Agenda item

Development of a new two form entry primary school (420 pupils and 26fte nursery) and associated groundworks forming part of the Great Western Park (GWP) urban extension currently under construction to the west of Didcot on land to the north of B4493, Didcot Road, Didcot - Application No. R3.0092/14

Report by the Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Strategy & Infrastructure Planning) (PN6)


This is a planning application for a new two form entry primary school forming form part of the Didcot Great Western Park Development. The application is being put before Committee because of the transport concerns raised by Councillor Lilly and Councillor Hards.


The report also assesses other policy and material considerations, including design of the building.


It is RECOMMENDED that subject to the applicant first providing a Unilateral Undertaking to provide the sum of £2,480 for the monitoring of the Travel Plan that planning permission be approved for Application R3.0092/14 subject to conditions to be determined by the Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Strategy & Infrastructure Planning) but to include the following:


1.            That the development be carried out strictly in accordance with the plans P001, P002, P003, P004, P005, P006, P007 and P008, and particulars of the development contained in the application except as modified by conditions of this permission.


2.            That the development to which this approval relates must be begun not later than three years from the date of the grant of planning permission.


3.            No development shall take place until a schedule of materials have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.


4.            Prior to the first occupation of the primary school a school travel plan shall be submitted and approved. That travel plan shall:

a.            Incorporate a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) detailed appraisal. Such an appraisal shall be provided for the encouragement of the use of sustainable modes of transport for this educational development and the promotion of highways safety.

b.            Be implemented upon occupation of the school.

c.            Be thereafter used to promote the use of sustainable transport and avoidance of the use of the private car for single child drop offs and pick-ups.

d.            Be subject to annual review and approval by the LPA for the first five years of occupation.


5.            The growth in the number of primary school pupils shall not exceed 60 in any one year.


6.            Subsequent to the primary school roll reaching 120, no more pupils shall be admitted until the review of the travel plan required by condition 4 has been approved.


7.            Subsequent to the primary school roll reaching 180, no more pupils shall be admitted until an updated travel plan has been prepared, submitted to the LPA, approved and implemented. That plan shall include:

                 i.             An assessment of the impact of the traffic generated by the school on the local highway network.

               ii.             A review of the implementation and effect of the original Travel Plan

              iii.             Such further measures and/or works as may be necessary to deliver the objectives set out in condition 4 


8.            The number of nursery places shall be no more than 26.


9.            Prior to the construction of the car park area a schedule of planting for the area be submitted and approved.





The Committee considered (PN6) an application for a new two form entry primary school as part of the Didcot Great Western Park Development.


Mr Broughton highlighted amendments to:


·                       Condition 1 which had been set out in the published addenda; and

·                       paragraph 14 of the report to read “A total of 36 spaces” and not 34. 


With regard to the comment from the Vale of White Horse District Council (paragraph 20) regarding their suggestion that larger trees should be used in the car park to provide screening he confirmed he would be seeking advice from the County Council’s tree officer regarding potential damage to adjoining areas from root growth.  He reaffirmed that although there had been no specific objections received with regard to design a number of major concerns had been expressed regarding transport issues. The application was finely balanced between those concerns and central government guidance regarding provision of educational facilities but he reminded the Committee that Condition 7 had been included in order to expressly address these issues.


Councillor Hards was not confident that a travel plan would meet expectations and he wondered what the next course of action would be to deal with the problems which he felt would inevitably occur at the beginning and end of each school day. However, as this was a new build he felt it presented opportunities to deal with these issues in a more constructive way. He also referred to representations he had received from a Great Western Park resident regarding potential dangers to children walking to school on estate roads. He confirmed that other than arrangements for dropping off and picking up he was happy with all aspects of the school including its design.


Mr McMillan confirmed that the new housing development would preclude on street parking although there could be 87 spaces available 5 minutes from the school.  Again there was no certainty that they would be used and there was the possibility that the usual problems experienced at other schools could be mirrored here as drivers sought to park as close as possible to the school, although it would be some years before that situation became unmanageable but it was for that reason that Condition 7 gave the power to halt further intake should any such issues arise as the school developed.


