Agenda item

Proposed engineering operations for restoration of former landfill site and temporary provision of an area for topsoil recycling at Controlled Reclamation Landfill site, Dix Pit, Stanton Harcourt - Application No. MW.0150/14

Report by the Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Strategy & Infrastructure) (PN10).


The application proposes that existing material in excess of that permitted on a previously consented landfill site should be retained and partly re-graded to achieve revised contours within a 12 month period. The area to be regraded covers approximately 5 ha of the total site area (running north-westwards up from the site boundary with the Blackditch access road).  Approximately 52,000 m3 of waste would be regraded in this area. The rest of the application site would not be subject to any re-grading or any other works and so would remain as existing. Both the pre-settlement and post-settlement contours (no significant settlement is anticipated in this area) would be approximately three metres higher than the pre-settlement contours previously approved (and which are required under the provisions of an enforcement notice) at the highest part of the site, which is towards its centre. Within the area to be regraded, the contours would create a steeper slope, to the lower south-eastern part of the site than previously approved.  Should planning permission be granted an additional time period to allow for topsoil manufacture and placement of the soil until end of October 2016 would be required. Following the placement of final restoration soils, the site would be planted and grass-seeded. The whole area would be subject to a five years period of aftercare.

The report considers the application against relevant planning policies and other material considerations.


Subject to  the provision of a Section 106 legal agreement to secure the provision of a £10,000 financial contribution to be used to fund the aims of the Lower Windrush Valley Project it is RECOMMENDED that Application  MW.0150/14 (14/02397/CM) be approved subject to conditions to be determined by the Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Strategy & Infrastructure Planning) including:


i)                No HGV movements to be generated directly to or from the site other than for the provision and removal of any plant required for the development to be completed;

ii)               Hours of operation to be not other than 7.00 am to 6.00 pm Mondays to Fridays and 7.00 am to 1.00 pm on Saturdays;

iii)             No topsoil generated through the topsoil recycling area to be removed from the site and to be solely used in the restoration works hereby permitted;

iv)             Other than planting and grass seeding, final restoration of the site and removal of all plant and machinery to be completed no later than 3 October 2016;

v)              All landscape planting to be completed no later than 31 March 2017;

vi)             All grass seeding to be completed no later than 31 May 2017;

vii)            Five years period of aftercare including replacement planting of any trees or shrubs which die with others of the same size and species.





The Committee considered an application that proposed that existing material in excess of that permitted on a previously consented landfill site should be retained and partly re-graded to achieve revised contours within a 12 month period. The area to be regraded covers approximately 5 ha of the total site area (running north-westwards up from the site boundary with the Blackditch access road).  Approximately 52,000 m3 of waste would be regraded in this area. The rest of the application site would not be subject to any re-grading or any other works and so would remain as existing. Both the pre-settlement and post-settlement contours (no significant settlement is anticipated in this area) would be approximately three metres higher than the pre-settlement contours previously approved (and which are required under the provisions of an enforcement notice) at the highest part of the site, which is towards its centre. Within the area to be regraded, the contours would create a steeper slope, to the lower south-eastern part of the site than previously approved.  Should planning permission be granted an additional time period to allow for topsoil manufacture and placement of the soil until end of October 2016 would be required. Following the placement of final restoration soils, the site would be planted and grass-seeded. The whole area would be subject to a five years period of aftercare.

The report considered the application against relevant planning policies and other material considerations.

David Periam introduced the contents of the report and advised that the information in the addenda was that referred to at paragraph 57 of the report. Responding to a question from a member he advised that the applicant had proposed a move to the existing bridleway and the creation of a permissive bridleway. The recommendation made provision by way of a legal agreement for funding for this work.


He then responded to further questions from:


Councillor Johnston – the over tipping had been noted and raised with the applicant and a fully comprehensive survey had been needed to prove over tipping.


Councillor Hudspeth – It would not be possible to draw the materials down into a separate area without a further application.


Suzi Coyne, for the applicant spoke in support of the recommendation and commented that the applicant was keen to get on with restoring the site. He had acquired the site in 2000. It was not practical to move the waste to the adjacent are suggested by Councillor Hudspeth.


Councillor Charles Mathew (Local Member) emphasised the degree of overtipping. He referred to buildings which were very visible from the B4449 and that if anything could be done to screen them this would be advantageous. He recognised that the recommendation was a compromise and he was not an expert so merely stated that it was an unfortunate position.


Councillor Greene in supporting the recommendation stated that it was the best option. This view was supported by Councillor Johnston.


Councillor Purse queried whether all the information requested by the County Council’s Ecologist Planner had been received and was included in the recommendations. David Periam explained that the recommendation set out heads of term but that a reference to the need to reflect her views could be included.


Councillor Stratford requested a copy of the plan in A3.


Councillor Lilly emphasised the need going forward to pick up problems quickly so that the need to solve at a later date was avoided.


On being put to a vote by a show of hands it was:


RESOLVED:           that subject to the provision of a Section 106 legal agreement to secure the provision of a £10,000 financial contribution to be used to fund the aims of the Lower Windrush Valley Project, that Application MW.0150/14 (14/02397/CM) be approved subject to conditions to be determined by the Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Strategy & Infrastructure Planning) including:


i)                    No HGV movements to be generated directly to or from the site other than for the provision and removal of any plant required for the development to be completed;

ii)                   Hours of operation to be not other than 7.00 am to 6.00 pm Mondays to Fridays and 7.00 am to 1.00 pm on Saturdays;

iii)                  No topsoil generated through the topsoil recycling area to be removed from the site and to be solely used in the restoration works hereby permitted;

iv)                 Other than planting and grass seeding, final restoration of the site and removal of all plant and machinery to be completed no later than 3 October 2016;

v)                  All landscape planting to be completed no later than 31 March 2017;

vi)                 All grass seeding to be completed no later than 31 May 2017;

vii)                Five years period of aftercare including replacement planting of any trees or shrubs which die with others of the same size and species.


Note: (v), (vi) and (vii) to encompass the views of the County Council’s Ecologist Planner following consideration of the further detail submitted as set out in the addenda.


Supporting documents: