Agenda item

Development of a single carriageway road between the B4493 (Didcot Road) and the A417 (London Road), including new roundabout junctions with the B4493 and A417, diversion of 'The Driftway' bridleway along the eastern edge of the new link road, provision of a Pegasus signalised crossing, combined footway/cycleway along the full length of the link road, surface water drainage balancing pond, site compound, street lighting, signage, landscaping and planting on land between the B4493 Didcot Road and A417 London Road, to the east of the A34 - Application No R3.0133/14

Report by the Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Strategy & Infrastructure Planning) (PN6)


This application is for the construction of a new 1.1km section of single carriageway road running adjacent to the A34 to the east of Harwell, connecting the B4493 and the A417. The proposal would include two new roundabouts, a new footway/cycleway, lighting, signage, a balancing pond and a diversion to an existing section of bridleway.


Objections have been received from two local residents and concerns from another two residents. One of the objectors lives in a property located immediately adjacent to one of the proposed new roundabouts and they have concerns about the impact on their amenity should the development go ahead. Other concerns have been raised about the impact on the bridleway.


There has been no objection from any other consultees, including the Parish and District Councils.


The proposal is supported by emerging policy aimed at facilitating growth in Didcot and Harwell and providing adequate and sustainable transport links between them and subject to conditions, it is considered to be in accordance with development plan policy relating to biodiversity and amenity. There would be some impact on the countryside and landscape. However, it is considered that this would be outweighed by the benefits of the development and the policy support for it.


The report sets out the background to the proposals and outlines the relevant planning policies along with the comments and recommendation of the Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Strategy and Infrastructure Planning).


It is RECOMMENDED that subject to:


i)                conditions to be determined by the Deputy Director for Environment and Economy (Strategy and Infrastructure Planning) to include the matters set out in Annex 1 to this report;

ii)               Provision for the funding of the long term maintenance of the additional section of bridleway and additional maintenance over and above what is currently required for the existing bridleway;


that planning permission for application no. R3.0133/14 be granted.




The Committee considered (PN6) an application for the construction of a new 1.1km section of single carriageway road running adjacent to the A34 to the east of Harwell.  Also in attendance were Isaac Webb (Project Sponsor) and Mark McCappin (Skanska).


Ms Thompson presented the report and set out the terms of a revised recommendation as set out on the addenda sheet. In response to Councillor Tanner she confirmed that a 3 metres wide shared cycle/pedestrian track would be provided. That facility would then switch to a shared cycle/bridleway track.


Councillor Lilly advised that the cycling facilities proposed as part of this scheme should be seen as integral to the cycle improvements associated with the Science Vale project. He added that he understood an application had been submitted to the Vale of White Horse in this area for 4,550 plus houses representing a considerable increase.


Councillor Mathew asked whether any form of segregation was proposed such as a tree boundary between the A34 and the proposed bridleway and questioned the principle and safety of a shared right of way for 3 users.


Mr Webb confirmed that as part of the design for the new road it was intended to make that provision together with some form of screening to prevent dazzle. He also confirmed the shared horse and cycle facility would be 8 metres wide.


Responding to Councillor Cherry he confirmed that negotiations for land acquisition seemed likely to end in the need for compulsory purchase. If that was the case then it would likely to be 18 months before the scheme could be delivered.


Responding to Councillor Greene who had welcomed provision of the road but had some concerns regarding demarcation of the shared cycle and bridleway and the muddy fields along the proposed route of the new road Mr Webb confirmed that a significant amount of design work had gone into the scheme, which would be constructed on an engineered embankment in order to overcome any concerns regarding the surface along the planned route.


Mr Periam confirmed that it would not be possible legally to separate the cycle and bridleway.


Councillor Handley suggested provision of “Caution Pass with Care” signs which, he understood, were acceptable to the British Horse Society.


Councillor Purse sympathised with the view expressed about segregation of the bridle and cycle ways and the importance of not startling horses.


Councillor Lilly advised that he had lived in the area for 28 years and was able to confirm that he was not aware of a significant number of horses in the area. Neither was he aware of a particularly significant deer problem. However, what was evident was the inexorable creeping development from Didcot. He asked whether there was provision for additional access if, as seemed likely, there would be further development.


Mr McCappin confirmed provision had been made as part of the design for a third roundabout if required.


The Chairman moved and Councillor Lilly seconded that the officer recommendation as revised and set out in the addenda sheet together with an additional condition to secure signage on the cycle/pedestrian/bridleway as suggested earlier by Councillor Handley.


The motion was put to the Committee and RESOLVED (unanimously) that subject to a Section 106 planning obligation to secure £40,000 for the long term maintenance and/or improvement of public rights of way in the vicinity of the new road that planning permission for application no. R3.0133/14 be granted subject to conditions to be determined by the Deputy Director for Environment and Economy (Strategy and Infrastructure Planning) to include the matters set out in Annex 1 to the report PN6 together with the following additional condition:


“No development should commence until a scheme had been submitted to the County Planning Authority and approved in writing detailing signage to be erected on the shared cycleway/footway/bridleway to ensure that cyclists were aware of horseriders and informing cyclists that they should give way to pedestrians and horses. Signs should be erected in complete accordance with the approved details prior to the opening of the new road to traffic and should be maintained for the duration of the development. “





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