Agenda item

Property Strategy

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2022/090

Contact: Vic Kurzeja, Director for Joint Property Team,


Report by Corporate Director - Commercial Development, Assets and Investment (CA9).


This paper presents a property strategy for Oxfordshire County Council which set out the long-term strategic framework for the development and delivery of economic, social and environmental objectives that relate to the Council’s property and assets portfolios.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to


a)                  Adopt the strategy as set out at annex 1.


b)                  Request that the Director of Property establishes a cross party Cabinet Advisory Group to oversee the development of the options and business cases for the city centre accommodation review, part of the operational assets portfolio (annex 2).


c)                  Request officers provide regular updates with regards to the implementation of the strategy against a suite of key performance indicators.


d)                  Note the feedback provided by the Performance and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 


e)                  Delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Customers, Organisational Development and Resources, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Property to make minor amendments to the strategy in response to feedback from the cross party Cabinet Advisory Group (recommendation b).



Cabinet discussed a paper presenting a property strategy for Oxfordshire County Council, setting out the long-term strategic framework for the development and delivery of economic, social and environmental objectives that relate to the Council’s property and assets portfolios.


Before considering the report, the Chair had agreed to a request to speak.


Councillor David Bartholomew, Shadow Cabinet Member for Finance, stated that he would support the recommendations with some reservations.  There had been a succession of directors, consultants and cabinet members with responsibility over the last ten years and then the local elections changed the administration and the pandemic impacted on the use of property.


Councillor Bartholomew believed this document was among the best produced in his experience.  However, he criticised the lack of reference to One Public Estate which encourages cooperation among public bodies in the use of property.  The important thing was that the strategy should be brought into an Action Plan that would have cross-party support given the long term nature of the strategy.


Councillor Calum Miller, Cabinet Member for Finance, thanked Councillor Bartholomew for his comments and confirmed that the proposed Cabinet Advisory Group would include all political parties in the Council.  He also thanked the Place Overview & Scrutiny Committee for its comments on the strategy and looked forward to on-going dialogue in the future.


The Council had a number of empty properties and it was necessary to get moving on either finding uses for those or disposing of them.  There were also significant challenges in decarbonisation and financial efficiency.  The immediate priorities were listed in paragraph 10 of the report.  Officers had already taken an opportunity to give up one lease that would free up around £600,000.


Councillor Miller added that the Council was committed to the One Public Estate programme.  The administration wanted to create community hubs to ensure that people could access services locally.  However, there would be times when the Council may need to move on its own.


Councillor Jenny Hannaby welcomed the proposal to move on vacant properties, which had been a frustrating issue for local Members.  She asked that Members and residents be consulted on any proposals in their area.


The recommendations were proposed by Councillor Miller, seconded by Councillor Lygo and agreed.




a)              Adopt the strategy as set out at annex 1.


b)              Request that the Director of Property establishes a cross party Cabinet Advisory Group to oversee the development of the options and business cases for the city centre accommodation review, part of the operational assets portfolio (annex 2).


c)              Request officers provide regular updates with regards to the implementation of the strategy against a suite of key performance indicators.


d)              Note the feedback provided by the Performance and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 


e)              Delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Customers, Organisational Development and Resources, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Property to make minor amendments to the strategy in response to feedback from the cross party Cabinet Advisory Group (recommendation b).


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