
Audit & Governance Committee - Wednesday, 18 September 2024 1.00 pm

Venue: Room 2&3 - County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND. View directions

Contact: Committee Services  Email:

Link: video link

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Declaration of Interests - see guidance note


Minutes pdf icon PDF 255 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 17 July 2024 (AG3) and to receive information arising from them.


Petitions and Public Address

Members of the public who wish to speak at this meeting can attend the meeting in person or ‘virtually’ through an online connection. 


To facilitate ‘hybrid’ meetings we are asking that requests to speak or present a petition are submitted by no later than 9am four working days before the meeting. Requests to speak should be sent to


If you are speaking ‘virtually’, you may submit a written statement of your presentation to ensure that your views are taken into account. A written copy of your statement can be provided no later than 9am 2 working days before the meeting. Written submissions should be no longer than 1 A4 sheet.



Treasury Management Quarter 1 Performance Report 2024/2025 pdf icon PDF 645 KB

Report by the Executive Director of Resources & Section 151 Officer



Throughout this report, the performance for the first quarters of the year to June 2024 is measured against the budget agreed by Council in February 2024.


As at 30 June 2024, the council’s outstanding debt totalled £284m and the average rate of interest paid on long-term debt during the year was 4.39%.  No external borrowing was arranged or repaid during the quarter. The council’s forecast debt financing position for 2024/25 is shown in Annex 1.


The Treasury Management Strategy for 2024/25 agreed in February 2024 assumed an average base rate of 4.75%.


The average daily balance of temporary surplus cash invested in-house was expected to be £462m in 2024/25, with an average in-house return of 4.25%. 


During the three months to 30 June 2024 the council achieved an average in-house return of 5.01% on average cash balances of £466.871m, producing gross interest receivable of £5.829m. In relation to external funds, the return for the three months was £0.527m, bringing total investment income to £6.356m. This compares to budgeted investment income of £4.437m, giving a net overachievement of £1.919m.


At 30 June 2024, the council’s investment portfolio totalled £553.992m.  This comprised £414.000m of fixed term deposits, £42.551m at short term notice in money market funds and £97.442m in pooled funds with a variable net asset value.  Annex 4 provides an analysis of the investment portfolio at 30 June 2024.




The Audit & Governance Committee is RECOMMENDED to note the council’s treasury management activity at the end of the first quarter of 2024/25.







Monitoring Officer Annual Report pdf icon PDF 348 KB

Report by the Director of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer


This report gives an overview from the Monitoring Officer of democratic and ethical governance activity, during the municipal year 2023-24 (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024), in relation to the functions of the Audit and Governance Committee.




The Audit and Governance Committee is recommended to consider and endorse the report








RIPA Policy pdf icon PDF 239 KB

Report by Anita Bradley, Director of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer


The Council may occasionally need to carry out covert surveillance. The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (‘the Act’) and supporting Codes of Practice provide the legal framework under which public bodies may lawfully undertake covert surveillance. Compliance with the Act and the supporting Codes of Practice provides protection to the Council in the event that an individual challenges the actions of the Council on the basis that those actions were an infringement of the individual’s human rights. It also reduces the likelihood that any evidence obtained through covert surveillance and used in legal proceedings is ruled inadmissible.


Codes of Practice under the Act require that elected members review the Authority’s use of activities within the scope of the Act periodically and review the Authority’s Policy annually. This report provides a summary of the covert activities undertaken by the council between April 2023 and March 2024 for review by Cabinet.


The Council’s Policy for Compliance with the Investigation of Regulatory Powers Act 2000 (‘the policy’) is updated annually and received a significant refresh in 2023. This included incorporating feedback from the Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Office (IPCO).  This year, officers are not recommending any changes to the policy.




The Audit and Governance Committee is RECOMMENDED to:


a)             Note the Policy for Compliance with the Investigation of Regulatory Powers Act 2000 included in the annex of this paper and to comment on any changes to the policy that the committee would wish the Director of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer to consider, and

b)             Consider and note the use of any activities within the scope of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act by the Council





Additional documents:


Reforms to clear backlog in local audit pdf icon PDF 232 KB

Report by the Executive Director of Resources and Section 151 Officer


This report sets out an update on measures being put in place by the government to address the local audit backlog in England and what that will mean locally.




The Audit and Governance Committee is recommended to:


(a)           Note the update on the arrangements that the government intends to put in place to address the local audit backlog in England.

(b)           Note the approach that EY LLP intend to take to the audit and reporting on the council’s accounts for 2022/23 onwards.






Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman's Annual Review Report pdf icon PDF 400 KB

Report by the Director of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer


Each year, the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) issues an Annual Review Report about each council. This relates to the complaints made to the LGSCO about the Council in the previous financial year. This report updates the Committee on this area of governance for the year 2023/4, reflecting on those complaints that were considered by the LGSCO up to 31 March 2024.




The Audit and Governance Committee is RECOMMENDED to receive and comment on the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman’s Annual Review of Oxfordshire County Council for 2023/24, and the work undertaken by the Council regarding its handling of complaints.





Additional documents:


Audit Working Group Update pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Report by Executive Director of Resources


The Audit Working Group (AWG) met on 31 July 2024. The group received an update on the implementation of management actions arising from the audits of Purchasing Cards, Health Funded Payments and Payments to Providers which were all undertaken during 2023/24.




The Audit and Governance Committee is RECOMMENDED to note the report.





Health and Safety Annual Report pdf icon PDF 222 KB

Report by Vic Kurzeja


The H&S Annual Report is a summary of performance and is part of the corporate governance framework.  It seeks to provide the Committee with assurance that arrangements for managing health safety are suitable and sufficient whilst identifying areas for improvement.




The Audit & Governance Committee is RECOMMENDED to note and accept the contents of the Health and Safety (H&S) Annual Report and the work of the H&S Team to support services and improve performance keeping employees and customers safe.




Additional documents:


Internal Audit 2023/24 - Progress Report pdf icon PDF 499 KB

Report by the Executive Director of Resources


This report provides an update on the Internal Audit Service, including resources, completed and planned audits.


The report includes the Executive Summaries from the individual Internal Audit reports finalised since the last report to the May 2024 Committee. Since the last update, there have been no red reports issued.





The Audit and Governance Committee is RECOMMENDED to note the progress with the 2024/25 Internal Audit Plan and the outcome of the completed audits.







Ernst & Young Update pdf icon PDF 3 MB

To receive verbal update from Ernst and Young.


Audit & Governance Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 97 KB

Audit and Governance Committee to note and comment on the work programme.