Agenda and minutes

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport - Thursday, 2 June 2011 10.00 am

Venue: County Hall, New Road, Oxford

Contact: Graham Warrington  Tel: (01865) 815321; E-Mail:

No. Item


Petitions and Public Address





Prof. M. J. Whelan

Very Reverend Daniel Seward

Father Robert Ombres

Graham Jones


) 4. Proposed reintroduction of evening

) and Sunday pay & display charges,

) Oxford


Philip Stewart

Maggie Rawcliffe

Liz Lefevre

Councillor Arash Fatemian


) 5. Foxcombe Road, Boars Hill –

) Reduction in speed limit



Jayne Norris

7. Proposed changes to parking in Cheney Lane and Warneford Lane, Headington West CPZ, Oxford




Proposed Reintroduction of Evening and Sunday Pay & Display Charges, Oxford pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2011/037

Contact: David Tole, Team Leader Tel: (01865) 815942


Report by Deputy Director of Environment & Economy (Highways & Transport (CMDT4).



Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Transport considered the reintroduction of pay & display charges in the evening and on Sundays in Oxford.  Further comments from County Councillors Alan Armitage and Jean Fooks had been tabled with the addenda.


Professor Whelan advised that he needed to take his car each Sunday in order to attend the St Aldates chaplaincy. There was no alternative means of travel and he felt a £4 fee to attend Sunday observations was too high. He asked the Cabinet Member to reject the proposed increases.


Reverend Seward was aware of the financial problems which faced the County Council but it was also important not to jeopardise the role played by churches in the local community by imposing charges, which might dissuade people from attending church services. He was a parish priest at the Oratory on St Giles where there were 7 churches of varying denominations with a large total congregation who would be affected by these charges.  Park & Ride services did not start operating before 10 am so did not offer any real alternative for some services and many people would be disadvantaged including young families and the disabled. There would inevitably be financial implications for the churches themselves and he urged the Cabinet Member to listen to the concerns of the local community and reject the increases.


Father Ombres was not asking for any special privilege for the religious community but emphasised the public benefit to be gained from that community helping others and anything which might affect that situation should be resisted. People travelled into St Giles on Sunday mornings for various reasons but Christians felt an obligation to attend church and it would be wrong for them to feel they had to forego church attendance for financial reasons.  Oxford depended a lot on tourism with churches one of many reasons why tourists came to Oxford. He urged the Cabinet Member to consider a reduction in the rates proposed or a relaxation of the times charges were to be applied in order to support an important facet of today’s society. 


Graham Jones referred particularly to the reintroduction of evening charges which had in the past given rise to a lot of confusion and had a considerable impact on the restaurant and theatre trade. The removal of charges had been a great benefit to the business community and he questioned whether the net income to the County Council justified the negative effect reintroduction of charges would have on the viability of local businesses, who had campaigned hard for them to be withdrawn in the first place.  There would be a loss of revenue and potentially jobs could be threatened.  He supported comments from church representatives re community cohesion and social fabric.  The proposal was counter productive and he urged that they be rejected.


Mr Tole addressed a number of issues.


Regarding overnight parking the current situation would remain with no restriction on parking.  Ticketing machines were able to recognise that when tickets were bought before 8am when  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21/11


Foxcombe Road, Boars Hill - Reduction in Speed Limit pdf icon PDF 109 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2011/070

Contact: Mark Francis, Senior Traffic Technician Tel: (01235) 466118


Report by Deputy Director of Environment & Economy (Highways & Transport (CMDT5).



The Cabinet Member for Transport considered proposals for the introduction of a 40 mph speed limit on a 354 metre length of Foxcombe Road between two existing 40 mph limits.


Mr Stewart spoke in support of providing a consistent length of restricted road which would improve safety for car users, cyclists and wildlife and also suggested additional signing warning drivers of the potential conflict with animals crossing.


Maggie Rawcliffe felt that vehicle speed was the main cause of accidents on this stretch of road and restricting speed was crucial to improving safety.  The Parish Council had campaigned for a long time for this speed limit and thanked the County Council for its support.


Liz Lefevre referred to the risks currently experienced by local residents and car drivers. The current layout led to confusion for drivers and she had recorded 7 (2 injury) accidents where speed had been the major contributory factor.  24 properties also fed onto this stretch of road.  She also thanked the highway authority for its help and support.


Councillor Arash Fatemian expressed his support for the proposal and thanked the Directorate for Environment & Economy, particularly Laura Hutching for their work in progressing this proposal. The de-restriction of this stretch of road had had a negative effect with a number of accidents and many near misses.  He noted that of the 3 objections received none had been from local residents or indeed residents of Oxfordshire.


