Agenda item

Petitions and Public Address




A petition containing 618 signatures was presented by Chris Price and Tony Gray, Cherwell School in the following terms:

“We the undersigned petition Oxfordshire County Council to paint a single white dividing line down the middle of the cycle track along the Marston Ferry Road, Marston, Oxford to encourage responsible cycling and feel strongly that this includes not hogging the entire width of the track for one-way traffic. We believe that given the high volume in usage this is an essential safety measure.

The cycle tracks in Marston are vital in connecting the neighbourhood to North Oxford and connecting Summertown to the JR Hospital and easing congestion. The busy Marston Ferry Road cycle track provides a fast and safe route.

Over 73% of nearly 1,800 secondary school students at The Cherwell School travel to school by bike or on foot. Many of these students use the Marston Ferry Road track each day to travel to school independently and sustainably.

This route is also used substantially by commuters and could be used even further to alleviate car congestion on the Marston Ferry road if it was made safer.

The cycle track is also used for leisure purposes including Headington Road runners, Roller-skiing and various cycling clubs.”

Mr Price informed the meeting that Cherwell School was the most cycled-to school in the country. That had a huge impact on the health of pupils and traffic levels locally and should be supported.  He accepted that much of that was the responsibility of the school, who were doing a lot with regard to training and safety via poster campaigns, use of safety equipment and involvement of staff.  However, the school were now looking to the Council to support this by providing improved line marking down the middle of the cycle track along the Marston Ferry Road to encourage responsible cycling and enable staff to reinforce rules and sanctions if that was not happening.

Councillor Howson applauded the efforts of the school and urged the County Council to support and promote this initiative, which would also benefit many other users of this route.

Councillor Fooks a Governor of the school endorsed all that had been said.

Councillor Sanders added his support for safer cycling.

The Cabinet Member for Environment received the petition and referred it to the Director for Environment & Economy to consider and respond appropriately.


A second petition was presented by John Donald on behalf of residents of Fairlawn End, Oxford in the following terms:


“We, the undersigned, are writing to you to request your help in resolving a serious Parking problem in Fairlawn End.


For some months now the road has been increasingly used for commuter parking. As a result the road is entirely filled with cars and vans by 7.30 in the morning, leading to congestion that has become intolerable for the residents, and indeed dangerous in that access for Emergency Services would be difficult, if not impossible.


We would ask you to look at the situation, and consider imposing some form of Restricted Parking.”


Mr Donald referred to a marked increase in commuter parking which frequently resulted in residents being unable to access their properties.  The entrance to Fairlawn End was a narrow S bend with a turning head at the other end both of which were used for parking creating potential problems for access by emergency services.  He asked that consideration be given to some form of restriction.


Councillor Fooks endorsed those comments. A lot of the problems resulted from overspill at the park & ride which also caused problems for bus services. The situation in Mere Road was particularly serious and needed to be considered as a matter of urgency.

The Cabinet Member for Environment received the petition and referred it to the Director for Environment & Economy to consider and respond appropriately.






Public Address


Item 4 – Oxford Northern Bypass – Barton Park Development

Mr F Chesman

P Comerford

Jane Cox

County Councillor Glynis Phillips


Item 7 – Coach House Mews, Bicester

County Councillor Les Sibley


Item 8 – Oxford Road service Roads, Kidlington

Mr Makepeace

John Walsh


Item 11 – Draft Position Statement – Ground-Mounted Solar PV Arrays

Michael Tyce