Agenda item

Format of County Council Meeting & Review of the Constitution


The Council had before them a report on the Format of County Council Meeting & Review of the Constitution (CC9).


The Chairman sought agreement from the Meeting to:


·                    debate the recommendations set out in the report and on the face of the agenda and the amendments set out in Annex 2 of the Schedule of Addenda at the same time; and

·                    to allow consideration of all the amendments although certain parts of the amendments were a direct negative and therefore contrary to Rule 15.6.1 in the interest of ensuring that all options were considered.


It was agreed nem con to accept for consideration the amendments set out at Annex 2 to the schedule of business.


Councillor Mitchell moved and Councillor Robertson seconded the recommendations set out in the report and on the face of the Agenda.


Councillor Stevens moved and Councillor Hutchinson seconded the following amendment shown in bold italics and strikethrough:


(a)       cease holding themed debates and that meetings of Council formally end at 3.30 p.m.;


(b)       introduce member briefings from 3.30 – 5.00 p.m. following meetings of Council for those members who wish to be involved;


(c)       introduce evening Council meetings on an alternate basis with meetings during the day, so that three of the six full Council meetings during the year are held in the evening;


(d)       agree to the continuation of the following amendments:


(1)       the ordering of motions on a party group rotational basis

(2)       widening the scope of motions to include other public bodies

(3)       abolition of the scrutiny co-ordinating group

(4)       introduction of question times at Cabinet meetings

(5)       amended Protocol on Members' Rights and Responsibilities and in particular information that should be provided to local members


(e)       note the revocation of the statutory guidance relating to the implementation of Petition Schemes;


(f)         approve the revisions to the Council Procedure Rules referred to in paragraph 19 of this report with the exception of rule 12.5;


(g)       approve the revisions to the Contract Procedure Rules referred to in paragraph 20 of this report; and


(h)        approve the revised format of the Council’s scheme of delegation as referred to in paragraph 23 of this report.


Following debate the amendment was lost by 48 votes to 22.


Councillor Armitage then moved and Councillor Patrick seconded the following amendment shown in bold italic and strikethrough:


(a)       cease holding themed debates.. and that meetings of Council formally end at 3.30 p.m.;


(b)       introduce member briefings from 3.30 – 5.00 p.m. following meetings of Council for those members who wish to be involved;


(b)              When there is a need for important member briefings, to introduce these from 4-5pm, following meetings of the Council for those members who wish to be involved;


(c)        agree to the continuation of the following amendments:

(1)       the ordering of motions on a party group rotational basis;

(2)       widening the scope of motions to include other public bodies;

(3)       abolition of the scrutiny co-ordinating group;

(3)       introduction of question times at Cabinet meetings;

(4)       amended Protocol on Members' Rights and Responsibilities and in particular information that should be provided to local members.


Following debate the amendment was lost by 48 votes to 22.


RESOLVED:                        (by 48 votes to 20)


(a)               cease holding themed debates and that meetings of Council formally end at 3.30 p.m.;


(b)               introduce member briefings from 3.30 – 5.00 p.m. following meetings of Council for those members who wish to be involved;


(c)               agree to the continuation of the following amendments:


(1)               the ordering of motions on a party group rotational basis;


(2)               widening the scope of motions to include other public bodies;


(3)               abolition of the scrutiny co-ordinating group;


(4)               introduction of question times at Cabinet meetings;


(5)               amended Protocol on Members' Rights and Responsibilities and in particular information that should be provided to local members;


(d)               note the revocation of the statutory guidance relating to the implementation of Petition Schemes;


(e)               approve the revisions to the Council Procedure Rules referred to in paragraph 19 of this report;


(f)                 approve the revisions to the Contract Procedure Rules referred to in paragraph 20 of this report; and


(g)               approve the revised format of the Council’s scheme of delegation as referred to in paragraph 23 of this report.

Supporting documents: