutory process to draft, consult on and make the speed limit orders, subject to any objections received on the changes being referred back to this Committee for a decision on how to proceed.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED


(a)                     to authorise officers to prepare, consult on and implement speed limit orders necessary to effect the changes identified by the speed limit review on the roads listed in Annex 3, subject to any formal objections being referred to this committee at a later date for a decision on how to proceed; and


(b)                     to authorise the Cabinet Member for Transport Implementation and Head of Transport to approve additions to the list of A & B roads for formal consultation identified from Annex 2 table B following the outcome of the Speed Reference Groups review.





The Department for Transport’s (DfT) advice (Circular 01/06) on the setting of local speed limits requested highway authorities to review current speed limits on their A and B road network in the light of the advice and implement any changes judged necessary by 2011.  The scope of the project in Oxfordshire had been extended to include some of the more significant unnumbered roads, although it should also be noted that following the major village speed limit project (between 1999 and 2003) and ongoing work in rural speed management – both of which anticipated DfT advice – a large proportion of the network already complied with the DfT guidance.


The County’s road safety team carried out a comprehensive assessment applying the DfT criteria, which – with the input of the Speed Reference Group (an advisory cross-party group of county councillors supported by police traffic management officers) – identified draft recommendations for changes to speed limits, both up and down, on the network. The report (TDC6) detailed the results of consultation, recommended roads within Oxfordshire to be progressed to formal consultation and sought authority to proceed with the statutory process to draft and consult on speed limit orders, subject to any objections received on the changes being referred back to this Committee.


Councillor Belson and Nick Townsend supported the recommendation regarding proposals for Pishill.


David Rushton advised that Benson Parish Council supported a reduction for the A4074 in Benson but would like to see a further reduction based on safety grounds and accident record.


Endorsing Mr Rushton’s comments Councillor Crabbe also asked that the current limit on Crowmarsh Roundabout be retained because the roundabout was dangerous. He also called for a 50 limit on A4074 at Ipsden.


Councillor Patrick presented a petition containing 1938 signatures supporting a reduction from 40 to 30 on Mably Way, Wantage near the health centre.  Also Radley Way, Grove boasted a serious accident record which, coupled with a high levels of development, justified a reduction to 30 from the current limit of 40.


Councillor Purse called for consideration of a lower limit on Bayswater and Shepherds Pitt Roads, Stanton St John.


Councillor Turner felt that consideration should be given to the consultation process in order to allow more time for comment.  He then referred specifically to Old Road, Milton Common where roundels had had a dramatic effect on reducing speed; the need to retain a 30 limit on the A329 over the M40; requests from Little Milton Parish Council for a 20 limit past the school and Marsh Baldon Parish Council for a 40 limit by the Marylands Estate; support for proposals for A418 (Thame to Wheatley and Stadhampton) and an extra 40 buffer zone on A329 south from Stadhampton.


Councillor Rose advised that the County Council would want to look at results from the introduction of 20 limits in the City before extending to rural areas.




(a)              to authorise officers to prepare, consult on and implement speed limit orders necessary to effect the changes identified by the speed limit review on the roads listed in Annex 3 to the report TDC6, subject to:


(i)    the following amendments:


·        A4074 at Southern end of Nuneham Courtenay - consider extension of 30mph limit to include access to Arboretum

·      A4074 in Benson area: consider 40mph limit in place of existing 50mph limit, and new 50mph limit to extend to the south (just to the south of Benson Lane)     

·      A4130 at Bix: consider 40mph limit in place of current 50mph limit

·       A415 Ducklington Lane Witney: consider 30mph limit in place of existing 40mph limit between Station Lane and Corn Street roundabouts

·       B4047 Burford Road Witney: consider 40mph limit between Dry Lane and Tower Hill junction in place of national speed limit, although with some shortening of the existing 30mph limit west of Tower Hill

·      A338 Mably Way, Wantage: consider 30 mph in place of existing 40 mph

·      Delete A415 at Culham: Consider an increase in current 30 mph limit to 40 mph


(ii)   any formal objections being referred to this committee at a later date for a decision on how to proceed; and


(b)              to authorise the Cabinet Member for Transport Implementation and Head of Transport to approve additions to the list of A & B roads for formal consultation identified from Annex 2 (table B) to the report TDC6 following the outcome of the Speed Reference Groups review.



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