Agenda item

Motion by Councillor Jane Hanna

“Government planned reforms to integrate health and care by April 2022 are being implemented across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) ahead of the Health and Care Bill 2021 and there are many non-elected new decision-makers and groups in place.


We believe Oxfordshire County Council must have freedom to work with partners to respond to the needs of our people, most especially as inequalities have worsened through the pandemic. County councillor democratic involvement at each local and regional level of decision-making is vital as well as ensuring local authority standards of accountability apply to new non-elected bodies.


Oxfordshire statutory committees of Health and Wellbeing and JHOSC are well established Oxfordshire committees. Their role must be core to understanding and tackling inequalities and helping build back sustainable local communities.

New decision-making powers for health and care above Oxfordshire as place must be compelling and accountable. Proposed new powers for ministers to intervene in any local change need to be removed from the Bill.  If joint health and care plans are to succeed locally government needs to deliver now on national workforce planning and on its failed pledges in 2017 and in 2019 to deliver a social care settlement fit for the 21st century.


Council calls on and supports the Chair of Wellbeing Board and Chair of HOSC writing to all Oxfordshire MPs seeking their active support for this Council’s position in Parliament and to seek wider support with local partners with view to influencing improvements to reforms.”



Councillor Jane Hanna moved and Councillor Hannah Banfield seconded the following Motion:


“Government planned reforms to integrate health and care by April 2022 are being implemented across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) ahead of the Health and Care Bill 2021 and there are many non-elected new decision-makers and groups in place.


We believe Oxfordshire County Council must have freedom to work with partners to respond to the needs of our people, most especially as inequalities have worsened through the pandemic. County councillor democratic involvement at each local and regional level of decision-making is vital as well as ensuring local authority standards of accountability apply to new non-elected bodies.


Oxfordshire statutory committees of Health and Wellbeing and JHOSC are well established Oxfordshire committees. Their role must be core to understanding and tackling inequalities and helping build back sustainable local communities.

New decision-making powers for health and care above Oxfordshire as place must be compelling and accountable. Proposed new powers for ministers to intervene in any local change need to be removed from the Bill.  If joint health and care plans are to succeed locally government needs to deliver now on national workforce planning and on its failed pledges in 2017 and in 2019 to deliver a social care settlement fit for the 21st century.


Council calls on and supports the Chair of Wellbeing Board and Chair of HOSC writing to all Oxfordshire MPs seeking their active support for this Council’s position in Parliament and to seek wider support with local partners with view to influencing improvements to reforms.”


Following debate, the Motion was put to the vote and was carried by 48 votes to 0 (unanimously).


RESOLVED:  (unanimously)


“Government planned reforms to integrate health and care by April 2022 are being implemented across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) ahead of the Health and Care Bill 2021 and there are many non-elected new decision-makers and groups in place.


We believe Oxfordshire County Council must have freedom to work with partners to respond to the needs of our people, most especially as inequalities have worsened through the pandemic. County councillor democratic involvement at each local and regional level of decision-making is vital as well as ensuring local authority standards of accountability apply to new non-elected bodies.


Oxfordshire statutory committees of Health and Wellbeing and JHOSC are well established Oxfordshire committees. Their role must be core to understanding and tackling inequalities and helping build back sustainable local communities.

New decision-making powers for health and care above Oxfordshire as place must be compelling and accountable. Proposed new powers for ministers to intervene in any local change need to be removed from the Bill.  If joint health and care plans are to succeed locally government needs to deliver now on national workforce planning and on its failed pledges in 2017 and in 2019 to deliver a social care settlement fit for the 21st century.


Council calls on and supports the Chair of Wellbeing Board and Chair of HOSC writing to all Oxfordshire MPs seeking their active support for this Council’s position in Parliament and to seek wider support with local partners with view to influencing improvements to reforms.”