Agenda item

Construction of Residential Children's Home - New Assessment Centre building and associated external recreation areas and car parking. Change of use from Farmland to Residential care provision on Litchfield Farm land, Merton Court, Eynsham. - Application No R3.0020/15

Report by the Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Strategy & Infrastructure Planning) (PN7)


This is a planning application for the construction of a new Children's Home to provide short term care for up to six of the County's most vulnerable children aged between 12 and 17. The proposed development is on the Edge of Eynsham on a green field site that the applicants say will meet their needs of having a degree of remoteness and access to an Urban Environment. The report is being put before committee because of local objections and at the request of the Local Member.


It is RECOMMENDED that planning permission for application no. R3.0020/15 be granted subject to conditions to be determined by the Deputy Director for Environment and Economy (Strategy and Infrastructure Planning) to include the following:


    i.       Development to be carried out in accordance with the submitted documents and plans.

   ii.       The development will be carried out within a period of three years from the date of the permission.

 iii.       The Planting shall be subject to a two year aftercare scheme to be submitted and approved prior to the development taking place.

 iv.       Root deflectors shall be used for any trees or shrubs planted within 5 metres of adjacent hard surfaces.

  v.       No external lighting shall be placed on site until details of the lighting has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority.

 vi.       Access, and parking and turning areas shall be provided prior to first occupation of the building.

vii.       A construction traffic management plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to development taking place.

viii.       Prior to any demolition and the commencement of the development a professional archaeological organisation acceptable to the Local Planning Authority shall prepare an Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation, relating to the application site area, which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

 ix.       Following the approval of the Written Scheme of Investigation, and prior to any demolition on the site and the commencement of the development (other than in accordance with the agreed Written Scheme of Investigation), a staged programme of archaeological evaluation and mitigation shall be carried out.

  x.       No trees or hedgerows to be removed between 1 September and 28 February. Any works to trees between 1st March and 31 August (inclusive) must be checked by an ecologist immediately before work is carried out so as to ensure there are no nesting birds present. If nesting birds are present, the tree must be cordoned off and works cannot be carried out until the birds have fledged.

 xi.       The grassland sward within the application site is to be maintained at a height of no more than 3 inches between the months of March to Augustinclusive.






The Committee considered (PN7) a planning application for the construction of a new Children's Home on a green field site on the edge of Eynsham in order to provide short term care for vulnerable children aged between 12 and 17.


Presenting the report Mr Broughton highlighted further representations from Eynsham Parish Council together with comments submitted at the request of the local member following a joint meeting between the parish council, local residents and the county council (as applicants).  West Oxfordshire District Council had also submitted a late representation raising no objection.


The issues raised by the parish council had included:


·                     Increased perimeter landscaping on the western and southern boundaries

·                     Restriction on times of external lighting

·                     Traffic calming

·                     No occupation of the site until the travellers on the adjoining field had been removed

·                     A planning obligation in the vicinity of the proposed site for a new cemetery


Speaking as local member Councillor Mathew endorsed the recommendation and current location but raised a number of concerns some of which reflected those raised by the parish council:


·                     Traffic in the vicinity presented a problem with a number of major accidents having occurred due to the narrow roads and speeding. That had situation had been exacerbated by on-street parking which was required due to a lack of alternative parking options. Consequently there were also hazards for emergency vehicles requiring access.

·                     Further discussions regarding external lighting.

·                     Additional parking to be provided on site.

·                     Careful consideration to be given to retention of trees.

·                     Need for increased landscaping.

·                     Security of the status of the unofficial footpath at the southern end of the site.

·                     Provision of a bund to aid flood defence and privacy.

·                     Status of the proposed play area on the site.


He concurred with the parish council’s view regarding the need to secure removal illegal travellers on an adjacent site before proceeding with any build.


Mr Broughton referred the Committee to the addenda sheet setting set out an officer response to the issues raised by the parish council and the joint meeting. He also apologised for not circulating Annex 2 with the report but confirmed that copies had been available prior to the start of the meeting and that the external recreation area would be reserved for children resident at the facility.


Councillor Mathew then withdrew from the table taking no further part in the discussion or decision on the proposal.


Officers then confirmed that the County Council as landowner had asked the tenant farmer to instigate action to remove the travellers and acknowledged  the concerns expressed by a number of members with regard to this. However, it was important for the Committee to recognise that this issue was not a planning matter and the application needed to be considered solely on its merits.


RESOLVED: (on a motion by Councillor Tanner, seconded by Councillor Lilly and carried by 11 votes to 0) that planning permission for application no. R3.0020/15 be granted subject to conditions to be determined by the Deputy Director for Environment and Economy (Strategy and Infrastructure Planning) to include the following:


    i.       Development to be carried out in accordance with the submitted documents and plans.

   ii.       The development will be carried out within a period of three years from the date of the permission.

 iii.       The Planting shall be subject to a two year aftercare scheme to be submitted and approved prior to the development taking place.

 iv.       Root deflectors shall be used for any trees or shrubs planted within 5 metres of adjacent hard surfaces.

  v.       No external lighting shall be placed on site until details of the lighting has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority.

 vi.       Access, and parking and turning areas shall be provided prior to first occupation of the building.

vii.       A construction traffic management plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to development taking place.

viii.       Prior to any demolition and the commencement of the development a professional archaeological organisation acceptable to the Local Planning Authority shall prepare an Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation, relating to the application site area, which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

 ix.       Following the approval of the Written Scheme of Investigation, and prior to any demolition on the site and the commencement of the development (other than in accordance with the agreed Written Scheme of Investigation), a staged programme of archaeological evaluation and mitigation shall be carried out.

  x.       No trees or hedgerows to be removed between 1 September and 28 February. Any works to trees between 1st March and 31 August (inclusive) must be checked by an ecologist immediately before work is carried out so as to ensure there are no nesting birds present. If nesting birds are present, the tree must be cordoned off and works cannot be carried out until the birds have fledged.

 xi.       The grassland sward within the application site is to be maintained at a height of no more than 3 inches between the months of March to August inclusive.



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