The Cabinet Member for Transport thanked the members of the public and the local member for their comments and asked officers to explore the possibility of providing additional signing as suggested by Mr Stewart.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above the Cabinet Member for Transport approved the introduction ofthe new 40 mph speed limit restriction on Foxcombe Road, Boars Hill as advertised.















A4074, Port Way Crowmarsh Gifford - 40mph Speed Limit and No Right Turn pdf icon PDF 56 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2011/021

Contact: Thomas Cockhill, Traffic Technician Tel: (01235) 466143


Report by Deputy Director of Environment & Economy (Highways & Transport (CMDT6).



Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Transport considered proposals to introduce a 40 mph speed restriction with a prohibition of right turn on the A4074 Portway, Crowmarsh Gifford.  The local member Councillor Tony Crabbe supported the proposal and had suggested additional signing to highlight the alternative route.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above the Cabinet Member for Transport :


a)     approved the proposed 40 miles per hour speed restriction & prohibition of right turn on A4074 Portway, Crowmarsh Gifford as advertised; and


b)     authorised the necessary works to implement the proposals




Proposed Changes to Parking in Cheney Lane and Warneford Lane, Headington West CPZ, Oxford pdf icon PDF 768 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2011/036

Contact: David Tole, Team Leader Tel: (01865) 815942)


Report by Deputy Director of Environment & Economy (Highways & Transport (CMDT7).




The Cabinet Member for Transport considered proposals to remove parking restrictions in parts of Cheney Lane and Warneford Lane in Headington West CPZ.


Jayne Norris speaking on behalf of Portico Properties urged the Cabinet Member for Transport to confirm an earlier recommendation to include Cheney lane in the controlled parking zone area.   Restrictions would offer greater levels of enforcement and some control over student parking.  She considered it unlikely that if restrictions were imposed they would lead to displacement of vehicles to the Divinity Road area but felt that such a move could be of benefit to those residents. A restriction supported the aims of the Local Transport Plan leading to safer roads and a more sustainable environment.


Mr Tole advised that a decision not to impose controls on Cheney Lane had been taken when it had been expected that resident parking would be introduced in Divinity Road.  That would have been the preferred option. However, funding had been limited and the scheme had not gone ahead.  Divinity Road  residents were keen not to destabilise the current situation.  A possible option could be to introduce some residents parking at the end of Cheney Lane but again funding was limited.  He considered the best approach would be for the Cabinet Member for Transport to approve the recommendations as published in order to establish some form of control and hold further discussions to resolve the concerns of residents and the developer.


The Cabinet Member for Transport stated that he would not consider any proposal which might threaten to undermine the current situation for Divinity Road residents.  The County Council’s policy was not to amend existing or introduce CPZs.  However, he was not opposed to further discussions with the developer to see how this situation could be progressed to the mutual benefit of the County Council, residents and the developer.  


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above the Cabinet Member for Transport approved the making of the amendments to The Oxfordshire County Council (Headington West) (Controlled Parking Zone and Waiting Restrictions) Consolidation Order 20** affecting Cheney Lane and Warneford Lane, as advertised the effect of which would be to retain the existing lengths of uncontrolled parking.

















A41 Bicester - Various Traffic Regulation Orders pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2011/084

Contact: Mike Collins, Principal Engineer Tel: (01865) 815877


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Highways & Transport) (CMDT8).


Additional documents:


As part of the development to provide new roads and infrastructure to the south west of Bicester a new roundabout was being constructed on the A41 to serve the new SW perimeter road and provide a new link eastwards to maintain access to local roads, villages and businesses.  The location of the new roundabout was close to the existing A41 Chesterton junction slip roads and was considered to be a traffic safety issue should the slip road remain open to general traffic once the new roundabout was operational.  The Cabinet Member for Transport therefore considered proposals for a permanent traffic regulation order to close the A41 Chesterton junction slip roads.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him the Cabinet Member for Transport approved the making of the Oxfordshire County Council (Chesterton) (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles) Order 2011as published.













Proposed Exclusion from Eligibility for Residents and Visitors Permits of 45 Hill View Road, West Oxford pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2011/060

Contact: Mike Ruse, Traffic Regulation Officer Tel: (01865) 815978


Report by Deputy Director of Environment & Economy (Highways & Transport (CMDT9).



The Cabinet Member for Transport considered a proposal to vary an existing traffic regulation order to exclude a property from eligibility for residents and visitors parking permits in the light of an objection received to the formal advertisement of the proposal.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him the Cabinet Member for Transport approved implementation of the proposed revision to the West Oxford Traffic Regulation Order as advertised.