Mr Gregory confirmed that officers were already engaged with the school in promoting alternatives such as bussing in children, a walking bus and encouraging walking and cycling.


Councillor Purse suggested that the bus bay represented wasted space if it was confined only to parking for school outings.


Responding to points raised during debate Mr Broughton confirmed that it was only possible to condition the applicant to pay the costs of monitoring a Travel Plan.  There had been no objection from Sport England regarding playing field provision.  Zig-zag lines at the entrance to the school could be addressed as part of the development. An amendment to the design to provide an in/out drop off area could be provided by condition but that that was not part of the proposal currently before the Committee.  The number of nursery spaces to be provided reflected what had been applied for.  There had been no objection from the highway authority regarding parking, which was covered by Condition 7.  He outlined aspects of the building’s eco credentials which included passive heating and cooling systems and solar panels.  With regard to funding for the Didcot Archaeological Trail he would endeavour to find out what that involved and respond to Councillor Mathew accordingly.


Councillor Bartholomew moved that application R3.0092/14 be approved as set out in the officer’s report subject to Condition 7(iii) being rigorously enforced.  That was seconded by Councillor Greene.


Councillor Tanner then moved an amendment to defer application R3.0092/14 to enable a redesign of the scheme to allow for improved pick up and drop off arrangements.  There was no seconder for the motion.


The original motion by Councillor Bartholomew was then put to the Committee and RESOLVED: (by 7 votes to 2, Councillor Mathew recorded as having abstained) that subject to the applicant first providing a Unilateral Undertaking to provide the sum of £2,480 for the monitoring of the Travel Plan and rigorous enforcement of Condition 7 as set out below that planning permission be approved for Application R3.0092/14 subject to conditions to be determined by the Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Strategy & Infrastructure Planning) but to include the following:


1.            That the development be carried out strictly in accordance with the plans 5119706-ATK-Z1-XX-DR-A-P-001 Rev P1, 5119706-ATK-Z1-XX-DR-A-P-002 Rev P3, 5119706-ATK-Z1-XX-DR-A-P-004 Rev P2, 5119706-ATK-Z1-XX-DR-A-P-005 Rev P1, 5119706-ATK-Z1-XX-DR-A-P-006 Rev P1, 5119706-ATK-Z1-XX-DR-A-P-007 Rev P1 and 5119706-ATK-Z1-XX-DR-A-P-008 Rev P1, and particulars of the development contained in the application except as modified by conditions of this permission.


2.            That the development to which this approval relates must be begun not later than three years from the date of the grant of planning permission.


3.            No development should take place until a schedule of materials had been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.


4.            Prior to the first occupation of the primary school a school travel plan should be submitted and approved. That travel plan should:

a.            Incorporate a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) detailed appraisal. Such an appraisal should be provided for the encouragement of the use of sustainable modes of transport for this educational development and the promotion of highways safety.

b.            Be implemented upon occupation of the school.

c.            Be thereafter used to promote the use of sustainable transport and avoidance of the use of the private car for single child drop offs and pick-ups.

d.            Be subject to annual review and approval by the LPA for the first five years of occupation.


5.            The growth in the number of primary school pupils should not exceed 60 in any one year.


6.            Subsequent to the primary school roll reaching 120, no more pupils should be admitted until the review of the travel plan required by condition 4 had been approved.


7.            Subsequent to the primary school roll reaching 180, no more pupils should be admitted until an updated travel plan had been prepared, submitted to the LPA, approved and implemented. That plan should include:

                 i.             An assessment of the impact of the traffic generated by the school on the local highway network.

               ii.             A review of the implementation and effect of the original Travel Plan

              iii.             Further measures and/or works as might be necessary to deliver the objectives set out in condition 4 


8.            The number of nursery places should be no more than 26.


9.            Prior to the construction of the car park area a schedule of planting for the area be submitted and approved.







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