Cabinet Member: Transport Management
Forward Plan Ref: 2024/286
Contact: Hanaii Faour, Transport Planner (
Report by Director of Economy and Place (CMDTMT8).
The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:
a) Approve the introduction of an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order to permit two-way cycling throughout Sheep Street, Bicester at all times of day and days of the week and thus temporarily superseding the existing ‘no-cycling’ order
b) Request officers to continually review in detail and stop the trial if there are any pedestrian safety concerns that cannot be suitably promptly addressed.
The Chair introduced the item, invited public speakers to address the meeting and responded to their points in turn.
The Chair referred to examples of similar schemes where trials had been implemented successfully, such as in Oxford.
The Chair noted that shared spaces between pedestrians and cyclists cause concerns but referenced the limited space available.
The Chair thanked local representatives from the County, District and Town Councils for their representations and engagement.
The Director of Environment and Highways noted current violations highlighted by the local Councillor and committed to working with the parking enforcement team to address these issues as part of the scheme.
The Chair noted the holistic view that had to be taken of traffic schemes.
The Chair highlighted that the County Council had an obligation to carefully consider the impact of schemes on disabled people.
The Chair noted that opposition to the scheme came largely from people worried about conflict between pedestrians and cyclists. Officers noted that when schemes are introduced, issues that were raised previously don’t seem to have the impact that they were thought to have.
Following a question from the Chair, officers confirmed that they did not think there would be any raised danger as a result of this scheme. Officers also confirmed that alternatives for cyclists, through Manorsfield Rd, was less safe.
The Chair raised the issue of the perception of danger and noted campaigns outlined in the report to raise awareness of safe cycling to address this issue.
The Chair raised the issue of Friday’s, due to the Friday market on Sheep Street and asked officers if Friday could be treated differently. Officers confirmed that for part-time signage, an application would have to be made to the Department for Transport to assess any case.
The Chair highlighted monitoring of the scheme as a key component. Officers confirmed this point and stated that monitoring would be undertaken regularly.
The Chair noted that consultations were an opportunity for people to put forward their views and that it was important to analyse responses.
The Chair confirmed that it was County Council policy to promote the interests of pedestrians and cyclists.
The Chair noted that he wanted to agree the recommendations and add in some safeguards; including an investigation into the specific issue on Fridays and regular monitoring reports coming back to public meetings in the future. Officers clarified whether approval of the scheme as recommended would go ahead if Department for Transport approval for Friday’s as an exception was not given. The Chair confirmed this point and noted an ETRO provided opportunities for live monitoring.
The Chair thanked officers for their work, speakers for their engagement and agreed to the amended recommendations.
a) Approve the introduction of an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order to permit two-way cycling throughout Sheep Street, Bicester at all times of day and days of the week and thus temporarily superseding the existing ‘no[1]cycling’ order.
b) Request officers to continually review in detail and stop the trial if there are any pedestrian safety concerns that cannot be suitably promptly addressed.
Subject to:
- Inclusion of an exception for Friday if possible, recognising that this requires Department for Transport approval that is outside of our control.
- Preparation and presentation of a Monitoring Plan, alongside the reporting of early monitoring information to a future CMD meeting.
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